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Search results

  1. Brite

    Cave story 2

  2. Brite

    Cave story 2

    because you remember that you never did destory the red crystal and the doctors ghost is still out there.... and then the rest i type l8r what do you think so far i could email you the file, which modding platform do you have?
  3. Brite

    Cave story 2

    after that you go to the village with the tremors when you return from the corridor you see every one is gone except for mahin he says that everyone went to grasstown the tremors have stopped then when curly says we should visit jenka, the island starts falling
  4. Brite

    Cave story 2

    my idea is that 2 years later curly and balrog and quote visit the island there are tremors going on and you wake up in a cave you remember you were visiting the gunsmith and remember you fell asleep and were just napping you go see him but hes gone so you take one of the spurs because you...
  5. Brite

    Cave story 2

    Have you played cave story 2 by haydenstudios? Did you find out that is Very funny.... well then i have cave story 2 for you! Keep playing to find out what happens.... Sure jenkas nightmare was good, one of my favorite mods. And hopefully I can get haydenStudios to help with this mod!
  6. Brite

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    meh, i dont know how to animate the player with out breaking my computer. or at least adding entities in cave editor
  7. Brite

    What is your Favorite CS mod, or in which one would you consider the highest of quality?

    Jenka's nightmare, cave "no" story, another cave story sequel, or cavern tale are probably my favorite, also I wish people wold make full mods and not demos or at least don't forget about it and make more good mods.
  8. Brite

    Mods general discussion

    has anyone ever played useless gunsmith