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Search results

  1. Gavintendo64

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    So how would you change the music files to mp3? There's gotta be a mod that does that.
  2. Gavintendo64

    One does not simply go to school, without stealing their wi-fi.

    One does not simply go to school, without stealing their wi-fi.
  3. Gavintendo64

    One does not simply go to school, without stealing their wi-fi.

    One does not simply go to school, without stealing their wi-fi.
  4. Gavintendo64

    One does not simply go to school, without stealing their wi-fi.

    One does not simply go to school, without stealing their wi-fi.
  5. Gavintendo64

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    probably unhelpful comment: have you tried Usenti?
  6. Gavintendo64

    :/ why doesn't Profile feed appear in notifications? Now I feel bad for not responding...

    :/ why doesn't Profile feed appear in notifications? Now I feel bad for not responding...
  7. Gavintendo64

    Technomancer's Tale

    :l so...
  8. Gavintendo64

    Technomancer's Tale

    YAY FEEDBACK! Okay, I can fix this, and the zip is there Also, what kind of wierdness occurs if you don't clean out the well?
  9. Gavintendo64

    :/ hells back in-er I mean... SCHOOLs back in. Yay....

    :/ hells back in-er I mean... SCHOOLs back in. Yay....
  10. Gavintendo64

    Quote X Curly? Wha.....

    :( a man can dream... Or a pimply-pale teen with no life.
  11. Gavintendo64

    Technomancer's Tale

    Danger. Let me use something other than a phone... Fuckin phone auto-corrected dangit to danger. DANGER ZONE! But anyway, I'm posting both the RAR and the ZIP file for T.T V0.0.4 (Official this time!) sometime today!
  12. Gavintendo64

    Technomancer's Tale

    Unofficial version 0.0.4 out!
  13. Gavintendo64

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    ._. So I completely forgot how to change the title background. How do ya do it again?
  14. Gavintendo64

    Hory Shet.

    Hory Shet.
  15. Gavintendo64

    Petit Computer for the 3DS and DSI. He about ported MM2 to it!

    Petit Computer for the 3DS and DSI. He about ported MM2 to it!
  16. Gavintendo64

    :| shet.

    :| shet.
  17. Gavintendo64

    Infinite Mimiga Mask

    Looks like I have some credit to give in the readme, and then some. Thank you guys!
  18. Gavintendo64

    Quote X Curly? Wha.....

    Necropost: Quote X Curly Wha...i the hell not?
  19. Gavintendo64

    Just take Noxid or Discotew for example.

    Just take Noxid or Discotew for example.
  20. Gavintendo64

    For some odd reason, when I go to anything game related, there's a brony or furrie. that seems...

    For some odd reason, when I go to anything game related, there's a brony or furrie. that seems to wipe out the competition .
  21. Gavintendo64

    Sora655 + 11 = Sora.exe O.o

    Sora655 + 11 = Sora.exe O.o
  22. Gavintendo64

    Do you listen to music while you mod?

    Necropost: I listen to starbomb, brentalfloss, dubstep, and just classical piano. Too bad they removed my favorite mp3 website: mp3.pm
  23. Gavintendo64

    General Custer strikes again!

    General Custer strikes again!
  24. Gavintendo64

    <a href='http://wikisend.com/download/289334/Copy%20of%20release_0019.rar' class='bbc_url'...

    <a href='http://wikisend.com/download/289334/Copy%20of%20release_0019.rar' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'><a href="http://wikisend.com/...elease_0019.rar" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">http://wikisend.com/...elease_0019.rar</a></a> enjoy
  25. Gavintendo64

    Infinite Mimiga Mask

    Sorry, I was playing kings story. Here's the exe: http://wikisend.com/download/293396/Doukutsu.exe