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Search results

  1. xristosx

    How Curly was drained.

  2. xristosx

    Spelunky Cavestory Reskin

    ^ This, Screen shot it up boi.
  3. xristosx

    I do on occasion. Play both Heroes of Newerth And League of legends.

    I do on occasion. Play both Heroes of Newerth And League of legends.
  4. xristosx

    Cave Story+ Needs You! (Again...) ( ^ _ ^ )

    Oh thats cool tyrone, does that mean the windfortress timer reset bug will be fixed? Ill be open for testing stuff anyway.
  5. xristosx


    Hmm i thought someone would of posted this by now but i guess i might as well. Starbound in a game currently in development, the spriter from terraria (TIY) is working on it with a team of others. http://playstarbound.com/ "Starbound is a brand new game undergoing active development by...
  6. xristosx

    Terraria Top 5 Items

    1. Megashark
  7. xristosx

    Cave Story + OST

    I downloaded the OST from the Humble bundle and it seems it isnt actually the same as CS+, I remember somewhere someone mentioned it was actually the wii version. Does anyone know where i can get ahold of the CS+ ost and not the wii one?
  8. xristosx

    Cave Story+ Beta Testing

    Oh god wow i agree, that shows a little too much
  9. xristosx

    Cave Story+ Beta Testing

    Hey carrot lord, anyreason why once i used your save fixer thing quote is now blue with red eyes? lol (assuming its a alt costume) oh and it worked, thankyou.
  10. xristosx

    Cave Story+ Beta Testing

    How do you actually run your fixer. I have java installed on my computer and it still doesnt run it. I even set the file association for the program as the javaw.exe. Do i need the JDK to run it or something?
  11. xristosx

    Cave Story+ Beta Testing

    Re: Cave Story+ Glad to see things moving along, I was getting a little worried for a second.
  12. xristosx

    Humble Indie Bundle

    Frozen synapse is pretty awesome for a turn based game, give it a try. >_> even if you pay 1 cent lol. (i bought it before it was on the bundle ^^; )
  13. xristosx

    Artwork and Stuff

    I fail at perspective lol. That would explain why i did it the wrong way, i posed in the mirror to get the proper pose on it and must of did it back to front because i forgot to draw it the otherway around. With the shock thing, i think her gun was far too long to be able to do that. I fail...
  14. xristosx

    Artwork and Stuff

    Caitlyn From league of legends
  15. xristosx


    Ah acid play. That site used to be where i got all my indie/freeware games(and where i found cavestory), too bad now its gone to shit and doesnt update at all anymore. That games atleast 3 years old, and from what i remember it was alright, but nothing special.
  16. xristosx

    Cave Story BETA information compilation

    Yeah as a few others have mentioned there were some screenshots i hadn't seen before. very nice work, interesting read.
  17. xristosx

    Cave Story NES cover

    Oh damn thats nice. I love 8bit music and this is fantastic. :greydroll: I'd like it on the site but cant be bothered registering to do it lol.
  18. xristosx

    League of Legends

    Open beta? It looks fully released to me. I mean it works fully. (also starting playing LoL for a month already ^^; )
  19. xristosx

    Cave Story+ Beta Testing

    Re: Cave Story+ I'm curious, did the beta testers get chosen yet :greydroll:.
  20. xristosx

    Happy birthday andwhy <:

    Happy birthday andwhy <:
  21. xristosx

    Cave Story+

    Gonna have to wait, its not that hard to check whats new on steam lol. But i will be getting it as soon as i see its on steam.
  22. xristosx

    Cave Story+

    ....I dont know what to make of this... i'd probably end up buying it if it went on steam so i can atleast give some money to pixel and get a newer look on cavestory.
  23. xristosx

    Minecraft + Cavestory

    If it was a Terraria mod, i'd play it D=
  24. xristosx

    New Cave story Comic!

    I dont think people use RSS feeds much.