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Search results

  1. Captain Fabulous


    Spoken like a true American teenager
  2. Captain Fabulous


    If you are an ancient Greek, yes.
  3. Captain Fabulous

    Endless Sky freeware

    Wow, it's really like the devs thought "yo there needs to be a new Escape Velocity game," so they made one. Please remind me to play this when it's finished.
  4. Captain Fabulous


    no this is important it's in the wrong forum but it's important
  5. Captain Fabulous

    Disgaea D2 - CSTSF Characters

    Wait it's supposed to be Hawlucha?
  6. Captain Fabulous

    Disgaea D2 - CSTSF Characters

    >S-rank punch bird all my dreams are coming true
  7. Captain Fabulous

    can slam

    can slam
  8. Captain Fabulous

    T R I G G E R E D R I G G E R E D

    T R I G G E R E D R I G G E R E D
  9. Captain Fabulous

    hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF...

    hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont...
  10. Captain Fabulous

    What is the worst Cave Story fanfic you have read?

    >not liking buttsex leave and never return
  11. Captain Fabulous

    nope ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*

    nope ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*
  12. Captain Fabulous

    So...what do you think of the Jack X King pairing?

    now THIS is shitposting
  13. Captain Fabulous

    Noxid, the fantasy shitposts just as much as the reality Raus, pretend I act as sexy as you...

    Noxid, the fantasy shitposts just as much as the reality Raus, pretend I act as sexy as you thought I looked
  14. Captain Fabulous


    People, I was just pointing out the tautologism in what I thought was a humourous way. It wasn't meant to be a personal attack or continuation of q3hardcore's argument, it was a blatant overreaction to pretty much nothing. I wasn't willing to turn this thread into a shitfit about what...
  15. Captain Fabulous

    This is who we really are. Do you want to interact with a fantasy?

    This is who we really are. Do you want to interact with a fantasy?
  16. Captain Fabulous


    Good job making GIANT FUCKING generalizations, asshole.
  17. Captain Fabulous

    Disgaea D2 - CSTSF Characters

    Please make me a bird guy. Wind element. Fists.
  18. Captain Fabulous


    Depression is an emotional state that is made worse by being depressed. Emotions strongly affect rationality. I'm not making generalizations, I'm telling you about depression.
  19. Captain Fabulous

    Searching For Spring

    I want you to know that I'm extremely buttflustered after being tricked into playing touhou
  20. Captain Fabulous

    Searching For Spring

    Tell Inuyasha to fuck off and that he is a shitty anime
  21. Captain Fabulous

    Searching For Spring

    u didnt do anything fatih :cmon:
  22. Captain Fabulous

    Searching For Spring

    Yeah that'll only take a few seconds for sure p.s. male character when