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Search results

  1. Omega

    Objection!!! War

  2. Omega

    and hey noxid ive been here since december 31st can i get myself an avatar right know

    and hey noxid ive been here since december 31st can i get myself an avatar right know
  3. Omega

    sorry man i have to stop asking for forgivence anyway will im writing this im listening to the...

    sorry man i have to stop asking for forgivence anyway will im writing this im listening to the system core remix from the remix project number 2 its great
  4. Omega

    sorry and thanks for deleting my thread i didnt know how to delete one

    sorry and thanks for deleting my thread i didnt know how to delete one
  5. Omega

    Objection!!! War

  6. Omega

    Objection!!! War

  7. Omega

    CS Quotes made better by pants

    ok thanks for saying and heres another one you want to go through my pants
  8. Omega

    Kanpachi is so badass that...

    Kanpachi is so badass he can use the super emeralds.
  9. Omega

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    Happy birthday carrotlord even thou you probably dont know me because im new (sorry if my grammar fails)
  10. Omega

    Which is the hardest boss in Cave Story?

    The hardest boss is ballos i had to repeat hell so many times just because of him.
  11. Omega

    What do you like the most about Cave Story?

    I love Everything litterally i see no problem with the game. (sorry for my grammar if i mispell anything) my favorute part thou is that its old school style that means its not an easy as heck game unlike some games *cough*sonic riders ZG*cough*
  12. Omega

    The first time you played Cave Story...

    I first found out about cave story when i saw one of the nintendo week episodes on december i got interested so i searched and found this place i played it and loved it i tried to get the best ending with the spur but to no avail i got the wiiware version i got curly mode and since im a sucker...
  13. Omega

    The Wish-Granting Game

    Granted but you code so fast you make a lot of screw ups. I wish pixel made some good cavestory merchandise and gave me a copy of each.
  14. Omega

    The Wish-Granting Game

    Granted but the game ends up being so horrible you become bankrupt because you forgot the quality ensurance team. i wish i had the snake.
  15. Omega


    Im a bit late but thank you and im new here.
  16. Omega


  17. Omega

    CS Quotes made better by pants

    Heres some more Executing pants algorithm from cave story on the wiiware
  18. Omega

    CS Quotes made better by pants

    Got the =Pants Blade=