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Search results

  1. Nerdieo

    What is your LEAST favorite track in Cave Story?

    ANOTHER POINT FOR ACCESS You can only play through that cutscene so many times
  2. Nerdieo

    Nicalis surprise released a new Cave Story game*

    Was it worth it? Nah, probably not. Does it look nice next to CS and Kero Blaster? Hell yeah it does.
  3. Nerdieo

    Is it bad that I would actually sell my kidney to play the Cave Story Beta

    I'm glad you liked it! It took so long to make, haha >_>
  4. Nerdieo

    Is it bad that I would actually sell my kidney to play the Cave Story Beta

    I mean, not to say "same". . . but same.
  5. Nerdieo

    Cave Story Memories

    I love this question and idea, haha. I think my favorite memory with Cave Story was carrying freeware around school every day. This was maybe back in 2010? WiiWare was out, but before DSiWare, I know that. Anyways, I loved the game a ton and taking Freeware around on a 2GB USB was how I managed...
  6. Nerdieo

    Nicalis surprise released a new Cave Story game*

    I've always felt bad about their reviews since the situation. It was a terrible thing, but people are completely disregarding the team who put a lot of work into these games. Not to mention some games are simply published by Nicalis, not made, so a team that puts a lot of work into a game can...
  7. Nerdieo

    Cave Story's Secret Santa has already won GOTY 2021

    Cave Story's Secret Santa has already won GOTY 2021
  8. Nerdieo

    Nicalis surprise released a new Cave Story game*

    Agreed for the most part. I don't think it's terrible and I loved hearing all the music mixes, haha. The feeling of playing a new Cave Story game is kinda better than the game itself, but it's still appreciated and funny.
  9. Nerdieo

    kaitlyn kinda trueing?? :o:o

    kaitlyn kinda trueing?? :o:o
  10. Nerdieo

    what's up, homie

    what's up, homie
  11. Nerdieo

    this is just my wake up schedule

    this is just my wake up schedule
  12. Nerdieo

    hey, man

    hey, man
  13. Nerdieo

    Was there anything that was universally liked in Cave Story 3D?

    As YOUR local Cave Story 3D #1 hater, the music was great also the new areas were a nice surprise
  14. Nerdieo

    ikachan 2 really bouta be goty 2022

    ikachan 2 really bouta be goty 2022
  15. Nerdieo

    I feel like most people on here are too scared to say something we know is true. Hajime is the...

    I feel like most people on here are too scared to say something we know is true. Hajime is the best Jenka pup.
  16. Nerdieo

    I'm fucking happy this is still here.

    The forums are rad as hell! If I had an email as a kid, I would've joined sooner, haha. I'm glad the community is active and new members join semi-regularly.
  17. Nerdieo


  18. Nerdieo

    I swear, collecting specific gameplay footage for Cave Story takes SO. MANY. PLAY-THROUGHS. A A A

    I swear, collecting specific gameplay footage for Cave Story takes SO. MANY. PLAY-THROUGHS. A A A
  19. Nerdieo

    Gen 6 has the most fun features in out of any Pokemon game, I will gladly die on this hill

    Gen 6 has the most fun features in out of any Pokemon game, I will gladly die on this hill
  20. Nerdieo


  21. Nerdieo

    What do you think should happen when it's the 20th anniversary of Cave Story

    It's from a digital artist that goes by "Castpixel." Interestingly enough, they WERE hired by Nicalis for a remake, but apparently the game made no progress after they finished some spritework. The story of the project goes REALLY deep, but I won't ramble here, haha...
  22. Nerdieo

    What do you think should happen when it's the 20th anniversary of Cave Story

    Imagine Cave Story: 20th Anniversary Edition and it looked like this. I'd literally cry.
  23. Nerdieo

    What do you think should happen when it's the 20th anniversary of Cave Story

    I guess more in the style of 3D. I don't want a 3D Cave Story again, but a remake with more of a style change would be interesting. Besides a remake, I really don't know what else could possibly come from a 20th anniversary. More merchandising? Or hell, maybe a "Definitive Edition Update" with...
  24. Nerdieo

    What do you think should happen when it's the 20th anniversary of Cave Story

    It's pretty rad to see this thread tho, but yeah, probably nothing will happen for the 20th anniversary. A good remake would be rad tho.