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Search results

  1. Mint

    It actually works really good, thanks!

    It actually works really good, thanks!
  2. Mint

    video game+

    That makes me wonder, what if the mod's format was a patch?
  3. Mint

    Mimiga Animation

    If you really need something, I have this somewhere between my random Cave Story files that I don't use. It's in .ORG format though, so you have to convert it if you want to use something else. But you can find how to do that by searching the forums. Don't expect too much, but the idea might...
  4. Mint

    Who do you think will be president?

    I heard somewhere that it has been predicted by someone or something like that(perhaps the Maya civilitation, at leaast from a source that predicted more things) that a women will be the next American president. (We are talking about the next American president, right?) Remember that this is a...
  5. Mint

    I use Paint.net already, but I want to he able to sprite on my mobile so that I don't need my...

    I use Paint.net already, but I want to he able to sprite on my mobile so that I don't need my laptop.
  6. Mint

    Does somebody know a good spriting tool for Android systems?

    Does somebody know a good spriting tool for Android systems?
  7. Mint

    Make Modding Forum rules more obvious

    I guess it's for the best if we wait to see how everything on the forum goes after the forum migration. Banning everybody joining after 2013 only makes the forum look bad.
  8. Mint

    Started making my mod a litte, that is. I only have done some weapon icons yet, but I have base...

    Started making my mod a litte, that is. I only have done some weapon icons yet, but I have base storyline and style ideas. I would expect the mod to be a little short when it's done though.
  9. Mint

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    What affects the color of the level 2&3 Fireball and Snake weapons?
  10. Mint

    The "Photoshop something on someone's profile picture" thread

    And here I was thinking I'd be invincible to this. This is creative on so many levels. Anyways, you guys made me to this, don't blame me. If I get any inspiration, I will taarget someone else, we shouldn't pick too much on Aar, you know.
  11. Mint

    Quote on Machine Gun

    Isn't this from that flash thing you showed us yesterday or something?
  12. Mint

    I dunno, but I thought the use of it may affect it or something.

    I dunno, but I thought the use of it may affect it or something.
  13. Mint

    Have you tried headphones?

    Have you tried headphones?
  14. Mint

    The "Photoshop something on someone's profile picture" thread

    You forgot to flip the face. I am really provoked to start doing this sort of thing to Aar too.(I mean pasting stuff on it or whatever, not the Donald Trump thing) Be thankfull that I have no inspiration at all for now.
  15. Mint

    The "Photoshop something on someone's profile picture" thread

    Probably because your profile picture is the easiest to do something with?
  16. Mint

    The "Photoshop something on someone's profile picture" thread

    I could actually have done better(as you can see on the white around the head), but I kinda was in a hurry. Glad you actually like it anyway.
  17. Mint

    The "Photoshop something on someone's profile picture" thread

    I'm not American, why would he go all the way to a different continent for something like that if he doesn't even care in the first place anyway. Anyways, you inspired me to do this for no reason;
  18. Mint

    The "Photoshop something on someone's profile picture" thread

    I actually found that one the worst. of what I've seen here yet.
  19. Mint

    The Donald Trump Cake Escapade demo 0.0.8

    I really can't wait till the next update, these screenshots are intriguing.
  20. Mint

    Got a good idea for a short mod, will try to see if I can make it into something tomorrow.

    Got a good idea for a short mod, will try to see if I can make it into something tomorrow.
  21. Mint

    A CaveStory Mod, a Mod of the game CaveStory. Cavestory mod Cavestory game mod! [Mod] [CaveStory]!!!

    I actually turned on my laptop this morning partially to see what this. I don't understand wether I regret this, or what. Why did you do this to us.
  22. Mint

    Cave Story Plus Challenges Broken.

    I think the typo happend when CS was getting ported normally to the eshop, which happens to be to last port of CS to have appeared if I'm not mistaken.
  23. Mint

    Garry's Mod

    Now that you mentoin it, I think some stores nearby might have those, if I ever go to them, I'll see if see one. Thanks.
  24. Mint

    Garry's Mod

    I already heard that it's free to join(like, why not), but (sorry for going a bit off-topic here) what are the payment methods then?
  25. Mint

    Garry's Mod

    Too bad I don't have steam, or even actually know how to pay there. Probaly should totally check out how and maybe try it out by buying CS+ once in my life. Anyways, I've heard alot of good things about GMod, and somebody I know has it too. So if I ever get the chance in my life, I'll try to...