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Search results

  1. King (2.0)

    Comment by 'King (2.0)' in media 'Kirby hats'

    Wait, he ate Mr Dark? Hmm, that does sound concerning. That said, have any of you heard of Rayman Redemption?
  2. King (2.0)

    Status: I had @Hina playtest Gun v2 so I'll be fixing up a lot of minor errors. After that...

    Status: I had @Hina playtest Gun v2 so I'll be fixing up a lot of minor errors. After that, it'll be tested again until it's good enough for release.
  3. King (2.0)

    Mr Dark's Hat from Rayman, the Kirby hat from Smash Bros and a top hat.

    Mr Dark's Hat from Rayman, the Kirby hat from Smash Bros and a top hat.
  4. King (2.0)

    Comment by 'King (2.0)' in media 'cult of e'

    I don't own a copy of the game so I wouldn't be able to join you anyway. Perhaps the Mossmouth community may have people who want to join?
  5. King (2.0)

    Status: The Diamond Dogs 2 graphics now work properly. It's a matter now of fixing things before...

    Status: The Diamond Dogs 2 graphics now work properly. It's a matter now of fixing things before getting it play-tested (and doing more fixes if needed).
  6. King (2.0)

    @Mint I've been trying to explain (and provide evidence) that Kim manufactures drama on her own...

    @Mint I've been trying to explain (and provide evidence) that Kim manufactures drama on her own forum by creating sockpuppets and then lies about it when questioned. As for DoubleThink, as far I know, he never said anything regarding parody comics. (If you want, we'll take this to PMs and I'll...
  7. King (2.0)

    Doublethink was getting sick of me posting these on my profile so I experimented with a new...

    Doublethink was getting sick of me posting these on my profile so I experimented with a new approach. Personally, I think Kim Tyranto owes you all an explanation for all this instead of throwing a tantrum and making herself look guilty.
  8. King (2.0)

    Comment by 'King (2.0)' in media 'cult of e'

    I was joking (considering this is a joke image, right?)
  9. King (2.0)

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    I'll consider trying it out. I might have more use for it after Gun v2 but I'll see what I can do now.
  10. King (2.0)

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    So a new skill to learn then? Well I don't mind considering I've got a hell of a lot to learn before this mod is over. Are there any tutorials on Null Entity Manipulation?
  11. King (2.0)

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Okay then. However in Selenic Shadow's Grié'dýr : Water, the water rises up and down. The script for it goes like this though I have trouble trying to understand it:
  12. King (2.0)

    On an unrelated note, I released a parody comic a few days ago if anyone wanted to read it...

    On an unrelated note, I released a parody comic a few days ago if anyone wanted to read it (https://www.cavestory.org/forums/media/albums/how-2-shill-your-mod.285/)
  13. King (2.0)

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    You know how the Core fight has the water raise and lower? I wondering how to pull this off for my own mod, considering that I found Selenic Shadow's usage of this technique quite impressive.
  14. King (2.0)

    Comment by 'King (2.0)' in media 'cult of e'

    So the Cult of E, eh? Where do I sign up?
  15. King (2.0)

    Gun v2 is a second demo though it does have an (optional) ending. Once it's finished, I'll be...

    Gun v2 is a second demo though it does have an (optional) ending. Once it's finished, I'll be halfway done with this mod (and I've still got a helluva lot to learn before this mod is done).
  16. How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 11.PNG

    How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 11.PNG

    That's the final page for this comic folks, I hope you all enjoyed reading it. Regarding the little advert for Tricky Dick in the comic, I considered putting a joke advert for Gun v2 but decided against it because it'd be hypocritical.
  17. How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 10.png

    How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 10.png

    After Kim was exposed for lying here, she fled to her forum and threw a tantrum. Here's the post exposing her (https://www.cavestory.org/forums/members/king-2-0.11031/#profile-post-51109)
  18. How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 9.PNG

    How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 9.PNG

  19. How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 8.png

    How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 8.png

  20. King (2.0)

    Status: Gun v2 is nearing completion. I just need to get boss sprites corrected, get the mod...

    Status: Gun v2 is nearing completion. I just need to get boss sprites corrected, get the mod playtested and get any other issues fixed before I can release the mod.
  21. How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 7.PNG

    How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 7.PNG

    Kim forged Bloom's suicide note: (Part 1: https://i.imgur.com/NoTLwke.png) (Part 2: https://i.imgur.com/KCt1iOu.png) (Part 3: https://i.imgur.com/BjFnJBV.png) (Part 4: https://i.imgur.com/6VT21W3.png) (Part 5: https://i.imgur.com/3rW5P7N.png) (Part 6: https://i.imgur.com/KWDd33p.png)
  22. How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 6.png

    How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 6.png

  23. How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 5.png

    How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 5.png

  24. How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 4.PNG

    How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 4.PNG

    For those wondering about the purple doppelganger, it's an enemy called Chaos King. They're far weaker though they make up for this by operating in groups.
  25. How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 3.png

    How 2 Shill Your Mod Page 3.png

    Will these 2 steps be all our client needs? Who knows? The next 4 pages will be uploaded tomorrow so be sure to tune in.