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  • I'm way too active for this forum ain't I
    u should join the discord :))
    My activity here is way too large when I have nothing to do.
    OMG my dad walked into my room while I was creating a GitHub account and he said "I'm not even gonna ask what that is" I think my dad thought GitHub was a porn site or something xD
    That feel when you try to contact someone and only afterwards realize that the person you've been trying to contact hasn't been here for 5 months. I'm stupid. Very, very stupid
    So basically it's been about 11.5 years since Cave Story came out and we still have no plugin for any big / popular media player that plays the songs accurately. I mean, somehow I feel like you gotta applaud Pixel for that.
    Because I'm a weirdo that likes to do it themself.
    Like I have people offer to code stuff for me and I respond with "Nah I'd rather learn to code that myself"
    And because there is no mp3 or flac downloads for selfmade org songs
    and recording in audacity is tedious and all that stuff.
    Oh, so the ORG plugin for WinAmp isn’t accurate? Wasn’t aware of that. It’s close enough for my plebeian ears, though!
    it's the Melody / Wave 63 sample. Listen to the plantation theme REALLY carefully. It makes my ears hurt
    and the foobar2000 component screws up Gestation and Pulse.
    So the forum must've glitched out or something because I received this email: http://imgur.com/gFLa920 The thing is that the reply mentioned in the email was not posted in my thread, but rather in another thread, and wasn't even in response to me.
    I moved the post because it looked like Bionico posted his reply in the wrong thread. As for how he managed to reply in the wrong thread, I have no idea.
    Yay just made my first proper post, feel oddly relieved. Maybe because I'm very cautious about leaving a good first impression.
    A word of advice, if you're overly excited about joining the forums, don't be. You'll be disappointed. You've joined right after a very large modding event so things are going to wind down here for a while most likely.
    Goerge Bobicles
    Goerge Bobicles
    @SuperJaws100 don't be such a downer

    @OmegaFoxie contrary to what SuperJaws100 was saying, now that our mod contest is over, this is a perfect time for new members to contribute their opinions and content on our forums
    @SuperJaws100 Actually, I was more anxious than excited, but yeah, I know forums are usually really chill unless there is some big event going on, hehe
    I literally just made my account because I wanted to post something in the music forum, not sure tho if I should introduce myself first and where.
    You should totally introduce yourself! Go to the Satellite Lounge and you'll find a stickied thread for that.
    Alrighty, thanks c:
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