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Search results

  1. QuoteXCurly

    Pooh Black - Help!

    Hmmm..... seems kinda hard, but I use the lvl. 3 Blade to rid almost all of his bubbles and stay in the middle of the room 'till he's about to land, then run the hell to the other side of the room, then just keep spamming lvl. 3 Blade
  2. QuoteXCurly

    RTD: Netland II

    Pick up RPG with a 10 missile pack from the corner of the room.
  3. QuoteXCurly

    cool 404 errors.

    Mine AND my mother's does that! Must have something to do with Windows Vista and Windows 7.
  4. QuoteXCurly

    In this Topic we rate eachother's Avatars/Sigs.

    A: 7/10 Nice avatar. S: 9/10 Props for making that up (4/10 if you copied it from somewhere).
  5. QuoteXCurly

    Stuff you think is normal that other people find incredibly bizarre.

    Wasn't that an old post? Anyways, my uncanny ability to completely remember a song note by note, as long as I take away the lyrics. Like Red Zone, for example. Also, m- well, I could go on, but then you'd know things about me that, if you ever found out, I'd have to kill you.
  6. QuoteXCurly

    Stuff you think is normal that other people find incredibly bizarre.

    Shaking a soda bottle for no apparent reason. Randomly evilly laughing. And the fact that I just found a rusty hatchet back in my friend's hiding spot.
  7. QuoteXCurly

    The Ever Changing Sentence

    Okay, I understand you made the game, but really? (topic) Billy Mays flabbergasted the world by letting QXC ruin the game with unfunny faggots in Tumbleweed Zone, sodomizing Sodomyman's sodomy sodomized.
  8. QuoteXCurly

    Comment by 'QuoteXCurly' in media 'No caption'

    Hmm, seems reasonable. And she is really sexy. Damn, why am I such a lolicon? Oh, wait. I'M 12!
  9. QuoteXCurly

    Comment by 'QuoteXCurly' in media 'Enjoyable mix of cute and badass.'

    (I know Noxid told me not to say this, but) SO KAWAII! The new trope should be the Badass kawaii
  10. QuoteXCurly

    Comment by 'QuoteXCurly' in media 'No caption'

  11. QuoteXCurly

    Comment by 'QuoteXCurly' in media 'No caption'

    DAMN that's one big throne room!
  12. QuoteXCurly

    The Ever Changing Sentence

    Chuck Norris norrised Norris while Chuck & Norris chucked ChuckNorris Zone, chucknorrissing ChuckNorrisMan's Chuck Norrissed. (that's Chuck Norris speak for: Billy Mays killed sodomy presodomy sodomized Sodom & Sodomy sodomized Tumbleweed Zone, sodomizing Sodomyman's sodomy sodomized.)
  13. QuoteXCurly

    RTD: Netland II

    I guess move time? Okay, my character, which is named, "Genkai", approaches the computer for a first hacking attempt.
  14. QuoteXCurly

    RTD: Netland II

    Can I be one of those humanoid creatures from Star Ocean?
  15. QuoteXCurly

    RTD: Netland II

    Oh, my bad, didn't see that part. Wait, fictional continuity? What exactly does that mean?
  16. QuoteXCurly

    Noodle Soup

    I love Ramen. I wish that I could have instant noodles anytime I want. Waiting for 2nd semester to go to Home Economics to start sucks. 7th grade is hard.
  17. QuoteXCurly

    Yes, it's Keiichi, and his scared face.

    Yes, it's Keiichi, and his scared face.
  18. QuoteXCurly

    Rate the custom user title/location of the person above you

    T: Nonexistent L: 3/10 you could be where others stand, too!
  19. QuoteXCurly

    The Official "I Hate Most & I Like Most" Topic!

    I hate shotocons I love lolis
  20. QuoteXCurly

    Rate the rating of the user above you

    OVER 9000/10 for giving me a perfect score X 10.
  21. QuoteXCurly

    In this Topic we rate eachother's Avatars/Sigs.

    A: !)/!) (10/10) IKACHAN RAVE! S: $/!) (4/10) meh....
  22. QuoteXCurly

    The Official "I Hate Most & I Like Most" Topic!

    I hate tree branches I love my spastic and evil nature >:3
  23. QuoteXCurly

    Rate the custom user title/location of the person above you

    7/10 I don't know either. 8/10 I like the Brawl Version
  24. QuoteXCurly

    In this Topic we rate eachother's Avatars/Sigs.

    10/10 ALGEBRAIC! 9/10 Looks like you've got some Emo fetish, now don't you?
  25. QuoteXCurly

    Rate the rating of the user above you

    1337/10 for cussing like a a 3 year old nowadays.