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Search results

  1. Shiny Shinx

    Telepathy? Also, imagine Balrog arguing with Bowser.

    Telepathy? Also, imagine Balrog arguing with Bowser.
  2. Shiny Shinx

    Some dialog I thought of. <div class='bbc_spoiler'> <span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span>...

    Some dialog I thought of. <div class='bbc_spoiler'> <span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' /> <div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;">*After Defeating Undead Core* <strong...
  3. Shiny Shinx

    I don't cheat as much anymore, because of an experience of mine. I still do cheat, but I use <em...

    I don't cheat as much anymore, because of an experience of mine. I still do cheat, but I use <em class='bbc'>way</em> more caution then I used to. I don't do it to get the upper-hand on others or anything, but sometimes it's just fun to fly around everywhere and stuff. Now a days I mostly cheat...
  4. Shiny Shinx

    I'm trying to get all the Stars to open the cannon outside of the castle so I can shoot myself...

    I'm trying to get all the Stars to open the cannon outside of the castle so I can shoot myself onto the castle. If you have Mario Kart 7 and/or 8 we can race each other. I remember I use to cheat on both games. Mario Kart DS usually crashed when I tried cheating on it, and 64 DS sometimes...
  5. Shiny Shinx

    Nyeheheh, I could imagine that happening in various places as well. Imagine this happening right...

    Nyeheheh, I could imagine that happening in various places as well. Imagine this happening right after you beat Ballos. XD Also, have you played Super Mario 64 (DS) and/or Mario Kart?
  6. Shiny Shinx

    *Bowser crashes through the roof.* <em class='bbc'>“Gra har har har! What's a finale without a...

    *Bowser crashes through the roof.* <em class='bbc'>“Gra har har har! What's a finale without a Bowser appearance? A cruddy finale, that's what!”</em> *Cue Bowser Battle*
  7. Shiny Shinx

    ^Darn that's big.^ To bad I don't know how to re size that picture...

    ^Darn that's big.^ To bad I don't know how to re size that picture...
  8. Shiny Shinx

    <div class='bbc_spoiler'> <span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button'...

    <div class='bbc_spoiler'> <span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' /> <div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;"><span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img'...
  9. Shiny Shinx

    Playing charades with her would make for quite the experience. Right now, all I have is my...

    Playing charades with her would make for quite the experience. Right now, all I have is my imagination. And dreams when I have them now a days... <div class='bbc_spoiler'> <span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' /> <div...
  10. Shiny Shinx

    Most fun too! :-D Sense he can practically steal anyone's identity, it would be fun to imagine...

    Most fun too! :-D Sense he can practically steal anyone's identity, it would be fun to imagine the chaos if he was in a bunch of different series somehow. Curly Brace trying to guess his name (With Doopliss disguised as Quote.) would be a total hoot to see considering Curly's talkativeness. XD...
  11. Shiny Shinx

    *EquiPs ten defense Plus badges* <div class='bbc_spoiler'> <span...

    *EquiPs ten defense Plus badges* <div class='bbc_spoiler'> <span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' /> <div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;"><span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img'...
  12. Shiny Shinx

    I remember I used it in Pokemon Black Version. I really liked it as well, although most people...

    I remember I used it in Pokemon Black Version. I really liked it as well, although most people seem to not like it... Now for something different! <div class='bbc_spoiler'> <span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' /> <div...
  13. Shiny Shinx

    Lol <div class='bbc_spoiler'> <span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button'...

    Lol <div class='bbc_spoiler'> <span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' /> <div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;"><span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img'...
  14. Shiny Shinx

    I practically get all of the games, so I end up doing Mystery Gift and stuff on all of them then...

    I practically get all of the games, so I end up doing Mystery Gift and stuff on all of them then trade them all over (usually) on one game. I have two DSes though. I only got one Manaphy so far. I hatched it as an Egg from Pokemon Ranger. If I restart it or something, I'll do the mission again...
  15. Shiny Shinx

    I have two (I think.) Victini currently, one from the Liberty Garden Ticket Event, and another...

    I have two (I think.) Victini currently, one from the Liberty Garden Ticket Event, and another from a trade. Although I have some I didn't get from the Delivery Guy yet. I ended up getting five Jirachi, all knowing Draco Meteor. Got two Celebi, one on Pokemon Soulsilver, and one on Y. <div...
  16. Shiny Shinx

    Although at least you don't need to keep switching it out for another Pokemon for Egg Moves. >_<...

    Although at least you don't need to keep switching it out for another Pokemon for Egg Moves. >_< Sucks though at the same time that it doesn't get any Egg Moves. <div class='bbc_spoiler'> <span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' />...
  17. Shiny Shinx

    If I breed Porygon-Z, I'm going to give it a distorted version of Porygon. I.e. P03gOm Something...

    If I breed Porygon-Z, I'm going to give it a distorted version of Porygon. I.e. P03gOm Something like that. Needs more spaz. ORAS made that way easier, but Lugia and Ho-oh are going to be hard because I'm going to try to get them from Pokemon Dream Radar. <del class='bbc'>Name it Wally. XD</del>
  18. Shiny Shinx

    What did you nickname it? I'm pretty much breeding all the Starter Pokemon for a project of...

    What did you nickname it? I'm pretty much breeding all the Starter Pokemon for a project of mine. After I IV breed & EV train, and Level them up to Lv.100, I'm going to get all the different Legendary Mascots and pretty much do the same. For Generation I though I'm going to get Mew2s and a Mew...
  19. Shiny Shinx

    It's turning out horribly. XD Ooh Porygon-Z! Did you nickname it? Also, you should breed...

    It's turning out horribly. XD Ooh Porygon-Z! Did you nickname it? Also, you should breed Empoleon. It looks really cool. So far I've bred Meowstic (Female), Hawlucha, Noivern, Avalugg, Aegislash, Florges; Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espieon, Umbreon, and almost all the Starters (Haven't...
  20. Shiny Shinx

    I'll go try that out. I'm gonna draw draw some random stuff. What Pokemon have you IV bred so far?

    I'll go try that out. I'm gonna draw draw some random stuff. What Pokemon have you IV bred so far?
  21. Shiny Shinx

    I remember I stumbled onto a site where cheat codes and hacking was their specialty. Now if I...

    I remember I stumbled onto a site where cheat codes and hacking was their specialty. Now if I can only find that site again... WELRNQMMMqPOQMCGGG!
  22. Shiny Shinx

    There has to be a way to make a cheat code like that for Generation III though, right?

    There has to be a way to make a cheat code like that for Generation III though, right?
  23. Shiny Shinx

    Yeah, but that isn't to legit (Not like any of them are legit. lol), plus you need to use...

    Yeah, but that isn't to legit (Not like any of them are legit. lol), plus you need to use another code to activate them. I know that I got a working code to get the Azure Flute in Pokemon Platnium, so there has to be a way to do it like in Platnium...
  24. Shiny Shinx

    I didn't think of it that way. Also, I'm trying to find a cheat code for Pokemon Emerald to get...

    I didn't think of it that way. Also, I'm trying to find a cheat code for Pokemon Emerald to get the Old Sea Map, MysticTicket, and AuroaTicket to go to Faraway Island, Navel Rock, and Birth Island respectively. I want to get those items via the Delivery Man rather then getting it from the PC...
  25. Shiny Shinx

    *appears from smoke* I'm probably going to do that after I complete Alpha Sapphire twice...

    *appears from smoke* I'm probably going to do that after I complete Alpha Sapphire twice, including this run through. First a generic run though, then a possible Let's Play, then a run through with Dialga. For some odd reason, the online school I'm in, seems to make some of the math problems...