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Search results

  1. Nothing

    CS (running on Linux) questions.

    Any reason in particular you don't want to install Wine? CS works great through Wine for me.
  2. Nothing

    I don't believe you.

    I don't believe you.
  3. Nothing

    Show us your desktop

    My desktop is exactly the same as it was back then, right down to the shortcuts. I should really change my wallpaper ._.
  4. Nothing

    Nuclear Throne: it's spreading.

    Nuclear Throne: it's spreading.
  5. Nothing


  6. Nothing

    Well... some people really have nothing else to do.

    Well... some people really have nothing else to do.
  7. Nothing

    Well, you didn't specify the location :P

    Well, you didn't specify the location :P
  8. Nothing

    If I was there I would've slapped him.

    If I was there I would've slapped him.
  9. Nothing

    I have them occasionally, they're absolutely terrible.

    I have them occasionally, they're absolutely terrible.
  10. Nothing

    OS Development Log

    What's so confusing about java?
  11. Nothing

    What's Your Favourite Programming Language?

    Java. Why? ...uhhh, it's the only language I know, besides C#. And I've only ever used C# for scripts.
  12. Nothing

    Green-blue lines? That sounds kind of cool, actually, you might want to keep that monitor around..

    Green-blue lines? That sounds kind of cool, actually, you might want to keep that monitor around..
  13. Nothing

    Spess: Again

    Question: Why doesn't the Discord invite link work? Is it supposed to be like that?
  14. Nothing

    I've had quite a few lucid dreams. I had one where I tested my ability to feel pain by hitting...

    I've had quite a few lucid dreams. I had one where I tested my ability to feel pain by hitting my head against a rock. It didn't hurt. However, as people above me have mentioned, many lucid dreams tend to be very fragile due to excitement. Most of my lucid dreams don't last long because of this.
  15. Nothing

    Blank [yet another text adventure]

    You run through the doorway, and up a lot of stairs. Some robots seem to have follow you, but you can't see how many due to the narrow stairs. The whole ground shakes and your vision blurs as the room you were just in collapases on itself, blocking the exit. Past the stairs stretches a long...
  16. Nothing

    Blank [yet another text adventure]

    You touch one of the robots. It does not jerk away, but backs away from you a bit. You do not know how you can communicate with the robots. You hug a robot, and surprisingly it hugs you back. In the distance, a huge chunk of the ceiling crashes to the floor, making the ground quake. That door...
  17. Nothing

    Blank [yet another text adventure]

    You have no idea how to make a structural support out of the robots. They do not seem to want to be grabbed, and ignore your commands. The whole room shudders, and you hear more metallic screeches as bits of rubble hit the floor and the room begins to fall apart.
  18. Nothing

    Blank [yet another text adventure]

    You do the chicken dance, then step towards the nearest robot. It steps back. A metallic groan issues from the walls, and you reflect that the burning goop may have structurally damaged the room.
  19. Nothing

    Blank [yet another text adventure]

    The robots keep moving toward you. Talking seems to have no effect on them. You try to back away, but realize that you are surrounded. They stop. You wait for a few seconds, and nothing happens. It seems as if they are waiting for orders like before, only how can you communicate with them...
  20. Nothing

    Blank [yet another text adventure]

    You turn around and walk back to where you were. You notice that the robots seems to have completed fixing each other. You can only see some of them through the fog. The robots start moving toward you. You can't tell if the are hostile toward you or not. Do you wait and see if they attack, or...
  21. Nothing

    Blank [yet another text adventure]

    You start walking, looking for the end of the room. You find it fairly quickly: An old, worn iron wall that looks slightly corroded and stretches upwards as far as you can see. There is a very rusty door in it. Do you leave the robots and attempt to open the rusty door, or do you go back?
  22. Nothing

    *looks outside and sobs*

    *looks outside and sobs*
  23. Nothing

    Blank [yet another text adventure]

    You ask the robot, "What the well is going on here?". It turns away and walks toward the other inert robot, tinkers with it, and the other robot stands up. They both then head toward some other robots, fix them... You realize that this is turning into a huge chain reaction.
  24. Nothing

    Blank [yet another text adventure]

    The glow does not seem to give off any heat and goes away as soon as you move your hands away. The light source seems to be above you, though you are not sure. The smoke/fog around you makes it hard to see very far. You bend down to examine the robot in front of you, and start searching for...
  25. Nothing

    Blank [yet another text adventure]

    You search around for something to make a gun out of. However, there are no tubes or intricate mechanical parts that you could make a gun out of. And anyway, wouldn't a gun require some kind of explosive propellant? Instead, you find a heavy leg that could be used as a club. For armor, you grab...