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Search results

  1. WolfyBuilder

    Looking for an accurate Organya player for Android

    I tried the Droidsound-E app, and it does indeed play .org files, but upon closer inspection, its implementation is rather inaccurate, compared to ORGMaker on PC. So I'm now looking for a better option. If anyone knows of one, please let me know. Thanks! ^_^
  2. WolfyBuilder

    Looking for a mod

    I am looking for a mod of which I do not know the name, and therefore cannot find. All I can remember about it, is that it came with an ORGview program, which contained an ORG rendition of the song "Only Time" by Enya, among other custom songs. If anyone can tell me the name of the mod I am...
  3. WolfyBuilder

    Jenka's Nightmare New Game Plus Save

    I'm wanting to play Jenka's Nightmare again soon, but this time I'd like to do it with the NG+ content. Could anyone provide me with/tell me how to get a "perfect" NG+ save?
  4. WolfyBuilder

    Cave Story+ Switch Mods

    Is there going to be any mod support for the Switch version? Dynamic lighting and animated facepics, among other things, would be pretty cool things to have for stuff like the fourth ending mod