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  • Because I can.
    That was my first status update, approximately 8 years ago. I miss forum culture. Something brought me back to it today and I don’t know what. I don’t think I will stay here for long, but I am glad to have been part of it. If you're active here, please continue to be. As the internet becomes more and more fractured, private, and niche, it's important to not only reminisce about but also maintain the open dialogue and candid connections that this medium encouraged.
    Say things.
    Because you can.
    Nicalis has activated the chip they implanted into every cave story player
    Nicalis does what Nintencalis
    This might seem like a trivial little thing to say, but in the Custom Fonts thread, I really like how you were so courteously deferential. As someone who messes up everything constantly, seeing someone else behave nicely like that was almost tangibly pleasing.
    Thank you. I haven't used this forum in 8 years, and I apologize for never replying to your appreciation. It means the world now.
    Jenka's nightmare was too deep for my mind to handle.
    Depends a little on the version, it did stump me sometimes though.
    I think he's saying that it was so good, that he couldn't handle it.
    In the new series: Games that Liz has recently played, we have a new contender/exception! Rave Story. IMO it was pretty well made an very funny for a mod. thumbs up to the creator
    Just played the Undertale demo. IMO I found it pretty boring. But I also find Pokemon boring so I guess I should've expected it.
    the start of the game is boring but it does get better
    The demo is more focused on aesthetics (story, feeling impact etc.) than gameplay IMO.
    If the story really didnt leave any impact to your feeling then doubtabout buying undertale is fine.
    i'm 90% sure you can delete your own thread, just check the thread tools button at the top or try to delete the first post or something
    huh, guess you're right. I could've sworn I saw people hide their threads, maybe that was just on IPB
    yeah on IPB a lot of people would delete the first post of their thread and everyone hated it
    it's gone now i guess
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