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Search results

  1. TekNerd

    Mega swampert heck ye

    Mega swampert heck ye
  2. TekNerd

    Anyone know where I can get a ROM for mother 3? Im gonna try to do the english translation after...

    Anyone know where I can get a ROM for mother 3? Im gonna try to do the english translation after i finish earthbound
  3. TekNerd


  4. TekNerd

    does balrog?

    does balrog?
  5. TekNerd

    Music...In General

    I really like songs with vocaloid/utauloids in them. Some of my favorite artists are CrusherP, VocaCircus, Jesus-P and a few others. As for nonvocaloid I really like Ken Ashcorp some of my favorite songs from him are "Rival" and "Supernatural". I'm pretty much cool with all music as long as it...
  6. TekNerd

    how do some of these people even find this place. like this forum isn't that well known

    how do some of these people even find this place. like this forum isn't that well known
  7. TekNerd

    are you telling me i needed to use that crap on him. are you telling me i wasted my time...

    are you telling me i needed to use that crap on him. are you telling me i wasted my time fighting him for hours because I didnt use that stupid item I forgot I even had.
  8. TekNerd

    Let's Play Dangan Ronpa!

    I've always had mixed feelings about Yamada. Hes such a weird character for me.
  9. TekNerd

    I'm at the mr.saturn village trying to get past that stupid secret base with its stupid slime...

    I'm at the mr.saturn village trying to get past that stupid secret base with its stupid slime boss thing. I don't see why they thought they needed to add so many enemies in it like I only have so much healing items and PSI until its all gone and I'm not ready for the boss. Its like they expect...
  10. TekNerd

    I love earthbound but sometimes I swear trying to get through some areas are really annoying. I...

    I love earthbound but sometimes I swear trying to get through some areas are really annoying. I must grind away the pain.
  11. TekNerd

    Five Nights at Freddy's

    Freakin crap it looks like something you would see in a horror house.
  12. TekNerd

    MEME RUN For Wii U

    How far will we let him go
  13. TekNerd

    How does Balrog just "jump" from the top?

    Is this a new meme this forum has came up with. There are literally 3 new topics how why,how, and where is balrog.
  14. TekNerd

    Five Nights at Freddy's

    While I am aware that the community is not all terrible i'm talking about the majority of the community that is terrible. Which is to sadly say very large. Overall I could make a large list of all the bad things the bad side of the community does. But i'll just leave it at they are all massive...
  15. TekNerd

    Five Nights at Freddy's

    I tested out the brightness and looked up more sources and now can confirm the 4 as fake. R.I.P. robo furries you will be missed by some. (i still like fnaf i just hate the fandom they kind of ruined it for me)
  16. TekNerd

    Five Nights at Freddy's

    the new site if you enhance it you can see a 4 in the corner. although i could be wrong idk. I just heard about it on a post.
  17. TekNerd

    Five Nights at Freddy's

    dear gosh 4 is confirmed fnaf isn't over this ride is still going. someone please stop this ride
  18. TekNerd

    Five Nights at Freddy's

    Welp fnaf is over now everyone go home.
  19. TekNerd

    Pffft nah its fine. I'm like 15 now. the age in which the 4 turned into a 5 and the 1 stayed the...

    Pffft nah its fine. I'm like 15 now. the age in which the 4 turned into a 5 and the 1 stayed the same.
  20. TekNerd

    but then whats up in the sky

    but then whats up in the sky
  21. TekNerd

    Five Nights at Freddy's

    Freakin crap it is. Scott you sneaky son of a gun.
  22. TekNerd

    Five Nights at Freddy's

    So what happens when you enhance the brightness on this one?
  23. TekNerd

    Five Nights at Freddy's

    what on earth is happening to this thread.
  24. TekNerd

    As great as Mario Maker looks I doubt they will go full out on it this time and wait to see if...

    As great as Mario Maker looks I doubt they will go full out on it this time and wait to see if the game catches on.
  25. TekNerd

    Gah its so beautiful. ssb4 is one of the best in the series i love it.

    Gah its so beautiful. ssb4 is one of the best in the series i love it.