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Search results

  1. jed37

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Oh, that's not so bad. Besides, I'd only have to do it in the levels that have gaudis! Thanks! EDIT: Hmm, the Defeated Gaudi entity does not seem to be the same as the defeated gaudi. Changing flags on it in the npc list doesn't seem to do anything. Can you point me in the right direction?
  2. jed37

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Ohh, I see the issue there. Wait, restructure the way the script works? How? Why? You mean like with ASM? Couldn't I just make the script that I want to run at 0000? or does the game not allow a script number 0000...?
  3. jed37

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Edited my post. Anyone know if that might work?
  4. jed37

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Darn. That makes sense. Well, thanks. EDIT: Unless...! I remember seeing a separate npc that's a defeated Gaudi! Maybe I could just put the run script on death flag on that! I'm not sure. I'm using Cave Editor... Do the flag checkboxes in the npc editor correspond to the ones in the map...
  5. jed37

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    can anyone please explain the "run script on death" flag to me? I've flagged a gaudi with it, and put its event number in the script. For some reason when the gaudi gets killed, though, it doesn't run the event. And it still drops shinies when it dies, which I remember shouldn't be happening if...
  6. jed37

    Where does the Crown end and Red Crystal begin?

    http://www.thefind.com/apparel/info-demon-robe Put your money where your mouth is.
  7. jed37

    Show of your custom characters!

    And another one. My greatest MyChar so far! It's a playable Gaudi!
  8. jed37

    Show of your custom characters!

    An old one I made a while back. It's probably been done before. Because Kanpachi is amazing, that's why. . Download
  9. jed37

    "Let your life be a counter friction to stop the machine." ~Henry David Thoreau

    "Let your life be a counter friction to stop the machine." ~Henry David Thoreau
  10. jed37

    Did anyone else think that the Island was going to be the Moon?

    Well, it'd all be on the surface of the moon. I'd change the backgrounds, and the gameplay. Maybe either put a bubble around them or make there be no air. The gameplay would be changed. Oh and I suppose the endings would have to be way different. Might involve a rocket instead of Kazuma's...
  11. jed37

    Did anyone else think that the Island was going to be the Moon?

    That never occurred to me, but now that you mention it it's brilliant. Now I want to make a mod where that's true. Everything will be the same except it's on the moon. So the only real changes will be some dialogue stuff, plus big mods to the Outer Wall and balcony. Who's with me?!
  12. jed37

    This is not a link.

    This is not a link.
  13. jed37

    Cave Story - Time Warp (CANCELLED)

    This was what came to my mind. 9FZMKPURQVs Cave Story is awesome, but none of the characters are ludicrous enough for the Rocky Horror Picture Show. ... Okay, maybe Malco.
  14. jed37

    Why did Sue survive?

    Yes. Pixel works in mysterious ways. The only thing we can be sure of is that his influence will make things more fun.
  15. jed37

    Why did Sue survive?

    Now, I'm not usually the one to stand up for theism, but maybe, being that this is a world of Pixel's creation, he has complete control over life and death.
  16. jed37

    Fox News and other political circuses

  17. jed37

    How and why Ironhead and Ika are in the Waterway

    We'll say for the sake of argument that there's a reason they're there besides that Pixel wanted to put something in from another game of his. And that it isn't just called the Alien medal in the english translation because it's alien to Cave Story. With that logic, yeah. Maybe they...
  18. jed37

    Youtube General

    FZrWwwAAckU As you may or may not know, I am a juggler. I am this juggler.
  19. jed37

    Fox News and other political circuses

    Leave it to DoubleThink to point out the Orwellian angle. In all seriousness, FOX is crazy. but CNN and the likes of which can't be expected to be much better. No, not because they're the so-called "liberal equivalent," but because they're corporate controlled, just the same as FOX. So no...
  20. jed37

    What's your favourite music band?

    So many. The Beatles. The Who, Flogging Molly, Billy Joel, Emerald Rose, Tensei (the one who makes the Homestuck Music), Boston, Supertramp... I'm going to stop now.
  21. jed37

    Spike does indeed have powerful attacks. And sure, I'd love to try it out

    Spike does indeed have powerful attacks. And sure, I'd love to try it out
  22. jed37

    Why did Sue survive?

    I meant how Professor Booster is alive unless you observe him. This seems silly, but it makes sense from a quantum physics perspective. Offtopic: I think the battle's easier with Misery alive 'cause the critters she summons drop hearts!
  23. jed37

    Sure! I'd be honored!

    Sure! I'd be honored!
  24. jed37

    I'm not making a mod, but I've made some characters over the years. I go by jed37, same as here...

    I'm not making a mod, but I've made some characters over the years. I go by jed37, same as here, on the LF-Empire forums. You should check out my most recent char, Spike! I've even made a Quote character. Wasn't very good though.
  25. jed37

    'this is a test

    hmm... the topic began with an apostrophe. I surmise that the point of thread was to see if that would do something special. Clearly, it did not.