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Search results

  1. Curly-Brace

    Machine Gun Jetpacks

    I think it is possible to do the zig zag with unlimited ammo. Just turn the value of X in <AM+0004:XXXX to 0000, and TA-DA, Machine Gun Jetpack. BTW, who thinks Jetpack Joyride is copying pixel's idea?
  2. Curly-Brace

    Pooh Black doing absolutely nothing?

    Also, I noticed in the NPC section, PB's projectiles have 100 HP, but when I tried decreasing it, it changed into hollow circles that don't do damage. Weird.
  3. Curly-Brace

    *sees link to Noxid's channel* So it IS you. XD And you like Touhou? I saw the U.N Owen was her...

    *sees link to Noxid's channel* So it IS you. XD And you like Touhou? I saw the U.N Owen was her remix. Truly a very great remix!
  4. Curly-Brace

    <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oya43OmSoeY" rel='nofollow external'...

    <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oya43OmSoeY" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oya43OmSoeY</a> Did you make this? It's awesome!
  5. Curly-Brace

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    No, that was okay. I understand you. Thanks~ Almost the same question as before, but this time, I'm trying to use npc294, quake & block generator in the boulder chamber fight with Barlog. If I change either sprite sheet 1 or sprite sheet 2, Barlog glitches blocks. If I don't, the generator...
  6. Curly-Brace

    Cave Story Curly's Perspective

    I was thinking, maybe after you beat Quote, a chest falls directly on top of the player, knocking the player out (doing 999 damage of course). After the cutscene of player losing plays, if you open the chest, you get a useless achievement medal. "You got the ●Imbossibru Medal●!" like when you...
  7. Curly-Brace

    Pooh Black doing absolutely nothing?

    Because every video I see, including myself when I fight it, attacks immediately, so I thought it probably glitched because I was editing the battle. Thanks for the answer. :D
  8. Curly-Brace

    Still funny. XD

    Still funny. XD
  9. Curly-Brace

    Okay, thanks. <img...

    Okay, thanks. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  10. Curly-Brace

    Pooh Black doing absolutely nothing?

    Recently, I found that if I don't attack Pooh Black, it does absolutely nothing? I don't even take touch damage from it! It only generates the damaging bubbles when I attack. Is this a glitch or is it supposed to be like that?
  11. Curly-Brace

    Unnamed mod - New Screenshots!

    Kazuma reminded me of "Brock with eyes open"... Kind of... spooky?
  12. Curly-Brace

    Machine Gun Jetpacks

    That's what I'm trying to do in my Curly hack, I'd remove the weapon resetting part, and so that the machine gun remains at whatever level it was before entering the cave.
  13. Curly-Brace

    Ice and Grass? So do you like Leafeon and Glaceon? Just asking. I like all eeveelutions.

    Ice and Grass? So do you like Leafeon and Glaceon? Just asking. I like all eeveelutions.
  14. Curly-Brace

    Cave Story Curly's Perspective

    Thank you. I suppose you like Pokemon, too? My favorite is Victini. EDIT: You do! Yay! (I saw your comment on my user page after posting)
  15. Curly-Brace

    Machine Gun Jetpacks

    I mean without reloading. So that you could hold and shoot forever. And awwww.... I thought it would be epic if someone did a hell run by using the machine gun and no boosters.
  16. Curly-Brace

    Cave Story Curly's Perspective

    Much thanks, Hayden Studios. :)
  17. Curly-Brace

    Machine Gun Jetpacks

    Just wondering... if the Machine Gun had unlimited ammo, is it possible to do a Hell Run with it?
  18. Curly-Brace

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Does anyone know how to make an enemy appear in an area it doesn't belong in? I wanted to make a boss mod (I know there're already a lot of them, just making it for my own practice) and I would like Igor as an enemy like on the Balcony fight alongside Frenzied Toroko. I used...
  19. Curly-Brace

    Cave Story Curly's Perspective

    For Curly Brace's Story, all the files are either deleted or removed. I can't find the download link for Iron Bond. Curly's Past says that it's an invalid or deleted file. Curly's Adventure! I downloaded it, but after going out of the core room as the video shows, I don't know where to go to next?
  20. Curly-Brace

    Cave Story Curly's Perspective

    I expected someone to have a same idea way before me, after all Cave Story came out very long ago, I just couldn't find any myself. Thanks for showing me those mods. :) EDIT: Sorry, I can't get any of the above mentioned links to work, can you give me the direct download? I would really like...
  21. Curly-Brace

    Cave Story Curly's Perspective

    Your version is amazing! I really like it! And Yes, the mimiga sneak attack is done by the colons. I am thinking that maybe we could simply make the teleporter send a message saying "Does not have permission to teleport" or something like that. Like the teleporter in the shelter of Grass Town...
  22. Curly-Brace

    Cave Story Curly's Perspective

    Wow... You are awesome! On the Graphics part, I found another mod on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WBPR_7K0PY In it, the sprites of Curly and Quote are completely swapped. I modified a bit and made Quote hold a machine gun version of polar star. I made a test version myself, too...
  23. Curly-Brace

    Ooh! Cool! Among all the starters, I like Fennekin the most, too! I love cute Fire type pokemon :3

    Ooh! Cool! Among all the starters, I like Fennekin the most, too! I love cute Fire type pokemon :3
  24. Curly-Brace

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Weird... I used Cave Editor's bullet editing to increase the power of Machine Gun, because it's the only gun she'll have for a long time. I was wondering if that caused it to crash, so I changed it back, but still... Anyways, thank you so much :)
  25. Curly-Brace

    Cave Story Curly's Perspective

    Thank you :) You are a really nice person. Have some poptarts. :3 EDIT: MagicDoors fixed it for me already, but still, thank you. http://www.mediafire.com/?xqhw02j80mxlgna