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Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

you can pm people by clicking on their name and selecting "start a conversation" on the box that comes up

also those sprites are pretty gnarly
What about a debug cat mask? :P
Fuckkk these are adorable man, I wish I could do pixels like you
A couple things I can see are that there are some inconsistencies between the different frames - for example it looks like he has a belt in his "looking up" frame but not in his idle frame. Not a big deal but thought I'd mention it.
One other thing that may or may not help your looking up frames: they already look good and are different enough from the idle frames to be effective, but the frames might look a little more dynamic if you played with moving around the rest of the head a bit - moving the bangs upward, moving the rest of the hair downward, or something else entirely. Like I said, it might not help your sprites, but definitely something to consider.
@Xemous : Ohhhh, okay--whoops. Thank you, I was wondering how that worked. owo And thank you, I'm honored to hear that you like them!

@andwhyisit :Debug cat? Ohhhhh, you mean the little tiger, right? I was wondering what it was for, since it wasn't polished like the rest of the sprites. XD I might think about it, maybe for my brother's Halloween set, or something, since I think it'd be a neat callback!

@Doors : D'aww, shucks--thank you, I'm really glad to hear that you like them, I really wanted to get some expert opinion on these, so I can get a better hang of the style. >w< Truth be told, I wanted to do so, but I wasn't entirely sure about how to do so. I'll play around with the hair and ears to see what happens, but thank you for your input! If it doesn't work out too well, I'll let you know how it goes. Thank you again, Doors! 8D
So...still can't seem to locate the "start a conversation" option yet, for some reason. Maybe it's hiding so well due to my being kinda tired. =w=;
I'm not sure if this is an improvement, but I tried to bring the hair down a bit more, and angle it a bit towards the side, at least with the side-most bang. I'm not sure how well it worked, or if I did very well, but I feel kinda happy with this so far. 'w' Old is on the left, New on the right--I'm sorry, I forgot to add this when I first posted. >w<;
It's looking really good! I think the changes worked out well ;3
As for how to PM, you can start up a conversation by hovering over the tab in the top-right that says "Inbox" (in between the tab that says your name and the tab that says "Alerts") and choosing to start a new conversation.
D'aww, awesome--thank you, Doors, I admit that I do feel a lot happier with the new edits, since it makes it feel more lively, and full of life. 8D I'd love to show you more progress when I make it, if you'd like to see it, I've honestly truly enjoyed sharing these with you! Still, when I highlight Inbox, the option to start a new conversation doesn't show up, so...is it possibly due to my status, or amount of posts? I seem to only have three registered, despite commenting so in the introduction thread. >w<;
You might need to stay a member for a bit longer to do it, maybe. I think like a week? Also posts in the Satellite Lounge don't increase your post count, and since the introduction thread is in the Satellite Lounge your posts there don't count.
And of course, I'd love to see more!
Hmm, maybe so--I'll wait a bit longer, and watch to see if the option shows up later on. Still, oof, sounds like I'd better find more forums to at least comment on, if I want my post-count to increase a little. owo; Thank you, though, I'll let you know when I have something new to share, Doors!

@zxin : Well, I don't actually take commissions yet, for a few reasons,; one of them being that I don't have my own Paypal setup for use, yet. >w< If you're still interested later on, when I do have one, let me know, and we'll talk about it! owo Now as for making the tail move more, how so? I want it to look as best as possible, so I'd love to hear input on how to improve it.
Okay, away from the camera a bit more? Hmm...maybe on the third frame, since it's shading is still kinda light, like the default frame. o: I'll play with that a little and see if simply darkening it would work, but if not, I'll tweak it some more. Thank you for you input, zxin!
So, I made a bit more progress, though I'm still debating about making the tail move more on the walking sprites--I don't have a lot of experience with making tails move, so this is a bit of a trial and error thing for me. >w<;
Anyways though, this is something else entirely, featuring a backwards facing sprite, and, uhh...whatever this one is? It looks like a sitting sprite, but I'm not sure. I don't remember seeing the pose used in the game. owo;
@zxin : Ohhh, okay--I thought I'd never seen it used, but well, as a perfectionist, maybe it's best that I changed that one, too, so the set's complete. XD
Now, as a mention, I deleted the sprites connected to most of the previous links(I think), since this one has all of them thus far. I think he's finished, now, save for the mimiga mask sprites, which I'll work on tomorrow. Phew, this has been a fun exercise with the style, honestly, so I might have to work with it a lot more often! XD
The shading on the falling sprite seems to not use top-down light sources like the rest of the sprites, but rather bottom-up. Essentially you've flipped an image but not adjusted the shading afterwards.

I've modified one of the images to show you what I mean:
@andwhyisit : Ohhh, oops--I guess that was one case I shouldn't have just followed the original sprite's lead, heh. owo; This honestly does make it look nicer, though, thank you, And! Would you mind if I edited this a smidge, and used it? I'd be sure to credit you whenever I post the sheet to one of my art sites. >w<;


WAIT. How did I miss that? The original sprite for Quote had the shading on the legs different, but somehow, I totally missed it. Was it that subtle, or did I only see the resemblance in the pose? owo;