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Search results

  1. xristosx

    Cave Story FanArt

    Not to burst your bubble but i think quite a few people have already made the main cavestory sprites in minecraft, but continue if its just for fun or something. :heart:
  2. xristosx


    Gold horshoe + anti gravity = easy floating islands?
  3. xristosx

    Cave Story Hurt and Heal.

    I double hurt the bats bones
  4. xristosx

    Cave Story Hurt and Heal.

    I double hurt the bats corpse
  5. xristosx

    Cave Story Hurt and Heal.

    I double hurt Bats.
  6. xristosx


    FUCK YES.... i got it Take that fucking 0.2% Piranhas
  7. xristosx


    ;_; Still no luck, tried killing them for half a hour, but they only have a 0.2% drop rate.
  8. xristosx

    The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? topic.

    Re: The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? to Why wouldn't you get him to play first. ._.
  9. xristosx

    Active Users List

    Alot more people visit the site regularly then i thought.
  10. xristosx

    New screenshots of Cave Story 3D

    Imo they should have the beta game as a unlock or something :p
  11. xristosx

    New screenshots of Cave Story 3D

    I just thought it was funny since the post was made in 2007. *gets shot*
  12. xristosx

    Cave Story FanArt

    You can upload pictures to your profile, you can make picture albums, unless that's not what you meant.
  13. xristosx

    Cave Story FanArt

    Oh alright, and yeah i understand, saw you mentioning that on your journal.
  14. xristosx

    Cave Story FanArt

    I did not drag it out, i said at the end of the second one to post your idea so he could see it, you did not, my next post i told you to note him, and here you are still posting about it. I did not want it to get this far. So just end it right now. If you still will persist, im not gonna bother...
  15. xristosx

    Cave Story FanArt

    Whatever, send him a note on dA. No point arguing further and filling up this thread with nonsense.
  16. xristosx

    Cave Story FanArt

    I hear people do requests(goods and services) for a monetary value. If you desire a request that bad search someone for a commission on dA. You wont find much people doing stuff for free, well without atleast getting to know someone, you gotta see it from the other persons perspective, coming...
  17. xristosx

    Cave Story FanArt

    You know it's not really nice to request people to draw stuff unless they specifically state somewhere that they do. I give it some attention once every year as well. :V
  18. xristosx

    League of Legends

    If you enjoy it then by all means. Having access to all the heroes in HoN isnt a bad thing, it means you always have a large variety of heroes to play and wont see the same ones played all the time(LoL has certain heroes available during the week right?). I'm not trying to bash LoL or anything i...
  19. xristosx

    League of Legends

    Heroes of Newerth is better. *raises flameshield* Buuuut if you really dont have any money i guess LoL is okay.
  20. xristosx

    how do you hide cave story away from an annoying little brother

    I wasnt being that harsh, but yeah i shouldn't of even posted that still. The most logical solution is what someone else suggested, using a zip program(I use winrar) and password it. If you have some kind of external storage device such as a USB, your probably better off putting it on that and...
  21. xristosx

    Ever noticed...

    Spoiler alert, quote falls asleep at the end.
  22. xristosx

    New screenshots of Cave Story 3D

    Sweet... their halfway there, now all they need to do is make 2d backgrounds with updated graphics and it'll be sweeeeeeet ._.
  23. xristosx

    New screenshots of Cave Story 3D

    Oh is it? I've never played the Wii version, so i wouldn't know. :( Your the man to do it! :orangebell: