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Search results

  1. Cibryll

    A very, very… very happy birthday to you~!

    A very, very… very happy birthday to you~!
  2. Cibryll

    … So I dreamed of playing Cave Story using only On-Screen Keyboard. Somehow, I... don't think...

    … So I dreamed of playing Cave Story using only On-Screen Keyboard. Somehow, I... don't think that's gonna end well!
  3. Cibryll

    Indeed… I kinda have like a thousand games and only finished like (approximately) 1/4th of 'em...

    Indeed… I kinda have like a thousand games and only finished like (approximately) 1/4th of 'em, haha. Not to mention the few games I can't update because of my lousy mobile devices. T_T
  4. Cibryll

    Can one ever have enough games…?

    Can one ever have enough games…?
  5. Cibryll

    Doukutsu Randamu (1.45)

    Regarding the door opening animations, you could alternatively use <ANPxxxx:0000:0002 to open it, and <ANPxxxx:0000:0000 to close it. (xxxx being the event number, as usual.) That aside, from what I've read, this seems quite interesting!
  6. Cibryll

    … Never fun having any form of artist's block or writer's block or whatever other blockheaded...

    … Never fun having any form of artist's block or writer's block or whatever other blockheaded blocks exist. Could probably be worse, though.
  7. Cibryll

    … which version of Booster's Lab?

    … which version of Booster's Lab?
  8. Cibryll

    Indeed… every day's a new opportunity to learn something new, even if times are tougher than a...

    Indeed… every day's a new opportunity to learn something new, even if times are tougher than a heavy metal critter! (Or something.) I'm more surprised that Cave Editor's still playing nice even with that many maps. Guess adding maps in Booster's Lab is one way to not break the executable. I'll...
  9. Cibryll

    Two months' work and that's all I have for now… but as long as I have fun with modding and take...

    Two months' work and that's all I have for now… but as long as I have fun with modding and take frequent breaks, right? I mean, that's the main goal of this side project. To find the fun of what I liked about modding, again.
  10. Cibryll

    > ORIGIN://TERMINUS _ Progress… Origin's staying in the ideas phase until Terminus is done (I...

    > ORIGIN://TERMINUS _ Progress… Origin's staying in the ideas phase until Terminus is done (I hope), and Terminus has Sector 1 (Origin Cave) fully mapped out. Began on Sector 0 (The Hub), wasted time on "Sector S" (mod's map total reached 181!) but I wanna see how many maps above 127 I can get...
  11. Cibryll

    Happy new year, CSTSF!

    Happy new year, CSTSF!
  12. Cibryll

    "Occasional", I'm alright with… "Three nights in a row", not so much. :-/ Hopefully the new...

    "Occasional", I'm alright with… "Three nights in a row", not so much. :-/ Hopefully the new year'll change that.
  13. Cibryll

    Why I'm fighting to keep message boards alive, and you should too

    Wow, time flies. Almost ten years for me, too (counting the "Shane" years). I cherish memories a lot; like the conversations I had here regarding an old (badly-executed) mod of mine (ideas on improving it, for instance), and the time I wound up prohibited from posting for six months, haha. I...
  14. Cibryll

    Staying up past 4 AM (GMT+2) just to work with ORGs… probably not the best idea I've had lately...

    Staying up past 4 AM (GMT+2) just to work with ORGs… probably not the best idea I've had lately, but I guess it was worth it, in the end? ... Aaaaaaaaand tomorrow's Friday -again-. Feels to me like it was Friday yesterday. :s
  15. Cibryll

    Cave Story Memories

    When I was younger, my parents would purchase issues of a gaming magazine that came with DVD with free games, demos, free software, and such. It was the June 2007 issue that had the freeware Cave Story (along with like 199 other freeware games). I initially had trouble with the game at first...
  16. Cibryll

    Past midnight here, so… merry Christmas, everyone!

    Past midnight here, so… merry Christmas, everyone!
  17. Cibryll

    What is your LEAST favorite track in Cave Story?

    Labyrinth Fight's just a bit too upbeat for me. On to Grasstown... I'm not exactly sure what or why, but something about it annoys me. Maybe the loudness of some parts, I dunno.
  18. Cibryll

    Where is Egg Corridor located?

    The Egg Corridor is located on the island. :p Where exactly? I like to think of it being somewhere on the eastern half (seeing as it links to the Outer Wall), but also near the Sand Zone (probably above it) since Outer Wall and Sand Zone both have sand crocs.
  19. Cibryll

    What is your LEAST favorite track in Cave Story?

    "Access" denied. :p Silliness aside, my least favourite CS songs are: Access, Tyrant, Cemetery, On to Grasstown, Seal Chamber, Zombie (CS version), Gestation, and Labyrinth Fight.
  20. Cibryll

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    I'll try, but my mobile device imposes a character limit. -_- So I'll have to shorten it (by a lot), at least until I can find a way around that. #0200 <KEY <PHY0000:0812 (etc.) <PHY0016:0000<FL+0500 <MS2<TUR text<WAI0040<CLO<MS2<TUR more text, etc.<WAI0040<CLO<MSG<TURDo you wish to shorten (or...
  21. Cibryll

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Problem: Player does not appear on map until reloading game Details: The mod uses the TSC+ hack (and IMG/PHYS add-ons), and after the cutscene (following the PHYS stuff), the player... just isn't there. Thought they were out-of-bounds so I added the Map System equip flag, but turns out they are...
  22. Cibryll

    Grand Gallery of Modding Tutorials (LOOK HERE BEFORE ASKING)

    Er, any possibility of adding that <BOA thread I made a few years back, to the first post's list?
  23. Cibryll

    This year can't end soon enough… but then, somehow someone got around CE's map issues. Time'll...

    This year can't end soon enough… but then, somehow someone got around CE's map issues. Time'll tell if it'll be of any use or not, haha. So 2021 was a mixed bag of "terrible" and "potentially great", I guess.
  24. Cibryll

    … And now my computer's mouse won't work properly (cursor won't move yet left- and...

    … And now my computer's mouse won't work properly (cursor won't move yet left- and right-clicking does) so now I can't do anything. -_- So much for trying to make progress today.
  25. Cibryll

    … Progress made lately on CS mod project "Terminus": nothing, really. Got sidetracked by finding...

    … Progress made lately on CS mod project "Terminus": nothing, really. Got sidetracked by finding older (unrelated) projects I made files for and reading through most of them. I do have ideas for another CS mod project ("Origin"), but I'm just gonna put that in a text file. (And then try to...