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  1. omegax45

    my mom said that cave story mods are adware... :(

    my mom said that cave story mods are adware... :(
  2. omegax45

    idfk m8

    idfk m8
  3. omegax45

    Balrog's long lost brother a cave story fan fiction

    WELL ANYWAY let's move on your fanfiction seems promising, I like the foundation of it. now the only problem I have is that bland, which even then that's because it's the beginning. wish you the best. :):orangebell:
  4. omegax45

    Problem modding

    I found out the problem, the application was being opened by WinRAR of all things (i feel like an idiot)
  5. omegax45

    Problem modding

    i have that
  6. omegax45

    Problem modding

    I know this sound absolutely stupid but I don't know how.
  7. omegax45

    Problem modding

    I'm having a problem trying to open boosters lab but I'm confused, any tips
  8. omegax45

    So, How did YOU find out about Cave Story?

    Re: How were you introduced to CS? Two words: pure chance
  9. omegax45


  10. omegax45

    oh hey... thats is

    oh hey... thats is
  11. omegax45

    Is the DSI Port of Cave Story lost forever ?

    I have a DSi copy of cave story (just need to find out how to convert and dump the file uggggghhhhh)
  12. omegax45

