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Search results

  1. Omega

    Steam Winter Sale

    Ok. Thanks for the help.
  2. Omega

    Steam Winter Sale

    Almost anything that isnt a strategy game. In particular retro homages and jrpg's.
  3. Omega

    Positivity Thread

    Merry early christmas sexplosive.
  4. Omega

    Cave Story for Android/iOS (via PSX4droid/PSX4All) Theory

    Okay i will admit that in both terms i was wrong, i should have investigated a little more before answering.
  5. Omega

    Yo tambien me alegro de haber vuelto

    Yo tambien me alegro de haber vuelto
  6. Omega

    Steam Winter Sale

    Thanks Desu. And also, any good games that you guys could recommend that i can use with my Pavilion.
  7. Omega

    Ask a dumb question.

    A miserable pile of secrets. When will Sega return to making consoles and being a first party developer?
  8. Omega

    Steam Winter Sale

    Say, would there happen to be any game's i could get on steam that can be played with a crappy hp pavilion.
  9. Omega

    Idea : Seasonal Mods for Cave Story+

    And we could also make a contrast in gameplay. Such as platforming being the focus of the cristmas mod. And run and gun the focus of the halloween mod.
  10. Omega

    Cave Story for Android/iOS (via PSX4droid/PSX4All) Theory

    Ok pashkoff, for starters. Distribution of the original cave story is allowed so long as it remains only playable on pc (as in windows pc, mac and linux). However what is not allowed is creating and or distributing a version of cave story made for any other platform (in simpler word's a port)...
  11. Omega

    Sure, i'll see what i can do. But anyway, im glad to be back.

    Sure, i'll see what i can do. But anyway, im glad to be back.
  12. Omega

    Ask a dumb question.

    Someone who knows how to design java games. When will capcom actually try to please its fanbase?
  13. Omega

    Ignoring Topics

    While not many members would use it, it still seems worth adding if only for the novelty.
  14. Omega

    Favorite Weapon

    Its been a while since i played this game, altough back when i was still playing the snake was my favorite.
  15. Omega

    Ask a dumb question.

    Sorry i got concused for a second. Ok here's one: Why is walmart called walmart?
  16. Omega

    Ask a dumb question.

    I dont know.
  17. Omega

    Idea : Seasonal Mods for Cave Story+

    Sounds interesting. Maybe the christmas story could be about quote having to help santa deliver his presents for some reason (maybe santa ate too many chocolate chip cookies and couldn't fit down the chimney). And for halloween it could be about the doctors ghost haunting quote. Edit: If this...
  18. Omega

    Ask a dumb question.

    You forgot to add a dumb question
  19. Omega

    Ask a dumb question.

    Well im a little bored right now so i thought,"why not make a forum game. The instructions are: 1. I will start the game by asking a dumb question. 2. Then the every person who posts from then on gives the most ridiculous answer that comes to mind, and makes another dumb question. I will...
  20. Omega

    Tpcool, i came back. So how are things going?

    Tpcool, i came back. So how are things going?
  21. Omega

    I might be able to get a kanpachi for being so obsessed with this board (i almost always have a...

    I might be able to get a kanpachi for being so obsessed with this board (i almost always have a device with this board loaded and refresh almost every 5 to 10 minutes, no joke). And sorry for double posting.
  22. Omega

    Well i would not exactly say unexpected, as this the second time ive come back. although the...

    Well i would not exactly say unexpected, as this the second time ive come back. although the kanpachi for most naive might be in my grasp. Also, im glad to see another sonic fan joining these forums.
  23. Omega

    When you buy a game and get something different.

    Thing is that at the time i was not a fan of street fighter, so i didnt know about capcoms usual procedure. On a brighter note i got the arcade edition free thanks to ps plus.
  24. Omega

    Positivity Thread

    Well for starters i have a ps vita wich is worth the cost and has some great games (gravity rush for example). Also my birthday is coming soon (january 1st), and thanks to ps plus ive got free access to some great ps3 and vita games.
  25. Omega

    When you buy a game and get something different.

    A few years back i bought street fighter 4 thinking it was a full game. Some time later super street fighter 4 came out.