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Search results

  1. Fluff8836

    Cave Story - The Jenka's Nightmare Challenge

    Ya got it... You actually beat the one on this high quality AVI Video. (de-sync if watched directly) As for this YouTube video, you did not meet 0'18"2 or 0'18"3 when the chest was opened sobeating would still be possible. EDIT: Here it is! It is 1'00"5. Please see post #32. P.S. let Fixer90...
  2. Fluff8836

    Cave Story - The Jenka's Nightmare Challenge

    At long last, Jenka finally woke up! I liked the Jenka ver. Even though gameplay remains the same, it's ... find all the puppies...? I will try the new version out anyway. EDIT: Annnnd I have set a new record! Now it is 1'06"1! Video (Forgot to set proper recording audio source for CamStudio...
  3. Fluff8836

    Cave Story - The Jenka's Nightmare Challenge

    If you want to know how accurately your first post is before, check this Google cache (limited time!) http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:xkSk2VWYzssJ:www.cavestory.org/forums/index.php?/topic/6675-cave-story-the-jenkas-nightmare-challenge/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us (note, the...
  4. Fluff8836

    Proposed migration to xenForo

    I found a bug with attachment assignment. Take a look at this post: http://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/curly-brace-m-u-g-e-n-character-discovered-also-balrog.4098/#post-152159 The attachment used to be a video that I uploaded showing a mockup, but now it is a picture uploaded by someone...
  5. Fluff8836

    Cave Story - The Jenka's Nightmare Challenge

    Please update my high score. It is now 1'17"9.
  6. Fluff8836

    Cave Story - The Jenka's Nightmare Challenge

    Well, time to show it off. After more than 20 attempts, I survived and completed it. Watch this video. My time is 1'36"9. Initial time 2'53"6 without video.
  7. Fluff8836

    Happy Birthday Pixel

    Didn't made a post last year, I am surprised no one did it. But I am ending the drought. Anyways, happy 38th birthday Pixel! And here is yet another picture posted on Nicalis' twitter.
  8. Fluff8836

    1001 Spikes

    4/10/2015: I have just learned on Tyrone's Twitter that an update to the game has been announced which would fix the bugs, and hopefully all the crash bugs for those unlockable characters-cutscenes and Thompsoncare-File Select for the Nintendo 3DS version. Follow both Tyrone and Nicalis Twitter...
  9. Fluff8836

    Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

    Test finished. I am currently doing another NG+ play-through with no spur now and found a new issue for the Magic Journal: I found an issue with flags 0097 and 0098 for the Magic Journal, this happens when you do not meet up with Monster X first and instead going further to see Chaba. After...
  10. Fluff8836

    Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

    2 tests finished. ZarroTsu, pay attention to this diagnostic video here. Pause it when you see "Analysis." Suto's speed-text dialog for players who are sequence-breaking has a number 0 in front of "Well". #0203<FLJ0045:0201<SAT<MSG<FAC00300Well, what do we have here? Khss khss...
  11. Fluff8836

    Cave Story's Globally Diverse Audience?

    Las Vegas, NV, USA.
  12. Fluff8836

    Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

    I am sorry but I found a bug from the get-go with NewGame+. If you have not saved in Start Point yet and happened to DIE from the monsters, EVERYTHING in initialized and all NG+ features are lost. It seems the "Saved Once" flag got cleared when you fall in the hole of the Prefab House, so the...
  13. Fluff8836

    Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

    Might as well post it here because it's just about time for me to move on... Grasstown Tower: After beating Suto in Teleporter Room, the chest appears in the Tower. There is a Save Diskette inside the tower at the top floor and if you save here, then restarted the game from that, I do not see...
  14. Fluff8836

    Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

    ArmsItem #5994 <KEY<MSGHey, hey, hold up.<NOD Did he just break the fourth wall!?<NOD ...<NOD What do you mean 'I am too'??<NOD<FL+2264<FRE<EVE5998 There is a blank line between the dialog in-game. Try this... #5994 <KEY<MSGHey, hey, hold up.<NOD Did he just break the fourth wall!?<NOD ...<NOD...
  15. Fluff8836

    Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

    Did that Mimiga above Chaco's House turn into a fan? This happened when I turn on or off Circuit A.
  16. Fluff8836

    Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

    In the process of playing the newest version. I see you have changed parts in certain dialogs, but this one, the diary in Booster's Lab... ... ... :eek: Why?! [attachment=781:DiaryDialog.png] :( Compatable is misspelled in the Head Script for ammo events. It is an "I", not "A" before "BLE"...
  17. Fluff8836

    Cave Story V.S.

    Take a look at this old thread... At least two characters for M.U.G.E.N have been made possible. Also, I already made one stage.
  18. Fluff8836

    Wings of Vi

    Attention! The game has been released! Go ahead and buy the game if you and your money are up for it. See first post. Game Info and Purchasing | Demo version It is not DRM-FREE. Steam code only, so Steam is required. However, not for the demo. Share your experiences beyond this post.
  19. Fluff8836

    Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

    ZarroTsu, I recommend checking events #0100 and #0104 in Devil's Garden. Seeing they have an <EQ+0002 for Map System. Based on my inspection, you may have neglected to do an Item Check jump for the Map System item with <ITJ0002:####. It may be possible to use the Map System by pressing the Map...
  20. Fluff8836

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    I found and able to replicate the strange crash easily on version 0.99d. This is called the Mouse Wheel crash. Download/Watch this video below: Mousewheel_Crash.avi This happens when:I right-click a map and click 'Edit Script'. I click the close button below. With the main window appearing...
  21. Fluff8836

    Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

    I found a text glitch. I should had found it a long time ago. This is in "Oblivion." Look in Spoiler for the part of that script in question.
  22. Fluff8836

    Wings of Vi

    The recent blog post (#23) mentions the Humble Store. It will be released on the Humble Store the same day as Steam. 2SM_ByutO00 Non-Steam users, myself included... don't lose hope. Please let me know if Steam really is required even when you buy it on the Humble Store on the day of release (or...
  23. Fluff8836

    Wings of Vi

    Thread title updated to note the upcoming release. Check the first post. Great idea for Solgryn to put out on Black Friday. November 28. Steam Store Page - Follow or wishlist to get updates from the developer.
  24. Fluff8836

    Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

    Welp, that about fixes everything that I encountered. No need to display a checklist. However...
  25. Fluff8836

    Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

    Look at the Edit Date below the post and note the changes and additions below. I now find an issue for the Magic Journal not updating after going deeper into the Sanctuary. ***Picture attachment removed to recover space*** The H/V Trigger sits directly on NO NPC and in this situation it will...