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Search results

  1. FrozenFire

    I really, REALLY think Pixel is making a new game

    Re: I think Pixel is making a new game. Translations for what part? On the http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA022293/ page? Or on the Pxtone pages? This is very helpful for translating btw: http://translate.google.com/ And is that a new game being made by Pixel? It does seem like it with the...
  2. FrozenFire

    Cave Story Remix Project 2

    Uhh... is it supposed to be a song demo or some random artwork? I am confuzzled. :p Well, my Access remix is going slowly but surely. I think I'll wait until it's done to post it though, instead of posting another WIP. I'm basically taking techno and hard rock and mixing them together for...
  3. FrozenFire

    Cave Story Remix Project 2

    Thanks rtnario. I'll have to check on those bands later. And yes, I listen to lots of kinds of metal. The reason I like metal is really because of the drive and the guitars. I'm not REALLY in to "death screaming" though. It really depends. Yep. I have been experimenting with adding in some...
  4. FrozenFire

    Cave Story Remix Project 2

    @wedge of cheese: Thanks, but I don't think my mix is THAT good... not yet anyway. But I do see what you mean when compared to the source. That's actually partly why I chose to remix the track; for the challenge. The other reason is that it hasn't been remixed before, not even as part of another...
  5. FrozenFire

    Cave Story Remix Project 2

    Thanks guys! The mix sounded a little weirder than I first thought it would, so I wasn't sure if it would be liked. Just to let you know, I'm in college at the moment and I've got finals very soon so I might not be able to get a chance to work on this much until after Dec 10th (end of the...
  6. FrozenFire

    Cave Story Remix Project 2

    Hey guys! I'm new to the forums here but I saw this thread and was pretty excited to see another remix project. I'm a big Cave Story fan and I love music. I'm not sure if anyone is doing this, but I decided to take a shot at doing Access. Here is a very short beta...