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Search results

  1. Mint

    video game+

    Done a few rounds to see if I could find other secrets than I haven't yet found sonething useful, but I did manage to beat my time (1.51.5) by 0.0.01 (1.51.4) somehow.
  2. Mint

    The Netherlands, probably because it might have to be translated to Dutch.

    The Netherlands, probably because it might have to be translated to Dutch.
  3. Mint

    I've heard alot of good things about Cortana, too bad it is not yet available here. Can't wait...

    I've heard alot of good things about Cortana, too bad it is not yet available here. Can't wait though.
  4. Mint

    video game+

    Isn't the bubbler sort of obsolete because
  5. Mint

    video game+

    Here's my time; Also;
  6. Mint

    Who would win? Quote, or Master Chief?

    True, Quote and Curly get pushed in the ground when Ballos jumps on them in his second form. Also, we shouldn't forget that Quote is a robot, and not human. This could explain his durability against attacks.
  7. Mint

    Playing lots of smash online lately.

    Playing lots of smash online lately.
  8. Mint

    Cave Story running slow on Windows 10?

    It's unlikely to be cause by it's location, as I just checked the game's speed when playing the game when put in Desktop, and it had no difference(Most likely because I keep the game in my documents already.) Edit:Apparently, using Fullscreen 32-bit makes the game run as fast as normal, no...
  9. Mint

    Who would win? Quote, or Master Chief?

    Maybe Balrog is made of something related to soap, as he is supposed to look like a bar of soap. For Ballos, I guess you could blame his wizard powers.
  10. Mint

    Who would win? Quote, or Master Chief?

    You mean by Balrog, power critters and Ballos's second form?
  11. Mint

    So when is the update coming? To be fair, I can't wait.

    So when is the update coming? To be fair, I can't wait.
  12. Mint

    Cave Story running slow on Windows 10?

    So today I upgraded to Windows to see how it's like, and I noticed that I have one major problem: Cave Story clearly runs a bit slower. I have had no problems running it on Windows 7. Does anybody know how to fix this?
  13. Mint

    Cave Story - Plumber Edition (UPDATED!)

    Yeah, but I just have edited that post a few minutes ago.
  14. Mint

    Cave Story - Plumber Edition (UPDATED!)

    I like the idea, and it looks good, but I have two issues: • The Mario sprite has black outlines, this would be ok in it's original game(Mario all-stars for the SNES if I'm right), but in Cave Story, it looks a bit weird compared to the other sprites. • The title screen music is good, but you do...
  15. Mint

    Might take Windows 10 after hearing you can revert back to W7.

    Might take Windows 10 after hearing you can revert back to W7.
  16. Mint

    The Cave Story Transcription Project v2

    Pretty good on this. I noticed a small issues when checking out the hall of secrets; a few things (like the moles in pier 16) are unintentionally transparent in fullscreen. This is usually caused by too dark sprites. Try making them brighter. (Ex. #0A0A0A)
  17. Mint

    Decided to change some stuff, and this meanth I had to empty my friend list, sorry for everybody...

    Decided to change some stuff, and this meanth I had to empty my friend list, sorry for everybody in it.
  18. Mint

    I want to translate Cave Story+. How can I do?

    Boosters lab doesn't work on CS+
  19. Mint

    N.E.T. Story (A Cave Story Mod) =Big Update Coming!=

    It looks good, can't wait to see the update done. King's face only looks a little silly.
  20. Mint

    Cave Story not working correctly...

    Have you tried full32-bit?
  21. Mint

    Cave Story not working correctly...

    Are you playing on fullscreen? Or windowed? Check the config, it might be related to your screen preference.
  22. Mint

    Five Nights at Freddy's

    Didn't those just include walking to a area to see something happen before playing the next night? I actually was also referring to the normal gameplay, I totally forgot about the minigames.
  23. Mint

    Five Nights at Freddy's

    That's why FNaF is so boring, all you have to do is being lazy and just move and click your mouse. The atmosphere in the series was only a bit scary in the first version, the others are not really to that point. The newer games include messed up mechanics like having to use a random light to...
  24. Mint

    Seeing at how the ideas are now, I would rather make a non-story mod. I guess making up a story...

    Seeing at how the ideas are now, I would rather make a non-story mod. I guess making up a story for a mod would be for a other time when I feel like it.
  25. Mint

    The Donald Trump Cake Escapade demo 0.0.8

    Cool update, I found some things, including some things that are still present that I forgot to note; • At the beginning of the Grasstown section, there are some floating blue...things. You should check them out. • Some dialogues have a few line breaks, and Balrog's dialog also includes a line...