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Search results

  1. Xemous

    there have been 0 cavestuck fans the past few days because i am lazy. and depressed. rest...

    there have been 0 cavestuck fans the past few days because i am lazy. and depressed. rest assured, cavestuck fans, i fully intend on seeing the story through to its conclusion so long as people are willing to read it
  2. Xemous

    Cavestuck (or Homestory)

    "Middle of the Fucking Ocean" news got shut down due to lack of funding. you don't have magical powers. your rewind arc self does, but you have no idea who that is and neither do i.
  3. Xemous

    i dont wanna slow dance in the daaaaaaaaaaark

    i dont wanna slow dance in the daaaaaaaaaaark
  4. Xemous

    Sue Sakamoto

    Sue Sakamoto
  5. Xemous

    Cavestuck (or Homestory)

    You try this, but your scientist friend said something about "not actually being a scientist" and "only taking biology because they need the credit for their degree". what a douchebag.
  6. Xemous

    Cavestuck (or Homestory)

  7. Xemous

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    the phone's still ringing! are you just gonna leave them hanging or what?
  8. Xemous

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    i think they're trying to say that the chaotic system is better because everybody involved is taking turns writing the story, rather than people suggesting things for one singular author to put into practice. i think?
  9. Xemous

    Cavestuck (or Homestory)

  10. Xemous

    Cavestuck (or Homestory)

  11. Xemous

    Cavestuck (or Homestory)

  12. Xemous

    Cavestuck (or Homestory)

  13. Xemous

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    suddenly, there's a knock on the door. a fella in a short-sleeved button down shirt, shorts, and a stupid hat hands you a letter. it's from someone named "xemous". upon opening it, you are greeted with a cease and desist letter for "using my fuckign characters" [sic].
  14. Xemous

    Cavestuck (or Homestory)

    the latter half of that is far too sexual for me to even CONSIDER making a panel for. have you no shame? even if you were aware such a thing existed, and it could indeed pilot the entire island to move like a drone, international terrorism is not one of your hobbies.
  15. Xemous

    see ya bro de 2d

    see ya bro de 2d
  16. Xemous

    Cavestuck (or Homestory)

    you're in the air now. what will you do? [/SPOILER]
  17. Xemous

    Cavestuck (or Homestory)

  18. Xemous

    Cavestuck (or Homestory)

  19. Xemous

    Cavestuck (or Homestory)

    fun fact: thus far, 118 image and text files have been created for cavestuck. though a lot of these are individual frames which make up of gifs so maybe they shouldn't be counted.
  20. Xemous

    Cavestuck (or Homestory)

    plot? what plot?
  21. Xemous

    if you give any 14 year old with the slightest hope for improvement a platform in which to speak...

    if you give any 14 year old with the slightest hope for improvement a platform in which to speak whatever bullshit they want to they will always regret what they say also some of the more regrettable online communities i've been apart of over the years have been completely wiped from the earth...
  22. Xemous

    new xemous is the same old annoying kid who stole your pokemon cards except not as edgy because...

    new xemous is the same old annoying kid who stole your pokemon cards except not as edgy because you have to draw the fucking line somewhere
  23. Xemous

    just spent the last 40 minutes or so deleting scores of my old garbage profile posts. who let me...

    just spent the last 40 minutes or so deleting scores of my old garbage profile posts. who let me type that shit for so long? i feel like the only reason i wasn't banned for it was because the mods knew i would regret it in the future. now i gotta come up with a new alias so that hopefully none...
  24. Xemous

    Cavestuck (or Homestory)

    the city you live in doesn't have a subway! even if you consider above-ground trains, you just smelt all your gold and put it on a carrot. so you probably can't afford a ticket.
  25. Xemous

    Cavestuck (or Homestory)
