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Search results

  1. cultr1

    Spikes. really

    possibly. the spikes in the sand zone are brown, pretty much exactly the same color as the stick.:eek: Cuz you had an objection, duh.:)
  2. cultr1

    The Mother of All Cave Story Questions

    If only those zones were, wouldn't there be wind there? I mean they already have the programming for wind, why not make it timed in gusts?:) P.S. wouldn't the mimigas be blown outside the island if mimiga town is exposed? I can't imagine them being very heavy, cept fatso.
  3. cultr1

    Curly and the nemesis

    i meant ballos...:)
  4. cultr1

    What Do Migmas do in Their Spare Time

    ...me too.
  5. cultr1

    Pooh Black Origin

    no, he looked pretty ghosty to me :) but he did help the gaudis (in the ending credits)...
  6. cultr1

    Pooh Black Origin

    I see that, now. Good call.:D
  7. cultr1

    Pooh Black Origin

    OK, new idea (that one is coming to a dead end): Maybe pooh black was the ghost of an assistant to the doctor/physician (not the bad guy)
  8. cultr1

    Pooh Black Origin

    (o)_(0) what?! on the first try?
  9. cultr1

    Curly and the nemesis

    Where did Balrog get the Nemesis?:D
  10. cultr1

    How Stuff Works @ CS. XP, life caps, missiles

    I kinda like that one...:D
  11. cultr1

    Did Booster create Quote and Curly?

    but they fit robots. :\
  12. cultr1

    Pooh Black Origin

    More than that. Who plays cavestory the first time knowing whats going on? I know i didn't. Who would know to jump over booster before the core? Who would know all the other several requirements?
  13. cultr1

    How Stuff Works @ CS. XP, life caps, missiles

    I had to read that 3 times before I understood it.:confused: Even with this proverbial boulder thrown at the proverbial wall, I agree with the whole "shields" bit. Maybe the life capsules are like little batteries that add more charge capacity (they come fully charged, after all).
  14. cultr1

    Pooh Black Origin

    Even if he is a hero, what is he doing at the end of last cave (hidden)? I think Pooh Black and the demon are severe cases of lazypixelrecoloringitus.:confused:
  15. cultr1

    Pooh Black Origin

    sry I'm a bit new here. :confused: and I just felt a random urge (I was playing it for 3 hours)
  16. cultr1

    Pooh Black Origin

    no one yet.. P.S. I love disgaea <-off subject, sry. :confused:
  17. cultr1

    Pooh Black Origin

    lol. I gues this is the end of this thread:(:confused::(:(:(
  18. cultr1

    Curly and the nemesis

    @celtic minstrel no it doesn't. I checked before doctor and after (with falling blocks). that will remain a mystery forever. :confused: the statue is inert.
  19. cultr1

    Pooh Black Origin

    I kinda figured that. Dang he was my favorite, too. :confused: Riddle me this: how does he come back to life and help the Gaudis in the labyrinth in the ending credits. Lemme guess: pixel just recolored to save time?
  20. cultr1

    Pooh Black Origin

    Ok. I've been wondering: Where did Pooh Black come from? this guy-> I think he might be another Balrog type character (brother?), they say he was a ghost, so maybe he died in the labyrinth.:confused:
  21. cultr1

    Did Booster create Quote and Curly?

    I agree with #2, he is so gifted with technology (booster 0.8/2.0), maybe he designed some robots (not necessarily Quote or Curly)
  22. cultr1

    Why is Quote a mute?

    agreed. he game would be totally boring if Quote said stuff we already knew (zelda, anyone?)
  23. cultr1


  24. cultr1

    Ballos' Eyes

    lol! lazy eye! (0 ) ( 0 ) <-lazy eye ---
  25. cultr1

    Tower of the Gods

    btw I have some maps made on sues workshop but I cant run it on my mac (sry for the double post)