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Search results

  1. Tert

    Artwork and Stuff

    Incorrect. Who said that i did??/? I'm not going to cheat on my bf with a fuckoing drawing!1!1!11! Criingegsdf!1!!
  2. Tert

    lethrys is real sex how

    lethrys is real sex how
  3. Tert

    tpcool is real? this is a certified miza how pixel tyrone moment

    tpcool is real? this is a certified miza how pixel tyrone moment
  4. Tert

    Comment by 'Tert' in media 'hello hi'

    guys guys guys he's pogging how
  5. Tert

    guys they made me cstsf real... : pensive :

    guys they made me cstsf real... : pensive :
  6. Tert

    Show off your org music...

    Raymundo on CTSTF sex real how? Also, this sounds great!
  7. Tert

    gacha cave story pics

    I keep hearing people whining like little-ass man children about Gacha Life/Club, is it really as bad as they say it is or is it a good platform to make/share things on? My bf says the platform is great, but I'm asking around to see if it's as bad as people make it seem.
  8. Tert

    Festive Quest

    Not much longer until it! I'm really excited to play this, of course when 'tis the season.
  9. Tert

    so cool

    so cool
  10. Tert

    Ikachan DS homebrew (release)

    This reminds me of the Cave Story DSi port in some ways and I kinda like that.
  11. Tert

    Cave Story+ vs. Kero Blaster

    Well, personally, both are relatively on-par in terms of quality to me, but there are pros and cons to each. Cave Story+ Pros: -Updated graphics -Selection and support of .ogg music files -Added gameplay challenges Cons: -Updated graphics are lazy as hell, tons of unscaled pixels -Worse on PC...
  12. Tert

    Monster X is nothing - Find out how with these easy steps

    This helps a ton, I was taught to mash level 2 blade in it's face until it died.