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Search results

  1. Noxid

    Attack of the Hungry Mahins (SGX Mod)

    Right-click the folder and save all resources Rename the extensions to .ptcop and play with the Pxtone Player
  2. Noxid

    Know Any Freeware Games?

    Action Fist Bonesaw Bunny Must Die Dwarf Fortress Everything Pixel has made ever Owen Piette's Falling Sand Game G-Type Gun Girl 2 Hero Core Hydorah Iji Jables' Adventure A Game With A Kitty (I and II) Knytt La-Mulana Legend of Princess Spelunky Within a Deep Forest Chalk Phun with Physics Mini...
  3. Noxid

    Attack of the Hungry Mahins (SGX Mod)

    I don't see why not... you're familiar with modding, right? Just use Resource hacker on it to get at the songs. They're all PxTone format.
  4. Noxid


    It can be a little slow, since it depends on someone being online and writing a message. The more people, the more likely the chance of a bottleneck. Just hang tight.
  5. Noxid

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    We knew that a long time ago when we ripped the sprites I meeeaan... There's one for Christmas too.
  6. Noxid

    Well, it's good to see at least somebody is getting some use out of it.

    Well, it's good to see at least somebody is getting some use out of it.
  7. Noxid

    BtS-Before the Story

    (C)Pixel error, most likely; you modified one of the images, but forgot to remove the (C)Pixel requirement from the .exe Or, it's some other kind of file not found. Check error.log and it should say which. For future reference, this is the best place to ask questions...
  8. Noxid


    By after I mean I would send my email to you and yours would go to Malpercio. As long as WoC says that's okay.
  9. Noxid


    If it's not a big deal Jethawk can go after me, since I haven't sent mine yet. And, even or odd makes really no difference in the whole process of things, but just determines whether the last message (the one you will receive back that you wrote in the first place) will contain an image or text.
  10. Noxid

    The Ever Changing Sentence

    Date Rape Jesus consecrated fashionable Emily's breast and exploded, sanctifying noone else.
  11. Noxid

    BtS-Before the Story

    That works by having the Ikachan-generating entity kill itself if the player takes a hit (triggers the invincibility timer more specifically) So it could be used as a no-damage check for anything really.
  12. Noxid

    Post your PxTone creations!

    Thanks. I don't think I did quite as well as you seem to be saying I did, but that could have something to do with the fact that I made them. Anyway, for my next piece, I made a PxTone version of Mischievous robot. I would have liked to add to it but I'd never do it justice, so I just tried to...
  13. Noxid

    Rate the favorite CS character of the person above you.

    7/10 He made SGX and his coding style is weird. Studio Pixel
  14. Noxid

    Your left index finger just fired a lazer.

    You mouse with your left hand?
  15. Noxid

    Tutorials: By Me: http://www.mediafire.com/?95cpysqd9x02709 (a .doc file, and written...

    Tutorials: By Me: http://www.mediafire.com/?95cpysqd9x02709 (a .doc file, and written specifically for CE) By DragonBoots: http://dragonboots.tile44.org/cmgbasic.htm The Game: http://www.cavestory.org/downloads_4.php (The deluxe package comes pre-translated)
  16. Noxid

    http://www.cavestory.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=612 Cave Editor is really the only editor I...

    http://www.cavestory.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=612 Cave Editor is really the only editor I would consider using, being the most up-to-date, fully featured, and stable. Sue's Workshop is the alternative, but it hasn't really been updated since I think 2008 or so. One thing to keep in mind...
  17. Noxid

    You need at least 10 posts and 7 days on the forum to add an avatar In case you didn't know.

    You need at least 10 posts and 7 days on the forum to add an avatar In case you didn't know.
  18. Noxid

    What are you doing?

    "No Success Without Effort" That was my High School's motto or something. I'm cleaning my room!
  19. Noxid

    The Ever Changing Sentence

    Dr. Mario groped naked Lara Croft's breast named Jacob noticing lumps.
  20. Noxid

    The Ever Changing Sentence

    Samus groped naked Lara Croft's alligator named Jacob noticing lumps.
  21. Noxid

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    I don't believe that it has an entity number. Try a regular signpost with Option 2 flag, and if that doesn't work then just replace the regular signpost sprites with those ones, it should have the desired effect.
  22. Noxid

    Sure did. Hax, what else :]

    Sure did. Hax, what else :]
  23. Noxid


    I think for the next round to mix up the order we should go alphabetical or something.
  24. Noxid

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Either <CNP a null (0) entity, or use <SNP (Or <INP?) to set an NPC.
  25. Noxid

    would be the greatest thing in the history of moads?

    would be the greatest thing in the history of moads?