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Search results

  1. Fluff8836

    If interested in a PDF copy of the score table for Doukutsu Randamu on how you earn points here...

    If interested in a PDF copy of the score table for Doukutsu Randamu on how you earn points here it is. Now with pictures of items and enemies. I did a lot of work using two calculators, getting current score and the changed score after collecting an item or defeating an enemy. Then subtracting...
  2. Fluff8836

    Doukutsu Randamu (1.45)

    I like to leave out a scoring table on how you earn points as you play. I will also post this at the new discussion forum at the game's GitHub. Difficulty score increases added but rounded down. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |...
  3. Fluff8836

    OrgMaker 3 - Updated version of Org2

    Nice improvement. Good point: Playback moves note by note rather than by measure. Bad point: Please see VirusTotal report. Based on latest version 3.0.8.
  4. Fluff8836

    Good to know. Updated right away., that's revision 1.

    Good to know. Updated right away., that's revision 1.
  5. Fluff8836

    And now finally 1.44.1 got released. Downloaded it. I see no new information at the Changelog in...

    And now finally 1.44.1 got released. Downloaded it. I see no new information at the Changelog in the Readme file. But I am very sure all the bugs that I mentioned, including the Curly Brace problem, were fixed.
  6. Fluff8836

    UPDATE: It's been more than 11 hours of downtime for itch.io but now there's signs of returning...

    UPDATE: It's been more than 11 hours of downtime for itch.io but now there's signs of returning to normal. Randamu was able to connect for update checking. Was able to access itch.io and some games, including Randamu. Now that its coming back to normal, expect a patch soon in the coming days.
  7. Fluff8836

    All the bugs I came across on Doukutsu Randamu reported have been fixed. 1.44.1 is coming...

    All the bugs I came across on Doukutsu Randamu reported have been fixed. 1.44.1 is coming, HOWEVER, itch.io has suffered a DDoS attack since 5 AM PDT, 5/27/2024. That update patch is going to be delayed. You cannot use the built-in check for updates feature in Randamu yet, returns SSL connect...
  8. Fluff8836

    Doukutsu Randamu (1.45)

    Love the new release so far, the 2nd Campaign new worlds and new music are amazing! However, I have reported a handful of bugs and issues to the Issue Tracker at GitHub that I have come across in my test runs. EDIT 5/30/2024: Version 1.44.1 just got released now.
  9. Fluff8836

    Doukutsu Randamu (1.45)

    Just a little heads up, I have been receiving emails from GitHub that my bunch of reported bugs are now being examined on this day. Much has been fixed. Version 1.44 is on its way soon. Version 1.44 is now here! (5/19/2024)
  10. Fluff8836

    Doukutsu Randamu (1.45)

    Ah, thank you very much for this. You may update the thread's title accordingly. Will definitely try this update out. Yeah, the crafted Gatling Gun was way too overpowered making it too easy, especially for Resonant. Thanks for adjusting it.
  11. Fluff8836

    Doukutsu Randamu (1.45)

    Hi there. Been loving this new concept you made. Played it about more than a year ago. Very diverse. I have reported new bugs on GitHub. Please see the Issue Tracker when you get the chance. For version
  12. Fluff8836

    I uploaded a variation of "Running Hell" ORG file... (4/15/2023: Minor update to attachment)

    I uploaded a variation of "Running Hell" ORG file... (4/15/2023: Minor update to attachment)
  13. Fluff8836

    ⚰️RIP 3DS & Wii U eShop. 3DS digital games Cave Story+ and Ikachan 3D are no longer available...

    ⚰️RIP 3DS & Wii U eShop. 3DS digital games Cave Story+ and Ikachan 3D are no longer available anymore.
  14. Fluff8836

    The Cave Story preservation thread

    ⚠️Last warning. EDIT: ⚰️RIP eShop... Nintendo announced the cutoff time 3/27/2023 at 5:00 PM Pacific Daylight time. Hope Nicalis hears about this, and the thread starter too...
  15. Fluff8836

    The Cave Story preservation thread

    This is the particular thread to bump. I am here to deliver this warning to all. Nintendo is very soon going to stop all new sales of games & DLC on Wii U & 3DS eShop on Monday, March 27, 2023! I repeat, the eShop for Wii U & 3DS is really going to close. This means, if you don't own the eShop...
  16. Fluff8836

    https://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/13989/ - Bugfixes to CheesyCS - version

    https://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/13989/ - Bugfixes to CheesyCS - version released. MIDIs with lower note velocities (volume) are now included, deprecating the music patcher.
  17. Fluff8836

    Kero Blaster on Nintendo Switch

    Kero Blaster now released to the Nintendo Switch worldwide. I've pre-purchased it and waited for August 23, the release date. And now, it is playable! This beats having to create an account on Playism.
  18. Fluff8836

    Version of CheesyCS is out which fixes a few bugs in the new mode plus improvements. A...

    Version of CheesyCS is out which fixes a few bugs in the new mode plus improvements. A patch is available that will normalize (lower the volume of) the MIDI files for this version and all the way down to Uninstall and older before installing latest version, and then...
  19. Fluff8836

    OKAY! I used the normalizing program to lower every note velocity (range 0-127) to 90 and had...

    OKAY! I used the normalizing program to lower every note velocity (range 0-127) to 90 and had made a patching program packed in a zip file and attached to the first post of my game. For and down to I recommend you uninstall the game that is and below first. Then install...
  20. Fluff8836

    It is possible to do that, but all MIDIs come from various authors that had submitted it to...

    It is possible to do that, but all MIDIs come from various authors that had submitted it to vgmusic.com. (excluding one which was made by me despite its availability at vgmusic.com) Volume levels do vary and I'll have to do that on every instrument track to get it closer to near-half volume. I...
  21. Fluff8836

    I knew I messed things up with the pieces at home in Classic. is released, see the...

    I knew I messed things up with the pieces at home in Classic. is released, see the changes, first post, in spoiler. https://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/13989
  22. Fluff8836

    CheesyCS version released. You will need to uninstall all old versions before installing...

    CheesyCS version released. You will need to uninstall all old versions before installing this one. https://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/13989
  23. Fluff8836

    MIDI is out of my control for the moment. There is no MCI command that can adjust volume of a...

    MIDI is out of my control for the moment. There is no MCI command that can adjust volume of a MIDI. If SW Synth is adjustable (which I know about it in the Windows XP volume mixer), it was the only way.
  24. Fluff8836

    Cheesy Cave Story (Version

    I think I need to get back and reverse a change for music playing... Wait for Revision 3. For now, I need sleep. There are many ways to get to the directory where the app is located/running. The original string in the code was Application.StartupPath & "\Music\" & MidiFile and it failed on...
  25. Fluff8836

    @andwhyisit , what @zxin said.

    @andwhyisit , what @zxin said.