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Search results

  1. Thatnamelessguy

    or just

    or just
  2. Thatnamelessguy

    would you capture it

    would you capture it
  3. Thatnamelessguy

    an a press is an a press you can't say it's only a half

    an a press is an a press you can't say it's only a half
  4. Thatnamelessguy


  5. Thatnamelessguy


    which moment?
  6. Thatnamelessguy

    yeah on IPB a lot of people would delete the first post of their thread and everyone hated it...

    yeah on IPB a lot of people would delete the first post of their thread and everyone hated it it's gone now i guess
  7. Thatnamelessguy

    well i guess not

    well i guess not
  8. Thatnamelessguy

    yeah how dare they prevent piracy

    yeah how dare they prevent piracy
  9. Thatnamelessguy

    Your most memorable level from a game.

    i like how neither of the questions are the same one as the title i don't even really have a favorite game so for the title... i guess frost man's stage from mega man 8 because of the funny voice saying "Jump! Jump!" "Slide! Slide!" for a game and level I don't hate, I guess the train chapter...
  10. Thatnamelessguy

    cave story media player

    cave story media player
  11. Thatnamelessguy

    Bubsy Two-Fur

    how do i do that how do i put a super nintendo/genesis cartridge in my computer can't we just download the video game if that is possible though i will do it to show my devotion to bubsy
  12. Thatnamelessguy

    oh boy, cave story made in famitracker yet againnnn

    uh yes they are okay technically no if you want to get into like expansion chips and stuff but famitracker itself it even says on the website "NES/Famicom"
  13. Thatnamelessguy

    Spess: Again

    i have 2 and a half hours to figure out what spess is i'll play though i did not spend that 2 and a half hours figuring out what spess is but i downloaded the thing so I guess I can play???
  14. Thatnamelessguy

    watch dog anime i haven't actually seen dog anime but it's dog anime

    watch dog anime i haven't actually seen dog anime but it's dog anime
  15. Thatnamelessguy

    Cave Story in Games Done Quick

    this time for mario maker level me and tommy cool both donated 5 dollars for it
  16. Thatnamelessguy

    dude nice bracelets

    dude nice bracelets
  17. Thatnamelessguy


  18. Thatnamelessguy

    i uh don't quite see the problem here

    i uh don't quite see the problem here
  19. Thatnamelessguy

    Bubsy Two-Fur

    Bubsy has finally made his grand return in Bubsy Two-Fur on Steam! Thanks to all the Bubsy fans who voted for Bubsy Two-Fur on Steam Greenlight, Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind and Bubsy II are now available to purchase on Steam for just $4.99! For those who aren't aware, Bubsy is...
  20. Thatnamelessguy

    ok am I allowed to make a thread about it or will it get locked

    ok am I allowed to make a thread about it or will it get locked
  21. Thatnamelessguy

    did you buy this yet http://store.steampowered.com/app/426630/

    did you buy this yet http://store.steampowered.com/app/426630/
  22. Thatnamelessguy

    uh no he isn't?

    uh no he isn't?
  23. Thatnamelessguy

    it's pretty good i would call it a masterpiece and also one of the best games of 2015 also it's...

    it's pretty good i would call it a masterpiece and also one of the best games of 2015 also it's fun play it unless you didn't like the demo in which case you will probably not like the game
  24. Thatnamelessguy

    part of it is probably people making annoying jokes taking words too literally

    part of it is probably people making annoying jokes taking words too literally
  25. Thatnamelessguy

    What did you get for Christmas?

    a hoody that i will probably never wear another hoody that i might wear like once a video game a 25 dollar gift card a 20 dollar amazon card and uh a pair of in-ear beats i can't pretend i'm extremely excited but hey I got stuff that's cool