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  1. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    It was Giga that had this problem. I tried looking for where he said he had resolved it. It wasn't in his original thread but somewhere else... He basically ended up reinstalling windows... If I had to guess, I'd say its related to the the ATL libraries not working correctly (which would...
  2. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    Sorry about all the dll requirements. I think I tried making the exe based on static libraries before but it didn't work. As for it not liking your mod, I tried to load The Dark Platform into CE with some success. The NPC.tbl hitboxes appear correct to me. Is there a specific entity it...
  3. W

    NPC.tbl glitches, solvaded!

    I think this issue has been resolved with the latest release of CE. I just did some test cases on the critters in the first cave and I was able to change their death animations and both sets of sound effect and get the proper results. I didn't check to see if it messed up any other entities I...
  4. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    Ok I found the random scripting crash bug, which I believe is the same bug as the event greater than 1000 bug. It had to do with not ending the script with a blank line (as a habit I always do). I've uploaded an updated zip file (no new source). FYI I won't be able to check the forums tomorrow...
  5. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    Thanks SP. It's good to be back. I guess it does make us rivals. :rolleyes: I hope that makes us both more devoted to making updates. Oh I just figured out the script size limit problem. I don't see an easy way to make it unlimited so I set it to 500,000 characters. It takes a while to...
  6. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    /VVVVVVVVV\ Schokobecher There, you've been officially flamed. You're right it does do a lot for you but so does any good editor. Remember, this is being designed to be an editor not a hacking tool. You're not supposed to have l33t skillz to use it. Even so, you still need to understand a...
  7. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    Not a problem at all. I don't think the NPC behavior or weapon behavior editor section will be ready anytime soon but I can still tweak other sections and fix bugs/add features. I need to learn some better GUI methods though. I'm currently doing everything with Windows GDI which is pretty...
  8. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    Bah, sorry about that. It should be working now. I had the ftp transfer type set to ASCII instead of Binary for some reason...
  9. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    This thread has been zombied. After seeing some rather crippling bugs mentioned in some posts I figured I'd update this darn thing and also find a place to host it again. Check the first post for details! Thanks for the email andwhyisit. I think it jump started my drive to work on this again.
  10. W

    CaveEditor Background Behaviour Issue Solved!!

    Major thread rez I know I disappeared for a very long time but I am still alive. Actually it was an email from Andwhyisit to rehost CE that I received resparked my drive to work on CaveEditor. I saw this post and was very surprised and thought "hey, that should be an easy fix." It turns out...
  11. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    Argh! Assassins! Sorry everyone. I've been very bad these last few months and it doesn't look like I'll be able to continue anytime too soon (probably not until May/June). Work has been killing me. I hate to leave things as they are and would still like to work on this project in the future...
  12. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    You press the Edit Entity radio button in the map edit window. Then right click where you want to add an entity on screen. I do have a list of things that need to be addressed but most of them are cosmetic (like the layout of the map edit window) so I haven't put them at the top of the list of...
  13. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    Right. :D But I'm estimating it will probably take me until around New Year's for NPCs probably quicker for weapons... So many things to do this month.
  14. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    You should be able to add entities. hmmm.... That's odd, let me check. Looks like I wasn't checking for read-only on the script files. It's now been fixed and uploaded. Not worthy of a change to the first post. :D Gah! I've been bad about working on the editor recently. Sorry everyone...
  15. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    New update. Fixed some bugs and added a game settings window. See first post for details. I dare say its starting to be on par with SW. As always, comments are welcomed and appreciated.
  16. W

    Weapon Hacking

    The rate of fire, number of projectiles, and projectile speed are most likely inside each weapon's assembly code and not part of the data section of the exe. The projectile speed might be a little difficult to change depending on some weapons (Missiles seem to speed up as time go by). The...
  17. W

    Weapon Hacking

    I'm not sure if this has been posted elsewhere since it seems like people are talking about hit boxes and stuff but here's what I've found just recently using the polar star as a test weapon: flag 0x20 - destroy breakable bricks flag 0x40 - pierce through breakable bricks For some reason when...
  18. W

    Editing weapon damage

    Hmmm.. I just took a look at Hexplorer and it sounds good but doesn't look so good. Too flashy for a hex editor and none of the screenshots show the disassembler even though it's in the feature list. I'm recommend XVI32 for general hex editing. It's simple and gets the job done. As for...
  19. W

    important find!

    Being that the game was released in 2004 and the date is 04-08-08, which I read as August 8, 2004, I had assumed it was the date of Pixel's child. Though I have no evidence to back this up it seems logical enough. Sort of like a "Special thanks to _________" that you sometimes see in the fronts...
  20. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    My bad. I just placed the old Release version in the zip file for download. So Save and Test won't work but it should load again.
  21. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    Ack! Well then I'll have to static link the library so you don't need the dll... That makes the exe HUGE though. ~2MB. I need to find out what the problem is with the release version. And I don't use assert statements. I've traced the problem to somewhere in the string length assembly file...
  22. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    I had never planned on this being a full blown image editor. I had just seen so many posts about not being able have edited images work in game I added it to the editor. Even so I did just fix the 24-bit edit problem. Undo is on the to do list. As for the crashing, I'm not sure why it's doing...
  23. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    It's on the list. I'm not sure why 24-bit bitmaps are causing problems... :p
  24. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    hmmm... I'm not sure why the .pbm editor is crashing as I haven't had that problem. I just made a small change to the file directory code which might work. It shouldn't have anything to do with the (C)Pixel thing... It's not too obvious but there's a scrollbar on hte right-hand side of the...
  25. W

    CaveEditor again (beta, maybe alpha)

    Orfvar Stöhtkonung - Thanks for the links. I haven't read either of those in a while and I could use a re-read. Well It didn't take as long as I thought but it was harder than I was expecting. Resources suck. There must be over 100 offsets I had to change to get everything working correctly...