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Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

May I ask what your current team is?
If I had my ORAS team this wouldn't be a major issue (I'm sure something was rushed not allowing poke-bank or something), but I digress; in the battle tree (which has a million problems for causal-hard-core-players like myself, but basically with a Xurkitree, Kartana, and Incineroar. All 3 pokemon aren't EV/IV trained; my main gripe with Passimian is it's speed, with the obvious choice scarf + max attack EVs (in speed and attack) and with close combat; it's basically the Talonflame of this generation.

http://prntscr.com/deoe09 (Damn it, google changed the layout AGAIN!)
There's no way it could be considered "the Talonflame of this generation" with stats or abilities like those. All you need to do is actually EV train your mons, preferably get mons with good natures, and possibly pack a counter to Fighting-types.
After about my 10 days of golden bottlecap/bottlecap searching I've barely been able to max 2 IV stats in my ditto, and EV training is a b-word. Super training in gen 6 made it extremely easy to work with. I'm glad there's an exact way now to make a perfectly IV-ed pokemon, but the methods of doing so are so lucrative and wasteful, like why go into a mineshaft and waste 12 hours (assuming you have the beans to double speed it) only to get maybe a stone or something. And finding regular bottlecaps ain't easier either, the lottery on the caps is broken (let's get real every lottery is luck based), fishing is tedious and boring, and I'd rather just wait 'till January to bring up my old team to S&M. But 'till then I'm just gonna keep losing and losing to the same damn ape and maybe a mega-evolution every once and a while.

Like seriously how the hell is it fair that in the battle royal trainers can get mega-blaziken but I can't??
Because the AI is a cheating annoyance at times, much like in most previous generations?