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Search results

  1. Cibryll

    I'm fucking happy this is still here.

    I'm kinda stuck with a character limit, otherwise this'd be a super-huge wall of text, haha. I've been around since 2011. Not as a member, yet; I've lurked, learned to mod CS, made a few *atrocious* ones... though back then, I had issues of self-loathing (for reasons). Which led to me doing...
  2. Cibryll

    … I just make stuff up as I go along. It's not the best approach, though.

    … I just make stuff up as I go along. It's not the best approach, though.
  3. Cibryll

    … Great, now I want Doritos. ;-; I'm guessing adding questions to registration (like "who is...

    … Great, now I want Doritos. ;-; I'm guessing adding questions to registration (like "who is the boss of the Labyrinth" or "which Mimiga is not a Mimiga" or something) wouldn't be of any use in deterring the bots? Or is that a more complicated issue?
  4. Cibryll

    Well, I'm stuck with version since my mobile devices won't let me download Java for...

    Well, I'm stuck with version since my mobile devices won't let me download Java for Windows and I can't open version… Having to flip the maps by hand isn't easy (as an example, think something like First Cave, except the Hermit Gunsmith is to the lower-left, and that enemy door...
  5. Cibryll

    Progress… five maps. The sixth one (about 126x80 tiles) seems to slow BL down, but probably...

    Progress… five maps. The sixth one (about 126x80 tiles) seems to slow BL down, but probably better to take my time rather than a rush job at making the map. I wish there was a "flip map horizontally/vertically" option, haha.
  6. Cibryll

    Er… forgive me for asking (I can't view images on my mobile device :-/ ) but what did Windows do?

    Er… forgive me for asking (I can't view images on my mobile device :-/ ) but what did Windows do?
  7. Cibryll

    Not important, but what is everybody's favourite cs colour palette?

    Eh. Never really gave it much thought 'til recently. There's PrtOside (Outer Wall), which looks beautiful. It's probably the closest colour palette to my favourite colour (sky blue) in any of the vanilla-CS tilesets. (For that reason, bkMoon is my favourite background.) Then there's PrtHell...
  8. Cibryll

    Thanks~ :D

    Thanks~ :D
  9. Cibryll

    My birthday's tomorrow, on 21 November… (Or today, or yesterday, depending on time zones. They...

    My birthday's tomorrow, on 21 November… (Or today, or yesterday, depending on time zones. They can be tricky at times.)
  10. Cibryll

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Okay, I may've figured out the error's cause (duplicating a new map that hasn't got a script; duplicating maps with a script don't bring up the error), so that's hopefully not an issue now. Thank you! =)
  11. Cibryll

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Seeing as I'm currently unable to update Java, I'll stick to Cave Editor (though only where necessary) and Booster's Lab; I do, however, have questions. Firstly, how many maps can CS mods have (if they weren't Cave Editor'd)? Secondly, I got an "error copying files" error when...
  12. Cibryll

    Following Mister.Hex's suggestion and starting a side project to find out just what I found fun...

    Following Mister.Hex's suggestion and starting a side project to find out just what I found fun about modding. Already collided with a few walls (namely, two incredibly lousy mobile devices) so I'll simply have to make do with what I have that I can use - Booster's Lab v0.4.5.0 and CaveEditor...
  13. Cibryll

    … I swear I'm slower than a Slowpoke. Just realized I've been around for six years (as of 22...

    … I swear I'm slower than a Slowpoke. Just realized I've been around for six years (as of 22 October). (Actually a bit longer, but messy details, haha. :p ) Meantime, I've honestly been wondering, what's the favourite area of Lunar Shadow, of those who were brave enough to have played it? (I...
  14. Cibryll

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Tried opening Booster's Lab (v0.5.0.0) but got this message instead. "Could not find the main class. Program will exit." Version runs just fine, though. So question is, is there a way to get BL v0.5.0.0 to work? (If this has already been answered elsewhere, sorry; my mobile device...
  15. Cibryll

    As for what I found fun about modding… I liked being able to work on multiple projects (no...

    As for what I found fun about modding… I liked being able to work on multiple projects (no wonder most of them are incomplete, haha; the only "completed" one was poorly executed at best). Of course, I've moved on from those ancient gear golems projects, but I still keep getting bizarre ideas...
  16. Cibryll

    PC's motherboard died on the day I wanted to make back-ups… the last back-ups are dated 2 June...

    PC's motherboard died on the day I wanted to make back-ups… the last back-ups are dated 2 June 2020. I'd hope it would remain on the hard drive, but apparently, it wasn't there (though I'll have to check it out myself; who knows, maybe luck'll help). So lesson learned: always make back-ups (and...
  17. Cibryll

    I think… I'll give up entirely on CS modding. After everything that this year's been, I kinda...

    I think… I'll give up entirely on CS modding. After everything that this year's been, I kinda lack motivation. This includes losing months' worth of progress (everything after 2 July 2020 to mid-January 2021) on several projects (whether in planning phase or beyond). I'll probably still lurk...
  18. Cibryll

    … Question. Would this be the Kantonian or Galarian form?

    … Question. Would this be the Kantonian or Galarian form?
  19. Cibryll

    Many fond memories remain… even as time continues to walk forward, never changing its course.

    Many fond memories remain… even as time continues to walk forward, never changing its course.
  20. Cibryll

    Sorry I haven't been active.

    The way I see it, everybody's got important stuff to do (like education or jobs or clearing as many video games as possible), or circumstances way out of their control (such as lousy mobile devices with really low airtime or whatever it's called overseas). Even forum founders and forum admins...
  21. Cibryll

    Plans for October… nothing major. I really should change that, probably. :s

    Plans for October… nothing major. I really should change that, probably. :s
  22. Cibryll

    Amazing how some cats can sleep just about anywhere… even on a computer keyboard. :o

    Amazing how some cats can sleep just about anywhere… even on a computer keyboard. :o
  23. Cibryll

    Time tends to fly when you're having lots of fun… but feels like it's dragging on when you're...

    Time tends to fly when you're having lots of fun… but feels like it's dragging on when you're having a bad time. :-/
  24. Cibryll

    So it's spring already… but also autumn (or fall, whatever you prefer). Oh joy.

    So it's spring already… but also autumn (or fall, whatever you prefer). Oh joy.
  25. Cibryll

    Oh wow… congratulations! =)

    Oh wow… congratulations! =)