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Search results

  1. Mint

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    You can also play and mess with the original CS music, it helps alot. Also, I heard that CS doesn't like it when you use sound channel 8 and 7 if I'm not mistaken, and also some drums.
  2. Mint

    Kinda trying to make up some ideas for a mod that isn't just a graphical change.

    Kinda trying to make up some ideas for a mod that isn't just a graphical change.
  3. Mint

    Kanpachi Story Beta 3! (hax is orange man)

    Oh, there's something I forgot to say; Why can you go to the labyrinth shop? And even more weird; Why are the Gaudi there friendly to Kanpachi? Put a wall there or something, as going further there makes up for a glitchy Labyrinth, as Curly is there for a weird reason and the Monster X battle...
  4. Mint

    Kanpachi Story Beta 3! (hax is orange man)

    The mod looks good, and the idea is original. I can't wait to see it finished someday. Just one thing, what is the Rod shooting?
  5. Mint

    N.E.T. Story (A Cave Story Mod) =Big Update Coming!=

    I think I'll wait, if I check the endings now, I would have less reason to check out the update.
  6. Mint

    Creating random recolors of sprites, I got some that maybe could be useful for a mod.

    Creating random recolors of sprites, I got some that maybe could be useful for a mod.
  7. Mint

    N.E.T. Story (A Cave Story Mod) =Big Update Coming!=

    Are you also going to make the other endings easier to get? I have played the mod quite a few times and I just can't seem to get an other ending than 1/3. Maybe just add some hint or something, I don't get how to get the others.
  8. Mint

    My first mod!

    Also, what CaveModder made is really something I can't make myself, funny enough. While I do have the knowledge to make alot of stuff with a way different palette, I can't even make a chest work properly, can't even make it do anything. Might have to try doing something like that though, should...
  9. Mint

    Should Cave Story be an anime?

    Maybe if people would use what Curly said in Curly mode.(Aside from the things she said for Quote)
  10. Mint

    My first mod!

    I think superjaws means that the creator of this mod hasn't checked the tribute site for guides on making a mod. And that also, the creator possibly hasn't played the mod, which superjaws doesn't want to because it doesn't look thrustworthy to that person.
  11. Mint

    The Donald Trump Cake Escapade demo 0.0.8

    Not really, although I've seen the word 'boss' when I was fixing some backgrounds. Try peeking in the stuff from areas with bosses.
  12. Mint

    The Donald Trump Cake Escapade demo 0.0.8

    Just check 0.0.65 and... First of all, the renewed area looks good, just as the new one. There's some issues though. I've been wondering this for a while now, but why is Texas a cave? You should add the balcony background(bkFog) there, it would look better, maybe. Also, why is one of the blocks...
  13. Mint

    Finally done with Monostory to say it's good as finished. Might sometime start making a...

    Finally done with Monostory to say it's good as finished. Might sometime start making a non-recolor mod if I ever feel like it.
  14. Mint

    MonoStory: Cave Story in Black and white! V1

    Well, thanks to the help of quite some people here on the forums, I finally got rid of all minor problems, and now call this as good as complete! There might be some small things I may have forgotten, if you see any unintenional transparency or areas with blue backgrounds, please notify me...
  15. Mint

    Almost done with the as good as done mod, still something else I have to do before I can finish...

    Almost done with the as good as done mod, still something else I have to do before I can finish and upload it though.
  16. Mint

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Does anybody know how to edit the version tag at the title screen? I kind of forgot how.
  17. Mint

    HELP Full Screen Problem (Tiny screen at top-left of the screen)

    If I'm not mistaken; it could be full screen trying to make sure it fits with your monitor. Unless you are not using fullscreen, because then I don't know. EDIT: When I set the screen to full 24-bit, I seem to have the same kinda problem. Not that I use that one alot.
  18. Mint

    The Wrath of Feces Aka Poop story

    I can't even start it up, something about not being a legit Win32 thing. And I think I really should be happy with this, seeing the reactions.
  19. Mint

    My first mod!

    I'd be nice if you at least make it possible for the playable character to look to the right, use the original spritesheet to see where these correct sprites have to be put down. The game can't just spin or flip sprites by itself. Also, dont use different colors on him, don't ask. If you...
  20. Mint

    If you are talking about my icon/'avatar', it's I semi-accidently made, and I actually more or...

    If you are talking about my icon/'avatar', it's I semi-accidently made, and I actually more or less use it unless I ever create one that is better.
  21. Mint

    My first mod!

    I just HOPE that this is still far from done. zthis is usually caused by insufficient testing, or none at all.
  22. Mint

    My first mod!

    You can skip the part with the water in the area with the 'd' mimiga by boosting your way onto the wall next to the 'd' mimiga.
  23. Mint

    can cavestory run on windows 98

    Maybe it does, seeing as Cave Story's development started around 1999(If I'm not mistaken). I could always try to see if it works on a real 98/95 system if I get home before this thread dies, but that would take too much time.
  24. Mint

    The Donald Trump Cake Escapade demo 0.0.8

    No problem, I also forgot to say that the cake's description is partly cut off.
  25. Mint

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Thanks, is there also a way to change the blue during transitions? Because changing the fade sprites still causes a few frames of blue during a transition.