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Search results

  1. Shadow the Past

    Any good crossovers?

    More like Misery fetish. It would've been hipocritical had it been Misery and Duke Nukem making out.
  2. Shadow the Past

    Oh hey who's the new per- Oh wait you just changed your avatar .-.

    Oh hey who's the new per- Oh wait you just changed your avatar .-.
  3. Shadow the Past

    Any good crossovers?

    Crossovers are something you fantasize about when you're like 12 and you're like AUH MAI GOD WHAT IF I WAS MEGAMAN AND WAS IN RUNESCAPE AND WENT INTO THE WILD AND KILLED EVERYBODY. If you want crossovers, either play SSB, or make Gmod videos.
  4. Shadow the Past


    It scares me. I'm afraid to go past that page.
  5. Shadow the Past

    Any good crossovers?

    , [/thread]
  6. Shadow the Past

    Mega Man: 8-bit Deathmatch

  7. Shadow the Past

    Know Any Freeware Games?

    Hmm, that's odd. With how the game works (i.e. the game generates your world and you play it, while the game tries to make other players generate and make you generate for other players) it shouldn't interfere with your gameplay. (Whereas in GG2 everything has to be kept at the same pace so...
  8. Shadow the Past

    Mega Man: 8-bit Deathmatch

    My point exactly, which is why I think COD, MW, etc are the biggest milks of money I've ever seen. (50$ apiece and most people own the entire series.) I don't see the appeal.
  9. Shadow the Past

    Mega Man: 8-bit Deathmatch

    Lolno. I don't know what games you're playing, but games like this Megaman one are a dime a dozen.
  10. Shadow the Past

    Mega Man: 8-bit Deathmatch

    I saw a video of some of my Youtube Poop fag aquaintences playing this game. Looks kinda average to me, looks like you just run around in circles and just kill whoever crosses your path.
  11. Shadow the Past

    Know Any Freeware Games?

    Lagg isn't a problem. I have the shittiest, oldest computer on the planet and I could play that game with no trouble. If you do lagg, it's only cause of your own computers suckage, not because of the server or internet connection.
  12. Shadow the Past

    Quote not to be in Super Meat Boy

  13. Shadow the Past

    In between Cave Story and Minecraft I went on a hiatus with it and potentially lost half my...

    In between Cave Story and Minecraft I went on a hiatus with it and potentially lost half my skills. Or maybe it's just cause I'm finally realizing I'm dying a lot since NAGN changed the respawn to 10 seconds. FFFFDFFDGSGF
  14. Shadow the Past

    At least make the pictures in your sig's gif have the same width/height

    At least make the pictures in your sig's gif have the same width/height
  15. Shadow the Past

    Posting simply "lol" as a reply is the equivelent of putting "." as a reply. Neither of them...

    Posting simply "lol" as a reply is the equivelent of putting "." as a reply. Neither of them contribute to the conversation by any stretch of the imagination, and both are generally tacked on to the end of a sentence pointlessly. tl;dr Put more substance in your posts
  16. Shadow the Past

    Your left index finger just fired a lazer.

    Nooo not my pizza D:
  17. Shadow the Past

    Shadow the Past. And yes I'm registered, but I never log on there. Ever. Lately I suck a lot...

    Shadow the Past. And yes I'm registered, but I never log on there. Ever. Lately I suck a lot for some reason. ._.
  18. Shadow the Past

    Know Any Freeware Games?

    Remind me to kill you if I see you online. I'm in Normal Gravity Server most often. :F
  19. Shadow the Past


  20. Shadow the Past

    Your avatar. It bugs me.

    Your avatar. It bugs me.
  21. Shadow the Past

    Your left index finger just fired a lazer.

    You just imagine that's what I meant. Go on. Imagine it. In vivid detail. [topic] Wrist is destroyed
  22. Shadow the Past

    Your left index finger just fired a lazer.

    Into my mouth and out the back of the head. Suicide ftw.
  23. Shadow the Past

    The most frustrating game ever

    God I found this game like half a year ago. I hate it. Somehow I knew it was this game before I even opened to see what it was.
  24. Shadow the Past

    Your left index finger just fired a lazer.

    There goes my phallic manhood.