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Search results

  1. Noxid

    And then you kept doing it! Four posts in a row in the "recommend freeware games"? "lol" in the...

    And then you kept doing it! Four posts in a row in the "recommend freeware games"? "lol" in the Pixel thread? Artificially inflating your post count is not cool here.
  2. Noxid

    The "Can't set an avatar" thread where you posted a large empty post, which I subsequently removed.

    The "Can't set an avatar" thread where you posted a large empty post, which I subsequently removed.
  3. Noxid

    Don't spam like that, it's retarded. If you do it again there will be consequences.

    Don't spam like that, it's retarded. If you do it again there will be consequences.
  4. Noxid

    I really, REALLY think Pixel is making a new game

    Pixel's keeping like a web diary! He's having some trouble with pens. Lost his good one, I think.
  5. Noxid

    Questions and answers

    I would have a heart attack from the excitement and die, and then perhaps spontaneously combust into a sustainable small-scale fusion reaction. What is happening in this picture?
  6. Noxid

    Lets Play The Post Count Game!

    DT would have an aneurysm. This is high on the list of worst thread ideas ever. Locked.
  7. Noxid

    List of Changes Thread

    The forum style does have a minimum width (something like 900px for Default MG) so at the very least it can't stretch that. I can't imagine it would be too much of a problem but, it's up to DT.
  8. Noxid

    The most frustrating game ever

    There's a surprise at 50m
  9. Noxid

    The Wish-Granting Game

    Granted. Your hair is now sentient, and you go backpacking across bavaria amazing villagers in exchange for room and board. Eventually gypsies capture you and try to force the secrets of your voodoo hair out of you, with little success since gypsies don't understand what you mean when you say...
  10. Noxid

    I really, REALLY think Pixel is making a new game

    1) More Ame = Awesome. Why is that man so terrified? What did she do this time? 2) Sooapruun..? Or maybe just means that he's 'working' again, on whatever his dear heart desires.
  11. Noxid

    The most frustrating game ever

    Haha, I discovered this game a while ago. It is crazy, but if you get a good rhythm going then it's possible to make the guy go. Best Score: Best special Olympics sim ever.
  12. Noxid

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

  13. Noxid

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    .pbm = .bmp just change the extension. There's an option to do that in CE's Game Settings menu.
  14. Noxid

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Remove read-only status from all files, and the executable. For the next question you're going to ask, you need to remove the (C)Pixel requirement from the .exe, which can be done in CE's Game Settings menu.
  15. Noxid

    Your Cave Stories!

    CAVE STORY: THE STORY OF CAVES one day quote's sister period was at home working on her computer when suddenly she got a message. Th emessage said "Period it is me your brother quote I need your help an evil monster has captored the demon crown and has taken over the island!!" so period shut...
  16. Noxid

    Cültor! Was the desktop wallpaper found suitable?

    Cültor! Was the desktop wallpaper found suitable?
  17. Noxid

    There is no problem that can't be solved by...

    10/10 my cat is no longer stuck in a tree A random number generator
  18. Noxid

    The Wish-Granting Game

    Granted. Scientists determine their tensile strength within a tolerance of +/- 2.4kN I wish the Flan Princess would give me a pink tail
  19. Noxid

    Do you think there's a place on the tribute site for my Neko100 Wallpapers?

    Do you think there's a place on the tribute site for my Neko100 Wallpapers?
  20. Noxid

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    I wonder what he's drinking...
  21. Noxid


    Really? Even I would have noticed if the MyChar was out of whack, and double-checking in Paint, PDN and GGFree confirms that it should be 000000. Plus, MyChar is a 4-bit 16-colour bitmap, which is what most of the originals were if I recall.
  22. Noxid


    Oh, that's probably my fault... In an effort to reduce file size, I reduced the bit size on the bitmaps as much as possible - mostly to 4-bit, with a few 8-bit and 1-bit. Sometimes the thing compresses the colors and makes what should be black into an 'almost black'. I thought I went and fixed...
  23. Noxid


    It happens to me sometimes; in such cases, I just try to make it a little more not black.
  24. Noxid

    What did you dream about last night?

    I had a dream, but all I really remember was that first I had to reconstruct a rusted, broken railroad track with my bare hands, and then I didn't have enough metal so I had to go for a drive with my brother to get some. I ended up somewhere autumn-y and I met Jonny Paula from the Microwave...