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Search results

  1. FrozenFire

    Quite late on saying this.. but I knew that a magic door had to lead to coffee. It was either...

    Quite late on saying this.. but I knew that a magic door had to lead to coffee. It was either that or a triple-horned unicorn.
  2. FrozenFire

    noted, apologies, won't happen again

    noted, apologies, won't happen again
  3. FrozenFire

    If nobody else does, I'm bound to try to start a CSRP3 sooner or later. <img...

    If nobody else does, I'm bound to try to start a CSRP3 sooner or later. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':p' /> I've got some good ideas on how we could maintain a much higher quality standard as well, because I have...
  4. FrozenFire

    Kero Blaster, A New Game by Pixel

    Been quite a while since I checked on Gero Blaster. I was sad that it was for iOS and had touch buttons, but glad to see that it's planned to be for Windows as well. I'll always love buttons that I can actually press more than touch buttons. I'm not against some touch control mechanics, but most...
  5. FrozenFire

    Cave Story Remix Project 2

    @ otemoto-dansei-ningen: I hope you don't mind that I did a remaster which makes it much closer to standard loudness and clears up some things just a tad so that instruments are heard more clearly as well: https://www.mediafire.com/?j0h4sxhspycr2e9 It was just too beautiful and I wanted to try...
  6. FrozenFire

    Audacity Recording Skips

    Yeah, sorry, I basically just asked the same question differently and realized that it probably wasn't necessary. But yep, I just looked up the Mixcraft trial version and that's what I expect is the reason as well. On that note: The free version of FL Studio comes with everything, but it just...
  7. FrozenFire

    Audacity Recording Skips

    Hmm, well I know that Audacity will almost always have some variation in timing if used for recording, due to not using a proper clock. DAWs are designed to keep timing, but Audacity is not that way, which is why I never use Audacity to record anymore, but I only use it to edit, and that's how I...
  8. FrozenFire

    Cave Story Prequel

    Does MMF2 make some of this stuff hard? I've never used it. I've only used Game Maker for making games (well, I've also used QBasic in DOS, but yeah, lol, yay for Nibbles and Gorillas!), and it's easy to keep things aligned, plus there are no problems loading in sprites and scaling them in-game...
  9. FrozenFire

    Cave Story Anniversary Picture

    ElecMaw, I have no words for such awesome art. Really love how you drew my "Mikachu" character. I don't suppose it's possible for you to give me a pic of just my character? I would like to use it as my avatar. ;3 Your art style is brilliant.
  10. FrozenFire

    Cave Story Prequel

    Since JPEG is now out of the picture, here is some info on PNG vs. BMP: Personally, I always go with PNG over BMP for everything. I don't use JPEG unless I need a picture on a device that does not support PNG (like my crappy MP3 player). PNG will be a smaller file size than a BMP file of the...
  11. FrozenFire


  12. FrozenFire


  13. FrozenFire

    Ah, it's no problem if you don't want to say. Don't worry about it. ^^

    Ah, it's no problem if you don't want to say. Don't worry about it. ^^
  14. FrozenFire

    That's interesting. May I ask what you think it might mean if it means something? I don't mind...

    That's interesting. May I ask what you think it might mean if it means something? I don't mind if it's a religion-related reason. I won't get offended or attack if that's the case. I'm just interested to hear your thoughts.
  15. FrozenFire

    Kitten Battle Dungeon

    Very promising. My kind of game for sure.
  16. FrozenFire

    Megaman BOARD GAME

    It is a bit complicated, but complicated is okay with me. I like using my brain. So cool to see Megaman as a board game.
  17. FrozenFire

    Artwork and Stuff

    I'm a sucker for snow in a nighttime setting. That looks absolutely beautiful, Desu.
  18. FrozenFire

    Ever had a dream that felt "deeper" than normal dreams? It's like it's not just sights you...

    Ever had a dream that felt "deeper" than normal dreams? It's like it's not just sights you experience, but you feel stuff? I seriously had the most incredible experience and I can't even describe it properly, and it was a dream. Never dreamt like that before. Trying to record it as best I can in...
  19. FrozenFire

    [WIP] 3D Quote Model (Blender)

    Nope, unexpected things happened and I'm now focusing on music production so I can score a job at a company called Areia Creations Global Entertainment. Can't afford the time (literally, cuz time is money) to work on all the Cave Story stuff right now. :( This model looks pretty nice so far...
  20. FrozenFire


    Well, I'm not insecure or anything, so I don't care if people think badly of me because I like PewDiePie. I like a lot of his gaming videos, sometimes he gets annoying, and I don't like most of his videos that aren't gaming videos. I'm not going to lie (especially about something like this) and...
  21. FrozenFire


    lol, guess I should have worded that different. It's obvious it didn't originate from him, but I was referencing his reference. Also, I'll try to remember not to bring up PewDiePie... sorry that I enjoy his insanity (sometimes he does annoy me though). Can't help what I like. :P
  22. FrozenFire


    1) Remixing K-pop Reasons: It might sound strange, but the vocals generally seem to have a more positive energy than American vocals, which is part of the reason why I love remixing with K-pop vocals; I also like the cute girls (plastic surgery does wonders, ha ha, but I'm also talking about...
  23. FrozenFire

    Thanks! I'm pretty confident I can get the job. But I do realize that I have a lot of work ahead...

    Thanks! I'm pretty confident I can get the job. But I do realize that I have a lot of work ahead of me. The good thing is that I know the faults I have that cause unprofessional remixes. The hard part is learning methods that will work to fix those things.
  24. FrozenFire

    "must stuff"... hmm, meant to say my* how did I get that kind of typo?...

    "must stuff"... hmm, meant to say my* how did I get that kind of typo?...
  25. FrozenFire

    Not going to be very active because I'm trying to score a job remixing K-pop for a company...

    Not going to be very active because I'm trying to score a job remixing K-pop for a company called Areia Creations Global Entertainment. Already talked with the CEO, he said he already saw must stuff (remixer name is "K-PawUp" on youtube) and that I have a chance. He told me to keep remixing for...