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Search results

  1. cultr1

    The Desktop Game

    Can we make a rule that you have to post some at least resembling a desktop resolution? 1366x768 is alright I guess, but 480x360? Lets get real here.
  2. cultr1

    Misery Died.

    What's the difference between the bad and normal endings what would make Professor Booster not die in the pit and return to finish the Booster 2.0? It is an accepted fact of video games that getting different story arcs causes different events to occur or not occur. No matter how small the...
  3. cultr1

    The Desktop Game

    oh yoooooo
  4. cultr1

    Misery Died.

    So many things died when the Island fell, I assumed every main character not explicitly shown as alive died in the crash, since the credits are basically "characters after the island" themed. I guess this is just confirmation. I still wonder about Curly Brace, I'm assuming she died too, being...
  5. cultr1

    Pixel Art

    Awesome stuff, vortex! It's always neat to see what people can manage with just 256 pixels. I don't think what Matt sai necessarily holds true for you, since what you showed seems to be for Cave Story. If it has a design goal, an ultimate look you want to achieve, then it doesn't matter if you...
  6. cultr1

    The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? topic.

    I-It's not like I w-wanted Fab-kun to notice me... Aw, you guys.
  7. cultr1

    sing along to Passion [santuary]

    Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity To seize every spaghetti you ever wanted in one moment Would you capture it? or just let it slip? Yo His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms spaghetti There's vomit on his spaghetti already, mom's spaghetti He's nervous, but on the surface he looks...
  8. cultr1

    The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? topic.

    Hi I'm cultr1. I'm pretty shy, but I'm really excited to make some friends at this new school. I'll do my best!
  9. cultr1

    sing along to Passion [santuary]

    Tail pipe draggin’ volume blastin’ bailin’ out my brain Red light flash Dem stop I smash Abraxas, hydroplane, massive Catch this flight flow Rainin’ madness Mastered mine and laced The ave with black cat fish tailin’ waves of stratus Curb right ta far left lane
  10. cultr1

    The Third Annual Kanpachis

    They should all have Dunc's face on them
  11. cultr1

    Expanding your horizons?

    Yume Nikki really got me to like more exploration games, games that might not even have a serious goal, where the experience is not entirely focused on the gameplay. Being gifted Guitar Hero for my birthday got me into rhythm games which I had previously dismissed. I have since logged a sad...
  12. cultr1

    "Learning English pronunciation" - the game

    I hope you're ready.
  13. cultr1

    Mint-y freshness

    Exactly. The blood of those unworthy.
  14. cultr1

    Mint-y freshness

    Okay, hold on now, let's step back and take a look at the facts: A. Carrotlord only pretended to be nice to us. Why would he do that if he didn't have a reason? Carrotlord clearly has a plan for us, which makes even more sense wen we consider: B. Carrotlord showed us he is akin to Thor, with...
  15. cultr1

    Poll: Org Competitions?

    Yeah I'm in the boat with Matt on this one. I think we should leave transpositions to the Org Music thread. Maybe have a transposition theme once in a while, like I said before. At the end of the day, transposing takes an entirely different skillset compared to composing. I think that isn't...
  16. cultr1

    Poll: Org Competitions?

    I was thinking along the lines of original compositions only, with maybe a few challenges to "remix" tunes.
  17. cultr1

    Poll: Org Competitions?

    Yeah I was planning on making judging open, I was only asking to gauge interest in listening to lots of orgs. As you can see from the Show Off Your Org Music thread, interest is pretty low. So far interest is enough to consider starting planning the actual competitions. This is what I'm getting...
  18. cultr1


    I apolegized so it's not an issue anymore
  19. cultr1


    ... le
  20. cultr1

    They're probably already your in the first place.

    They're probably already your in the first place.
  21. cultr1

    UnnamedStory - The Mod of The Game: The Game.

    1. Can't you just recolor the falling spikes from "Egg Corridor?" 2. You wouldn't be able to add the use of more buttons and abilities without some more than light assembly hacking, I hope you're prepared to do that. The recoloring of bars and stuff will be a piece of cake, but beyond that...
  22. cultr1

    today we are as one, in body and in post count.

    today we are as one, in body and in post count.
  23. cultr1

    <a href='http://i.imgur.com/ugcRw1z.png' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow...

    <a href='http://i.imgur.com/ugcRw1z.png' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'><a href="http://i.imgur.com/ugcRw1z.png" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">http://i.imgur.com/ugcRw1z.png</a></a>