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Search results

  1. Wedge of Cheese

    Cave Con 2012

    I feel like if we'd done the playground thing in the US people would be creeped out as fuck.
  2. Wedge of Cheese

    I'll need some time to think about the game before replying, but as for the music, maybe try...

    I'll need some time to think about the game before replying, but as for the music, maybe try this (where each chord has a duration of a half note): D Em7 D/F# Gm G#dim D/A G/B A/C# Remember that the slash means that a note other than the root is in the bass (so like D/F# would be F#, A, D...
  3. Wedge of Cheese

    deciphering .ptcop file format

    It seems that your description of the general block structure (name followed by size followed by content) is not correct all of the time. For a blank song, the Event V5 block is exactly as long as it claims to be. But for a song with two notes in it, the block is one byte shorter than it...
  4. Wedge of Cheese

    Thanks (no wonder I couldn't find it - I was looking all over the music subforum). And I think...

    Thanks (no wonder I couldn't find it - I was looking all over the music subforum). And I think it's probably safe to say that the "effeDELA" and "effeOVER" blocks (which you currently have marked as containing "unknown data") contain the data for the effectors, yes?
  5. Wedge of Cheese

    What do the errors say?

    What do the errors say?
  6. Wedge of Cheese

    Didjoo ever get the NetBeans to stop hating my code?

    Didjoo ever get the NetBeans to stop hating my code?
  7. Wedge of Cheese

    They have the same key signature, yes.

    They have the same key signature, yes.
  8. Wedge of Cheese

    Did you ever post documentation of the ptcop format anywhere on the frumz? I know you've...

    Did you ever post documentation of the ptcop format anywhere on the frumz? I know you've deciphered it, but I couldn't seem to find the docs anywhere...
  9. Wedge of Cheese

    Let's do something kinda retro-ish, so that we can get away with quasi-minimalist...

    Let's do something kinda retro-ish, so that we can get away with quasi-minimalist graphics/audio, which (in addition to just being cool) would be much easier to implement so we can focus more on game mechanics.
  10. Wedge of Cheese

    Make another game of smaller scope methinks.

    Make another game of smaller scope methinks.
  11. Wedge of Cheese

    STGT '12 Team Thread - Tournament landslide leaves Daves in position 16

    I submitted a really shitty score just so y'all know I'm not dead. It will improve soon.
  12. Wedge of Cheese

    In other news, if you're not already aware of <a href='http://projecteuler.net/' class='bbc_url'...

    In other news, if you're not already aware of <a href='http://projecteuler.net/' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>this</a>, you should be.
  13. Wedge of Cheese

    So, I'm sorta thinking Rhasz might be too big a project for us at the moment, since the only...

    So, I'm sorta thinking Rhasz might be too big a project for us at the moment, since the only games I've ever <em class='bbc'>actually</em> finished fall spectacularly short of the magnitude of this one, and (unless you've been holding out on me) the same is true of you.
  14. Wedge of Cheese


    I actually thought the core fight was really fun, but other than that, yeah, everything carrotlord said.
  15. Wedge of Cheese

    Not at the moment.

    Not at the moment.
  16. Wedge of Cheese


    This reminds of the time I chopped a fly in half with a pair of scissors. I was just holding a pair of scissors and saw a fly and started absentmindedly closing the scissors in the fly's general vicinity, not really expecting it to work, and the next thing I know there's two little pieces of...
  17. Wedge of Cheese

    STGT '12 Team Thread - Tournament landslide leaves Daves in position 16

    Wedge of Dave - 327,840 - 3 Wedge of Dave - 546,940 - 3
  18. Wedge of Cheese

    According to Google's fancy shmancy new image search feature, your shmups avatar is someone...

    According to Google's fancy shmancy new image search feature, your shmups avatar is someone named "Tyrone Biggums". Where's the Dave?
  19. Wedge of Cheese

    STGT '12 Team Thread - Tournament landslide leaves Daves in position 16

    Can I be called Wedge of Dave instead? Also, for the actual contest, is there anything to enforce that you actually got the score you say you got (i.e. replay data)? The shmups thread doesn't seem to say one way or the other on that...
  20. Wedge of Cheese

    Rules Update + Moderation Discussion

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but based on what DT has said, I'm guessing the clearest way of phrasing the "no backseat moderating" rule is: Don't make a post, VM, or PM for the sole purpose of pointing out another user's violation of the rules. You may point out another user's violation of the...
  21. Wedge of Cheese

    To the first question, no, and to the 2nd, I was thinking that a smaller gesture would yield a...

    To the first question, no, and to the 2nd, I was thinking that a smaller gesture would yield a more precise/focused spell, with the drawback being that it would be more difficult to get the gesture right, so you'd probably have to go slower. Also, nice avatar.
  22. Wedge of Cheese

    how cave story should of ended

    The previous post was only 6 hours before yours...
  23. Wedge of Cheese

    STGT '12 Hype & Recruitment Thread - Let's Try This Again

    Other than cavecon, I have nothing special planned that would stop me participating.
  24. Wedge of Cheese

    Ah, I got it figured out now. Turns out my two main problems were: 1) The first rom I tried...

    Ah, I got it figured out now. Turns out my two main problems were: 1) The first rom I tried playing was corrupt. 2) The online tutorial I found by googling was full of crap.
  25. Wedge of Cheese

    STGT '12 Hype & Recruitment Thread - Let's Try This Again

    Pretty much the same as what Dunc said, for me. edit: geeze, can somebody just like explainlikeimfive how to simply download and play a game? It seems to be about as intuitive as quantum mechanics.