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Search results

  1. IdioticBaka1824

    Cave Story: Rising Earth v0.1.3

    I didn't mean very easy, I meant as hard as the original Cave Story. Since we're so used to it, it seems easy, bu the first tie we played Cave Story, it must have seemed difficult to some extent.
  2. IdioticBaka1824

    On the Subject of Censoring Words

    Wait, what's going on?
  3. IdioticBaka1824


    This is my most plausible theory yet: Omega is just another monster of the island, like Sandcrocs and Skullsteps and Polishes. It just happens to be bigger, stronger and more dormant. When it felt Quote approaching, it probably fought in self-defense. I still don't know about the sunstones, but...
  4. IdioticBaka1824

    Is Cave Story too cute for its own good?

    I understand that I shouldn't bump old threads. Also, as a Muslim, I know that Humans are imperfect. What I meant was that it's as close to perfect as a human can do. When I say 'perfect', I always mean close to perfect, because nothing at all in this world is completely 100% anything. Except...
  5. IdioticBaka1824

    Best Tools for Modding

    I think we are deviating from the original topic in this thread...
  6. IdioticBaka1824

    Best Tools for Modding

    Um... I'm not fluent in slang and curses.
  7. IdioticBaka1824

    On the Subject of Censoring Words

    The only thing that should stop people from using bad words is conscience.
  8. IdioticBaka1824

    Cave Story FanArt

    I was surprised why he doesn't cry when Misery bothers him.
  9. IdioticBaka1824

    "If perfection is zero, we must strive to become an asymptotic line." I made that quote. If you...

    "If perfection is zero, we must strive to become an asymptotic line." I made that quote. If you think it's contrived, maybe that's why everyone at school calls me 'robot'. The only thing my idiotic self can pride itself on is being as non-violent and peace-loving as possible, as a true Muslim...
  10. IdioticBaka1824


    English is my first language. And that is not a swear word. Swearing is basically a promise.
  11. IdioticBaka1824

    Oh, and what is backseat moderating? And why is Mr.MagicDoors insulting his own drawing?

    Oh, and what is backseat moderating? And why is Mr.MagicDoors insulting his own drawing?
  12. IdioticBaka1824

    Cave Story FanArt

    Here's a Balrog I did in Paint. Balrog is by far the easiest Cave Story character to draw. And I hope I win the award of the most badly drawn fan art in the history of this forum! (That's the best drawing I can do.) (P.S: Mr.jcys810, would you mind re-uploading Kurosaki Ichiquote? It says the...
  13. IdioticBaka1824

    Everyone, thank you for your help. (And I haven't been in any forums before, so I assumed that...

    Everyone, thank you for your help. (And I haven't been in any forums before, so I assumed that it would be formal to some extent. I guess I was wrong.)
  14. IdioticBaka1824


    Actually, I thought of something wrong with my theory. If Jenka had actually made the sunstones for her own security, she would have been extremely shocked by the fact that someone (Quote) bypassed it. But why exactly did Omega rise from the ground exactly when Quote walked in? Maybe it felt...
  15. IdioticBaka1824

    Best Tools for Modding

    Oh, thanks. How was I to figure that out? And... what happened to the creator of this thread? I guess Mr.Balrog1337 has already started on modding. Good luck!
  16. IdioticBaka1824

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Okay, I got it. You can adjust the colors in Faststone Capture and convert any custom MyChar character to the drowning equivalent. Thanks anyway.
  17. IdioticBaka1824

    Cave Story look-a-likes

    This is what I had: [-spoiler]text image text [/spoiler] But for some reason, the post preview showed only the text in the spoiler, so I just removed the spoiler completely. But thanks for trying to be helpful, you're a nice person.
  18. IdioticBaka1824


    I had said in the look-alikes thread that Omega might have something to do with the last letter of the Greek alphabet, Omega. Someone might be able to come up with a theory, but my best guess is that Jenka herself made both Omega and the sunstones for security purposes, and she would be able to...
  19. IdioticBaka1824

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Over here: And about the drowning sprite, I meant that if you are making a custom main character, then you would also have to edit it so that it looks bluish. Is there any easy way to just copy it from MyChar.pbm and adjust the colors or do you have to redraw the whole thing? Thanks about the...
  20. IdioticBaka1824

    Cave Story look-a-likes

    Mr.MagicDoors, I'm sorry to be as lazy as to not research myself. Anyway, here's another I came up with: Curly reminds me of The legendary Onihime Demon Princess, Himeko Onizuka! PLEASE PUT LARGE IMAGES IN SPOILER TAGS - GIRakaCHEEZER Oh, sorry about that, but the spoiler tag didn't seem to...
  21. IdioticBaka1824

    Let's Depreciate Sue's Workshop

    Oh, thanks for explaining. Sorry again!
  22. IdioticBaka1824

    Best Tools for Modding

    What exactly does this mean? And know that all of you have forgive me, can we be friends? (I think we are deviating from the main topic of this thread a bit.) Mr.Balrog1337, would you mind showing some of your future mod ideas? Maybe an experienced modder can help you out with your first mod!
  23. IdioticBaka1824

    Let's Depreciate Sue's Workshop

    Oh, Okay. I won't do it again. But what do you mean by warning?
  24. IdioticBaka1824

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    I meant, the pxm map files might store the map properties as hex data (or not), so I was asking. And here's my problem: And here are a few more questions: Is there any easy way of making custom drowning sprites, or do you have to do it the hard way of choosing all the right grayish-blue shades...
  25. IdioticBaka1824

    Best Tools for Modding

    Mr.MagicDoors, would you mind using simpler language? I can't really understand you. I'm sorry if I'm annoying. I was just trying to say that Paint is decent enough for beginners doing simple things, and I agree that if you want a more professional quality, you should use more advanced tools...