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Search results

  1. Shiny Shinx

    Heh, but I bet you beat the game before you could find some of those Pokemon that you could have...

    Heh, but I bet you beat the game before you could find some of those Pokemon that you could have secretly gotten after Groudon/Kyogre (But still have not beaten the game yet)? Also, I might do an Alpha Sapphire run through using Dialga. The Dialga is going to start at Lv.1. The Dialga is going...
  2. Shiny Shinx

    Also, I just realized, you can get some Pokemon after you catch Groudon/Kyogre; even if you...

    Also, I just realized, you can get some Pokemon after you catch Groudon/Kyogre; even if you don't have the National Pokedex. So I could maybe use a Hydreigon I can get as a Deino from Meteor Falls!:-D I'm not sure how good that'll be though.
  3. Shiny Shinx

    Oh yeah! I finally caught the Shroomish I wanted. I need to check the IVs again, but I know the...

    Oh yeah! I finally caught the Shroomish I wanted. I need to check the IVs again, but I know the Nature for it is Naughty, which is good enough for me. I have no idea though what else I should get in the future. I could do Gardivor, but I don't know. Aggron might sound good too. Although also I...
  4. Shiny Shinx

    Yup. Even the word bleep.

    Yup. Even the word bleep.
  5. Shiny Shinx

    Having multiple realities in our universe is awesome, isn't it? Actually, I think I watched...

    Having multiple realities in our universe is awesome, isn't it? Actually, I think I watched something about multiple realities and universes and stuff. I think it was called: What the BLEEP!? Down the rabbit hole. Seriously, I think that was the title.
  6. Shiny Shinx

    Not if the world explodes first! Also, I just realized, what is the difference between the Red...

    Not if the world explodes first! Also, I just realized, what is the difference between the Red Flowers and flowers that are the color red?
  7. Shiny Shinx

    Then Kyogre can. Although, if the Doctor figured out what exactly is in those Red Flowers, then...

    Then Kyogre can. Although, if the Doctor figured out what exactly is in those Red Flowers, then there might be something else in those Red Flowers that might trigger Kyogre's Primal Reversion. Rayquaza though got a Mega Evolution so he can finally put Groudon and Kyogre back in line after...
  8. Shiny Shinx

    Boom! Groudon can Primal Revert for a very short amount of time from the power of the Red...

    Boom! Groudon can Primal Revert for a very short amount of time from the power of the Red Crystal and the Red Flowers combined. :-P Also, it's a very bad idea if Misery tries to use that lightning attack she used on King on Groudon.
  9. Shiny Shinx

    Sorry. It just that some of the posts here are quite weird to say the least. <span...

    Sorry. It just that some of the posts here are quite weird to say the least. <span style='font-size: 8px'>Didn't someone else have something along the lines of this in there signature though?</span>
  10. Shiny Shinx

    He didn't respond. :-P 100 Shroomish and <strong class='bbc'>counting</strong>.

    He didn't respond. :-P 100 Shroomish and <strong class='bbc'>counting</strong>.
  11. Shiny Shinx

    I keep having this tagline that's been running through my head about this site. <div...

    I keep having this tagline that's been running through my head about this site. <div class='bbc_spoiler'> <span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' /> <div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content'...
  12. Shiny Shinx

    I'm not sure if he's gonna like it, but I'll try.

    I'm not sure if he's gonna like it, but I'll try.
  13. Shiny Shinx

    I meant <em class='bbc'>Cave Story Tribute Site Fourms: We're totally not insane!</em>

    I meant <em class='bbc'>Cave Story Tribute Site Fourms: We're totally not insane!</em>
  14. Shiny Shinx

    Hardest math problem in the universe. XD Also, I have no idea, but I keep thinking of a tagline...

    Hardest math problem in the universe. XD Also, I have no idea, but I keep thinking of a tagline or something for this site. [I]Cave Story Tribute Site Fourms: We're totally not insane![/s]
  15. Shiny Shinx

    I bet Balrog=??? Is harder.

    I bet Balrog=??? Is harder.
  16. Shiny Shinx

    Mine weren't IV bred, but they were EV Trained. I'm trying to finish my project though too of IV...

    Mine weren't IV bred, but they were EV Trained. I'm trying to finish my project though too of IV breeding all the Starters. All I need now to breed is Chickorita, Oshawott, and Snivy. Why am I thinking of math and shipping now? Quote+Curly= Lol
  17. Shiny Shinx

    Yup! I've been trying to get a Shroomish with good potential (or IVs if you know) and an Adamant...

    Yup! I've been trying to get a Shroomish with good potential (or IVs if you know) and an Adamant Nature. I transferred an Abra with Syncronize over to Alpha Sapphire (the game I'm playing) to try to get an Adamant Natured Shroomish with some IVs I want. Why Shroomish? I honestly have no idea. I...
  18. Shiny Shinx

    Q_Q :-P I've also been catching Shroomish for quite a long time. I haven't even gotten to...

    Q_Q :-P I've also been catching Shroomish for quite a long time. I haven't even gotten to Rustboro City yet and I already have a Lv.20 Mashtomp, along with encountering about 78 Shroomish.
  19. Shiny Shinx

    The internal battery for the GBA games is for time-based events, like Berries growing and stuff...

    The internal battery for the GBA games is for time-based events, like Berries growing and stuff. Anyway, I'm done with school for the day. Most of it was math. Division, ugh... Oh, also, there was variables, which were easy until we got to 9q+8q=72 >_<
  20. Shiny Shinx

    I still need to purify mine. Once I do purify it, and get the cable for connecting the GBA to my...

    I still need to purify mine. Once I do purify it, and get the cable for connecting the GBA to my Gamecube, then I'll probably trade it over and keep it on Pokemon Emerald and not transfer it over. :-D I'm apparently going to start online school tomorrow. I hope that hard or confusing though. I...
  21. Shiny Shinx

    There IS a way to purify Lugia if you still have it. I named my Shedninja "..." (Without the...

    There IS a way to purify Lugia if you still have it. I named my Shedninja "..." (Without the quotation marks.)
  22. Shiny Shinx

    I should try to get Ho-oh sometime in Pokemon Colosseum. It's hard as crap though. Also, did...

    I should try to get Ho-oh sometime in Pokemon Colosseum. It's hard as crap though. Also, did you name your Shedninja after Nameless on these fourms, or did you name it only because it fit Shedninja?
  23. Shiny Shinx

    Yeah that got messed up... Let's hope this conversation doesn't get derailed like the other one did.

    Yeah that got messed up... Let's hope this conversation doesn't get derailed like the other one did.
  24. Shiny Shinx

    How that fur is situated. Why does it get you teary-eyed?

    How that fur is situated. Why does it get you teary-eyed?
  25. Shiny Shinx

    Look near the bottom half of Reshiram and see if you don't see something suspicious.

    Look near the bottom half of Reshiram and see if you don't see something suspicious.