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Search results

  1. How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 2.png

    How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 2.png

    So far, so easy. Surely she can't mess this up, can she? (EDIT: IlinaFan01 is actually one of Kim's girlfriends, not her. My mistake.)
  2. How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 1.PNG

    How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 1.PNG

    With a name like Tricky Dick, you know this guy is trustworthy.
  3. How 2 Shill Your Mod

    How 2 Shill Your Mod

    A parody comic depicting one of Tricky Dick's clients asking how to shill their mod.
  4. How 2 Shill Your Mod (Intro).png

    How 2 Shill Your Mod (Intro).png

    DISCLAIMER: This is a parody comic, please don't take it too seriously folks. The intro's font being Comic Sans is intentional because it makes Tricky Dick's services seem as cheap and tacky as they really are.
  5. King (2.0)

    Status: So thankfully most of the issues during playtesting were minor. I'm currently getting...

    Status: So thankfully most of the issues during playtesting were minor. I'm currently getting Diamond Dogs (Phase 2) sprites working correctly (the fight itself is now fully functional) along with other minor sprite changes.
  6. King (2.0)

    Status: The other weapon is finished as are the Diamond Dogs's sprites (first form). I've sent...

    Status: The other weapon is finished as are the Diamond Dogs's sprites (first form). I've sent it off for playtesting and I've got some things to fix up before retesting the mod.
  7. King (2.0)

    Haru to Shura

    Hopefully they'll be able to mod this one (considering how some members claim CSTSF is dead despite doing nothing themselves to keep it alive) considering it could be the silver bullet they've been looking for.
  8. King (2.0)

    Haru to Shura

    The pixel art in this looks great, I'm just hoping the game itself will turn out great. That aside, I wonder how long it'll be before this community starts modding this game as well?
  9. King (2.0)

    What is your Favorite CS mod, or in which one would you consider the highest of quality?

    Eh, I haven't played Jenka's Nightmare despite that game being a rite of passage for some CS modders. As for Lunar Shadow, while it is good, it also has several design flaws (shoddy wardrobe/Sound Test system, the Tiamat/Azehr/Shori Phase 4 boss fights being poorly designed (and I told Kim how...
  10. King (2.0)

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Well damn, it was a worth a shot at least. Thanks for you help anyway, Serri.
  11. King (2.0)

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    If that's the case, then I'm under the mistaken assumption that the computer sprite is animated considering it has 3 sprites. So what are the three sprites actually used for?
  12. King (2.0)

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    So regarding Entity #20 (Computer), it has 3 different sprites that I redesigned for the Mechanto Gate in Gun v2. So considering that Entity #20 has 3 different sprites, can you switch between them with ANP?
  13. King (2.0)

    Status: Diamond Dogs (Fusion Form)'s sprites are finished, as is their boss weapon. I'll be...

    Status: Diamond Dogs (Fusion Form)'s sprites are finished, as is their boss weapon. I'll be continuing with sprites/getting two of the boss fights working properly before getting it play-tested.
  14. King (2.0)

    @DoubleThink I get that your job requires you to keep the peace, but I'm doing the right thing...

    @DoubleThink I get that your job requires you to keep the peace, but I'm doing the right thing here. @FortniteLover2 The people of Mossmouth expressed similar sentiments back in 2013 back when Taylor revealed Shane was hacked by T.E.D.
  15. King (2.0)

    @Tpcool /@Serri/@Mint Your confusion is understandable, though what I'm doing is necessary to...

    @Tpcool /@Serri/@Mint Your confusion is understandable, though what I'm doing is necessary to bring the truth to light. Personally I'd like @Kim Tyranto to explain these inconsistencies as much you do.
  16. King (2.0)

    Rather than deal with this with any dignity and grace, Kim then threw a tantrum and used her alt...

    Rather than deal with this with any dignity and grace, Kim then threw a tantrum and used her alt to throw Bloom (Gwyneth is Bloom's alt) under the bus (again).
  17. King (2.0)

    I call her out and ask her again. Instead, she tries to ignore me. [MEDIA] She then goes to LS...

    I call her out and ask her again. Instead, she tries to ignore me. She then goes to LS as Electra, another one of her alts which I ask her to explain.
  18. King (2.0)

    Kim then backpedals, contradicting her earlier statement. I then take the opportunity to...

    Kim then backpedals, contradicting her earlier statement. I then take the opportunity to confront Kim about her alt accounts, asking her they were both on LS a day after P.P was banned. Rather than answer the question, Kim dodges it and feigns ignorance of them.
  19. King (2.0)

    With that said, when asked about her continents, I asked how she could know that and pointed out...

    With that said, when asked about her continents, I asked how she could know that and pointed out two errors. Kim then claimed that one of Bloom's ideas (Pan(alt+0240)yose II) was actually Ariana's (aka one of her alts). I pointed out that she told me multiple times she couldn't see screenshots...
  20. King (2.0)

    The Bloompocalypse is a lie...

    The Bloompocalypse is a lie. (https://www.cavestory.org/forums/members/king-2-0.11031/page-3#profile-post-50560) Cardiac Arrest is not caused by stress.
  21. King (2.0)

    A brief recap so far: Ellen's heart condition was a lie...

    A brief recap so far: Ellen's heart condition was a lie. (https://www.cavestory.org/forums/members/king-2-0.11031/page-4#profile-post-50345) Magnets damaging computers is a myth. (https://www.cavestory.org/forums/members/king-2-0.11031/page-3#profile-post-50549)
  22. King (2.0)

    General music sharing/discussion thread

    Found this today, it's from a game that's like MegaMan Battle Network.
  23. King (2.0)

    @AuroraDash I too would like to know what's so important about Dragon Riders Planning Forums...

    @AuroraDash I too would like to know what's so important about Dragon Riders Planning Forums that Kim had Shane lock it down just to stop me from getting in. @Kim Tyranto AuroraDash speaks the truth, if you can get DRPF open, I will cease this. If not, there will be consequences.
  24. King (2.0)

    @Kim Tyranto: Not going to answer the question, huh? Well I know that just today, you sent...

    @Kim Tyranto: Not going to answer the question, huh? Well I know that just today, you sent Electra, another one of your alts to Lunar Shadow Forums. Perhaps you'd like to explain why?