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  1. existingaccount

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    quote resets the universe because there really was nothing to do now
  2. existingaccount

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    curly brace realized that balrog was the one who found a funny rectangular hat on the ground with a crystal without thinking she fought balrog and then got teleported somewhere in the sky CurlyBrace fell from a high place.
  3. existingaccount

    god, the way that my pfp is displayed in my replies to threads and whatnot is disgusting gonna...

    god, the way that my pfp is displayed in my replies to threads and whatnot is disgusting gonna have to replace it
  4. existingaccount

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    curly brace killed the doctor easily but then gets teleported by AnOtHeR mYsTeRiOuS fOrCe oh, and 5 years passed. quote is now not depressed.
  5. existingaccount

    Something to keep in mind while you're playing the game: The battles aren't here to make the...

    Something to keep in mind while you're playing the game: The battles aren't here to make the game fun, they're there so the game makes more sense.
  6. existingaccount

    currently modding off to not have the worst combat system to have ever existed

    currently modding off to not have the worst combat system to have ever existed
  7. existingaccount

    modding rpg maker games

    modding rpg maker games
  8. existingaccount

    i have found something fun to do (what a relief)

    i have found something fun to do (what a relief)
  9. existingaccount


  10. existingaccount

    help im running out of fun things to do

    help im running out of fun things to do
  11. existingaccount

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    but curly brace assassinated god a long time ago so the doctor only had anime on his side
  12. existingaccount

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    Until Misery passed on and Quote becomes depressed for something like 5 years Oh, and by the way, the Doctor is alive, now with the power of
  13. existingaccount

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    quote is unbothered and forcibly gets teleported back to the island by an uNkNoWn FoRcE
  14. existingaccount

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    The events of Animator vs Animation 3 play out resulting in the motherboard getting fried and exploding so a new universe was made
  15. existingaccount

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    quote lays on the ground screaming in excruciating pain for something like 5 years and now curly has to fight the red crystal with an extremely bad aftertaste in her mouth
  16. existingaccount

    now that i think about it cave story's leveling system is absolutely brilliant a lot of the time...

    now that i think about it cave story's leveling system is absolutely brilliant a lot of the time you tend to skip past enemies in games but cave story encourages you to actually fight them even if you're at level 3 maxed out you still fight the enemies because of muscle memory and the collecting...
  17. existingaccount

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    the red crystal pieces itself back together and (somehow) cries because it always wanted to see hawaii and now it's gone
  18. existingaccount

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    the meteor is destroyed, moved, and teleported in every way possible without the island (and probably not the planet) exploding because the red crystal became sentient and thought "hey i should bend the laws of reality" and then the meteor hurls itself at the red crystal
  19. existingaccount

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    he looked up into the sky and saw true terror and then he shot the thing
  20. existingaccount

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    the meteor leaves for a few days and then comes back with a gun planning revenge on quote
  21. existingaccount

    once i get decent art skills i will reveal what i had in mind

    once i get decent art skills i will reveal what i had in mind