• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT
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  • Updated the 'Dead End' org file, now Per01 adjusted and echoed. Developed on OrgMaker 3.0.9 by Strultz. See this post to update.
    I like the effect given by the Per01 usage

    Neat to see Welse still around actively working on some things
    Thank you.
    Again, updated. 10/22/2024. Measure 47 Step 16-30 Melody Track 7 Pan and Volume adjust.
    Both the May 15, 2010 and November 13, 2010 Soaprun servers are still up and seems to be still running around the clock. No initialization so far at the time of writing this status, the NPCs are still may be somewhere else because of Soaprunner interaction, and all shade tile drawings still intact. Here's a video showing the most drawing rooms. (Fact: May 15, 2010 map has the most drawing rooms than November 13, 2010 map)

    SoaprunDrawings5152010map-1.mp4 Recorded with Roxio MultiCam Capture.

    More Soaprun servers with different maps are going to pop up soon because alula reached out to Pixel and got the source code of Soaprun and it's server cgi, now it's on the Soaprun page in the Tribute Site. alula shared even 2 more maps. The new servers with different maps will be available when it's done.

    May 30, 2010 and June 19, 2010 are both better than May 15, 2010 because they both have modifications and have more Chase Demons.
    I have some history to share during my playing of the earlier versions of Soaprun back in 2010. I constructed big PNGs of the whole maps of the earlier days. And each time there are some modifications in the updates, I only pasted small room modifications into the PNG.
    March 13, 2010
    April 10, 2010
    April 28, 2010
    May 8, 2010
    May 15, 2010 (From 0.432? Some prior versions before that... Shared in 0.030 mod)
    November 12, 2010 (From 0.432)
    November 13, 2010 (From 0.432, Shared in 0.030 mod, most recent)

    I also want to share the version 0.010 as well that is still lying around. I'm sure that the contents in the data folder are the same as the one from 0.020. This is the absolute single-room prototype and the Soaprunner can only move once per key press.

    Lastly, my hilarious act involving lag, someone with the Shield of Storms and the Chase Demon going over the Safe Zone and purposely dying to flood the spawn point with corpses!
    These are awesome! I'm a bit busy making code updates right now, but once I'm done that I plan to add more servers for each known map variation, so these are exactly what I needed/was hoping someone had.
    More unlost content :orangebell:
    Soap archeology
    If interested in a PDF copy of the score table for Doukutsu Randamu on how you earn points here it is. Now with pictures of items and enemies.

    I did a lot of work using two calculators, getting current score and the changed score after collecting an item or defeating an enemy. Then subtracting the new score using previous score to know the difference, to get the actual points earned. Did all of this on Basic difficulty, then the higher ones. Adding the percent to the points earned can sometimes yield decimals but found out the game rounds down to the integer. Example: 15 + 25% = 18.75 but the game counts it as just 18.
    All the bugs I came across on Doukutsu Randamu reported have been fixed. 1.44.1 is coming, HOWEVER, itch.io has suffered a DDoS attack since 5 AM PDT, 5/27/2024. That update patch is going to be delayed. You cannot use the built-in check for updates feature in Randamu yet, returns SSL connect error, it uses itch.io.

    Please wait until the webmaster of itch.io resolves the attack situation.
    Uhm, sorry my friend, you will need to update the game in itch, because doesn't actually contain the update (I forgot that I put it in separate folder); now has the game.
    Also, on Curly Brace thing, the runs from 1.44.0 may not benefit from this fix, since the problem was with flags being set incorrectly.
    Good to know. Updated right away., that's revision 1.
    ⚰️RIP 3DS & Wii U eShop. 3DS digital games Cave Story+ and Ikachan 3D are no longer available anymore.
    Version of CheesyCS is out which fixes a few bugs in the new mode plus improvements. A patch is available that will normalize (lower the volume of) the MIDI files for this version and all the way down to Uninstall and older before installing latest version, and then download & run the attached patching tool in the first post. https://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/13989
    CheesyCS now has a BIG update that introduces... A NEW GAME MODE. Go here: https://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/13989 to find out. (NOTE: I changed installers, so please uninstall prior versions before installing this one. Thank you very much.)
    It is possible to do that, but all MIDIs come from various authors that had submitted it to vgmusic.com. (excluding one which was made by me despite its availability at vgmusic.com) Volume levels do vary and I'll have to do that on every instrument track to get it closer to near-half volume.

    I have found a program that will normalize the MIDIs so that would certainly help me out. However, I had already released Revision 6 before I took notice of your comment.
    OKAY! I used the normalizing program to lower every note velocity (range 0-127) to 90 and had made a patching program packed in a zip file and attached to the first post of my game. For and down to I recommend you uninstall the game that is and below first. Then install this latest version and then run the patcher.
    CheesyCS now available. Fixes even more bugs that I may have missed, such as when you have two exact bonuses, the left or right one leads to an opponent occupied Safe Zone, using both to actually make a legal move in which you CANNOT. Remember, the Both command is only for the benefit of fast play, if the left and right values both lead to opponent occupied Safe Zone, you CANNOT use both!
    My personal website is SHUTTING DOWN for good. I am sorry to say this, but it is because of the issue that is happening in real life. Lack of funds and family problems. My domain will expire on February 2018. If you are still interested in one of my works, please don't hesitate to leave a comment or PM me.
    Well that sucks :( I know you've never been that active on site, but I always enjoy seeing you around and the stuff you make. Hope you can get yourself back on track soon.
    Cheesy Cave Story has been improved. Finally fixed the bugs that affected the rules of the board game and added new features! See http://www.fluff8836.net/vb or http://doukutsu.rdy.jp to get the latest version. (Yes, I am confident enough to share to the Doukutsu Uploader. And no, AI and Netplay are still yet to be developed). PLEASE BACKUP your statistics data, see the Changelog.
    Hello! I have developed Visual Basic desktop apps. Check 'em at www.fluff8836.net/vb and try 'em out.
    haha wow that background hurts my eyes
    I feel like you'll be excluding a lot of your target audience if cheesy cave story doesn't support 800x600
    @Noxid I've experimented using Paint and pasting the screenshots. Turns out the board and the components would not fit in this resolution, won't be able to see the bottom part of the board. I need Title Bar Space on the top. Even if I separate the Dice Roller components, the chat and statistics in another window, cause that will always overlap the board. Hell, if I shrink the board, I would have to do a lot of work in the code for piece positioning and the character pieces would appear not right.

    @Spirit The website background? Okay, I'll darken it to gray.
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