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Search results

  1. Kick Ass


    Sounds cool :heart:
  2. Kick Ass

    Personality Puzzle

  3. Kick Ass

    Personality Puzzle

    https://andwhyisit.bugsiteguardian.com/cstsf/archive1/p136329-0-ani051.jpg What about now??
  4. Kick Ass

    Artwork and Stuff

    Ahahhaa that's cool :heart: Donc tu voudrais parler en francais? (i don't have the c squiggle this for the c in francais)
  5. Kick Ass

    Personality Puzzle

    OK guys for the pig and arrow... make a shortened version of pig and arrow. Like kind of mush it together Edit: OH yes and I agree with DT... let's just do one until someone guesses it or everyone gives up. So continue guessing mine
  6. Kick Ass

    Personality Puzzle

    So there is two parts to this game: You can either post a picture which has something to do with some aspect of someones forum name.....or you can post a picture of something to do with the personality of a forum member (without being offensive!). Then people have to guess who! So here is an...
  7. Kick Ass

    Artwork and Stuff

    Oh right cool. I know french (to a certain extent xD). Does it actually say manger? because manger is the infinitive a.k.a to eat...
  8. Kick Ass

    Artwork and Stuff

    Pandas have two eyes...terrorists have two eyes. Coincidence? I THINK NOT. Nice work. Why does it say to eat eggs?b
  9. Kick Ass

    Lol. Sounds like you had fun!

    Lol. Sounds like you had fun!
  10. Kick Ass

    Island of elements

    That's awesome!!! Apart from the image is stretched but yer
  11. Kick Ass

    Cave Story FanArt

    It's quote with a rocket launcher isn't it?? Balrog isn't shooting anything...
  12. Kick Ass

    Anyone remember Agorra? The multiplayer Cave Story? ?

    black screens... random errors etc... E: I suppose I should have probably got the "latest" update
  13. Kick Ass

    Island of elements

    Cool beans...It sounds like you really don't like Zelda (that was sarcasm if you couldn't detect). Thursday? My birthday is soon too :p Early Happy Birthday??
  14. Kick Ass

    Cave Story Game Idea

    Yes a multiplayer was created called agora's Legends. It did start to work to a certain extent. http://www.echidnatribe.org/Doukutsu/ If you could make it that would be awesome :p Cave Story...Hell 2 player was not multiplayer...as you probably already know multiplayer needs internet so the...
  15. Kick Ass

    Anyone remember Agorra? The multiplayer Cave Story? ?

    I had problems with it as well. It was pretty cool. It has been abandoned hasn't it?
  16. Kick Ass

    Close your eyes and draw quote

    Tetris quote FTW!
  17. Kick Ass

    Island of elements

    Sounds cool. Is that the tri-force on your characters hat?? :p
  18. Kick Ass

    Exam Results

    No no No.... It is a play on words. The "lost count" xD. I meant on the contrary. I far from failed. I did really well :p
  19. Kick Ass

    Hell 2 Player

    Yes that is cool. It is unfortunate that we can't get 2 player working although it was still fun. Always useful for something else in the future!
  20. Kick Ass

    Exam Results

    Well yes...so many times now that I have lost count. On the contrary actually...
  21. Kick Ass

    Cave Story FanArt

    AHAHAHA. That's awesome :confused:
  22. Kick Ass

    Some video about modding or whatever

    That's pretty cool. To me that's the basics of modding pretty much covered. I don't think a third video is needed. Only thing I could think of is common problems. So recurring problems in the QA modding section?
  23. Kick Ass

    Exam Results

    Well I got my Maths back.... A* WOOT WOOT.... sorry I just got a bit excited :) I'm going on to do higher maths next year.
  24. Kick Ass

    #CurlyBrace: An IRC Solution!

    Re: #CurlyBrace: An IRC Solution! They just don't like you! Nah i'm joking!!! The same thing happens to me :)
  25. Kick Ass

    Hell 2 Player

    Customization involves: Weapons Characters Unlocking stuff Anything else? Oh and Lunar are you going to work on the Combo hack at some point? Just when you have some time... :)