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so on tuesday i saw that mama cat (that's how i've been calling that stray cat ever since the first time she had kittens last year) got killed by a car and i was sad, but i failed to mention that around the 2nd of may she had kittens *somewhere* (i could tell by the size of her belly)
she never showed me where she kept them (the previous batch she did bring to me eventually) so i just assumed they were just chilling somewhere safe or that something unfortunate happened because i actually looked around where they were supposed to be and found absolutely nothing, didn't even hear a thing
so after i saw her body i got a bit concerned about the litter, they were just a week old kittens at that point; but i had no whereabouts on them at all and i haven't heard them meowing so i just assumed the worst and left it at that
on the same tuesday i got badly sick and spent the next few days either in bed or inside, barely going outside at all, so i haven't seen or heard anything, naturally
until yesterday. yesterday (friday) i was helping push a vehicle around and i heard faint meowing, my cat heard it too and instantly pinpointed the source, it turned out that the orphaned kittens (three in total) were still alive, just hungry. one fell off a ledge and landed in some hay that wasn't exactly too warm so it was a bit low when it came to body temp but i managed to fix that to the best of my abilities

continued in the next comment
so i was left with three orphans, 10 days old at the time of the finding, with no special milk for baby cats and not the best knowledge on how to handle literal babies. i decided to at least feed them regular milk ("it's better than not feeding them at all" was my thought process), i put them in a box with a few rags and a hot water bottle for warmth and that's how i'm trying to sustain them at the moment
if they live through the weekend i found a shelter not too far from here and i'm hoping to take them there and hopefully give them a life
if that doesn't work, i don't know; i can't really do much for kittens this young and none of my friends have cat mums that could take a few more under their belt
they have very little chances to live and i'm only prolonging their suffering if it all doesn't work out but i really do not want to resort to mercy killing right away; i just want to hold onto that sliver of hope and give those kittens a chance to exist
this was very taxing to type so sorry if some parts make little sense but it's a very difficult emotional dilemma and i do not handle those very well
;-; I hope they do make it
I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this, I can't begin to imagine how stressful it must be to go through this dilemma.
Though I'm no expert in cats either, from what I heard most cats are lactose intolerant so they can't process regular milk properly.
@IRUZZ that is partially true, young cats have no problems with lactose but as they turn into adult cats (can't specify the age for you) they lose the ability to... tolerate? lactose
Oh I see, I'm so glad. I really hope they do survive
Hoping the kittens make it…

Sending a millinillion hugs your way!

My late cat Genna didn't have any issues with that, so I imagine it could vary from cat to cat?
(Then again, I only let her have a little milk once on a day, and she was like 17.)
this is really draining me emotionally honestly, i am not sure how well i'll fare mentally in the upcoming week
so far it's not the best, the weakest kitten sadly did not survive, i had to bury it today. it did fight until the end though, it just had the roughest start
the other two are still alright i think, not that much longer before i can try to drop them off at the shelter