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Search results

  1. Fluffball

    Cavescape Alpha Ver. 0.1 - Now Featuring Corpses!

    saying that software is %100 bug free is the way to have %100 of things go wrong %100 of the time.
  2. Fluffball

    Ghost Kitten's Adventure

    For some reason, everything from dropbox that contains an exe is automatically labeled malware by chrome. I literally uploaded what amounted to a "hello world" program and chrome proceeded to label it as the most viscous software ever created by man.
  3. Fluffball

    Windows 10--It's Real!

    They say that "only every other version of windows is good", and windows 8 blows (I own it). Does that mean they skipped over the good version and went straight for the suck?
  4. Fluffball

    Requesting feedback on graphics

    1) I'm... not sure how to answer that. I don't think I will be making a game at all with this (I just don't have the time), but someone else is welcome to. 2) yes
  5. Fluffball

    Quote vs. Kero Blaster

    I'm sorry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da9P4SsqMUE
  6. Fluffball

    Can I Help With A Mod

    That's quite the statement.
  7. Fluffball

    Requesting feedback on graphics

    So I tried to do that operation where darker shades of black faded into blue and that just looked... extremely odd. I tried adding some very blue ambient light to this scene, though it's still kept dark. The blue does not show up well on the interior of the grass but... well here, just see for...
  8. Fluffball

    New at Java, need help coding movement

    Oh... I've been using double buffering for so long in directX that I forgot it wasn't a given... Research double buffering to make sure that's your problem, and if it is, try to go ahead and implement it.
  9. Fluffball

    Requesting feedback on graphics

    Thanks for the kind words and the suggestions, I really appreciate it. I think I do now understand what you're saying about the flashlights being too bright and I agree. It's a tough problem to solve, and perhaps one that can be tackled with HDR. A more "cheap", but practical solution would just...
  10. Fluffball

    Requesting feedback on graphics

    This sounds crazy, and I'm possibly missing something, but I don't know how to adjust mine. I have the basic option of brightness, but otherwise, I can't find a single option for color calibration. I can if I hook my laptop up to a second monitor however. While that still seems tacky, it might...
  11. Fluffball

    New at Java, need help coding movement

    What do you mean by stutter? Is it very short, fine stutters? Frequent? Rare? Choppy? My knowledge of Java is not great, so I'm most likely missing an obvious problem. In general, I would avoid using threads if you can help it. EDIT: in your main, you have a loop that just says "while (true)"...
  12. Fluffball

    Requesting feedback on graphics

    Any and all constructive feedback is helpful. Thanks for pitching in. You know, I really did not understand this criticism... until I tried viewing this on my phone which is darker and has more contrast.... NOW I see what you're talking about. Man, that is a really tough one. I don't know what...
  13. Fluffball

    Requesting feedback on graphics

    Like I say, it's likely to be for nothing. I had designed a game with a friend a long time ago before I had any concept of how difficult game development was. I just wanted to see a small piece of it realized as an engine test before I moved on. The darkness actually is for some fog of war type...
  14. Fluffball

    Requesting feedback on graphics

    I happen to disagree with the educational aspect. I've dumped many years into working on this engine, trying to polish and tweak it. If I don't have polished assets to use, I will never know how it looks in a "final product" setting. Should I really just abandon all that and use MS paint...
  15. Fluffball

    Requesting feedback on graphics

    I gave attribution and I am not distributing this specifically. Do I need permission to use files for personal, education purposes?
  16. Fluffball

    Requesting feedback on graphics

    They are. I have a friend who is a small-time animator and he made those for me. I'm very grateful to him. Heh, both the voices and that music are from half-life 2. The light source "from the dirt" does actually have an explanation. I agree with the criticism that they should be a different...
  17. Fluffball

    Requesting feedback on graphics

    Hmm... well, the trees have a purpose due to the geography of the original design, but if they are visually jarring/confusing, I'll consider removing them from this section. There are some open sections of cave that more or less look like an outdoor environment (forests) and they would probably...
  18. Fluffball

    Requesting feedback on graphics

    The trees actually have a reason for being there. Like I say, the context is confusing. The light beams however, I totally agree with. Those should be different. Never noticed that till now. Thanks. As for the lighting, that is an issue I've been struggling with. I know it shows up drastically...
  19. Fluffball

    Requesting feedback on graphics

    I really have no idea where to put this. I just wanted to get some feedback on graphics and style (ie: lighting, shadows, sound). I've been staring at my own work for so long that I've lost the ability to see the wires sticking out of things. Don't read too deep onto the dialogue section (or...
  20. Fluffball

    MultiCave - Cave Story Multiplayer

    oh.... I didn't think about the clients directly sending their position data. That method is not normally used since it's extremely prone to cheating/hacking. If that's not an issue though I suppose it's not something to worry about.
  21. Fluffball

    MultiCave - Cave Story Multiplayer

    I'm interested in what you're doing for lag compensation. Since there is a host, I'm assuming this runs on an authoritative server as opposed to P2P, so what happens to the clients when they press a button? Does it predict their motions and then correct with rollback, or do they have to wait for...
  22. Fluffball

    Enemy Programming Results

    OH, now I see. Fixed. Thanks for the help.
  23. Fluffball

    Enemy Programming Results

    ah, thanks. I don't know what I did wrong there... I used the youtube tags and placed the link between. Is there some other way I have to do it?
  24. Fluffball

    Enemy Programming Results

    So that last topic died pretty fast. Its not far down on the page, but here's the link for any new readers: http://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/5586/ I tested out some of my hypotheses and thought I would make a followup post. Some of the stuff I proposed worked out ok, and some of it was...
  25. Fluffball

    Cave Story Z

    Yeah seriously, I don't think I've ever seen a thread end like this. It usually just ends with OP telling everyone to kiss his ass and "I'll show you someday!". In my case, I'm not just a naysayer, I've started too many large projects too early back in ye-olden days and it was never anything...