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Search results

  1. Noxid

    Cave Story Remix Project 2

    Schoko seems like a good candidate to handle the hosting business.. I believe he's got experience with this sort of thing, after all. And according to him, free time, which is the most valuable asset of all.
  2. Noxid

    Cave Story Remix Project 2

    Um, how do you pay for them though..?
  3. Noxid

    Hero Core

    gfM3vtVlCTw This mode actually exists; I tried it. Couldn't beat a single boss, but then again, I'm not reallyjoel's dad.
  4. Noxid

    Cave Story Remix Project 2

    Divvying it up by genre sounds like a good idea to me. I just don't see a hard copy happening for a few reasons: 1)Money 2)Time 3)People (to take money and time and turn them into CDs) Plus there's the whole issue of shipping, copyright(?), et. cetera. Digital distribution seems like the most...
  5. Noxid

    I'm not very good at it ]:

    I'm not very good at it ]:
  6. Noxid

    Mm, it could be interesting, but as a rule it's usually a bad idea to force the player to take...

    Mm, it could be interesting, but as a rule it's usually a bad idea to force the player to take damage unless it's special circumstances.
  7. Noxid

    RTD: Netland II

    >100 days, >250 posts.
  8. Noxid

    PxTone AutoPlayer

    V1.1; Added in V1.1 - Fixed minor glitch where shorter songs wouldn't switch, made the UI more compact and hopefully more understandable to non-english speakers. Increased the # of characters in name display. Made text color not hard-coded. Turned error display on.
  9. Noxid

    Free Games Reviews

    Not bad. You've got a solid writing style which is always a plus. DC will always make me think of Deceased Crab, but well, not much you can do about that. I would say something about blogspot vs. wordpress, but I don't know enough about blogspot really to formulate an informed opinion. I would...
  10. Noxid

    How do I get started modding?

    Alternate Link (I had forgotten I can put .docs on my wordpress)
  11. Noxid

    Do you still need/want that booster hack? If so, what exactly was it because I forget.

    Do you still need/want that booster hack? If so, what exactly was it because I forget.
  12. Noxid

    GalGen Tech Demo/Prototype Game: Alpha Test

    I don't like triple posts ]: Anyway, graphics is generally preferred to text-based in my opinion, it's not called a video game for nothing. I think perhaps a near-topdown view (like LttP) is a good format, since I always find that with diagonal motion and arrow keys there's always a bit of...
  13. Noxid


  14. Noxid

    Someone complained about your 'where's the bomb hidden' post, so, uh, I guess I should say...

    Someone complained about your 'where's the bomb hidden' post, so, uh, I guess I should say "Please try to be considerate of other people, even the ones you aren't even referring to".
  15. Noxid

    How do I get started modding?

    My beginner's guide DB's Beginner's guide
  16. Noxid

    Know Any Freeware Games?

    Peposoft has a new one. Gigadeep. Like Mega Man X-something http://www.geocities.jp/pepo4649/index.html
  17. Noxid

    Cave Story FanArt

    I couldn't do that! It'd be like sending Van Gogh a tracing of The Starry Night. If he were alive.
  18. Noxid

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Sprites are linked to either one spritesheet slot or the other. For example, NpcCent goes in slot 2 while NpcWeed goes in slot one. This can be changed in CE's NPC.tbl editor.
  19. Noxid

    Cave Story FanArt

  20. Noxid

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Most of the bitmaps in cave story use a 16-colour palette; if you use a less intelligent program like MS Paint, it'll either try to fit the new colors to the existing palette, or adopt a 'standard' palette which contains some hideous colors. One way around this is to save your bitmaps as 24-bit...
  21. Noxid

    Cave Story Remix Project Returns!!!

    Well ain't that something.
  22. Noxid

    It doesn't have to be a DLL; I can just write the code into the executable. I need to know how...

    It doesn't have to be a DLL; I can just write the code into the executable. I need to know how to play it though.
  23. Noxid

    I was thinking of incorporating organya into my AutoPlayer and I was wondering if you might be...

    I was thinking of incorporating organya into my AutoPlayer and I was wondering if you might be able to help me with that. Pixel says he doesn't have a DLL for it.
  24. Noxid

    In case you DIDN'T have enough things running in the background...

    It's not worth my CPUs. I'm sorry.