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Wait wait I want to ask something because I feel it's very important to the conversation.

Did you buy a *h-doujin*? Or just a non-pornographic doujin.

Cuz I have a couple of h-doujins. They're for a series I know little to nothing about though, since I got them from a friend for cheap.
Also BLink, what sort of cemented your status as a "weeb" for me was probably when you were replying to people in Japanese for no reason (they were english speakers, they wouldn't have been able to read what you were saying), and also that time you wrote safusaka's name in hiragana in a reply, even though I don't think he actually knows Japanese either.

GiR has doujinshi

I don't pretend I'm Japanese 100% of the time, I'm sure I overdid it in the past <strong class='bbc'>way</strong> to much but I stopped because of what wild desu said a while ago (forget where) about it and when GiR pointed it out in one of EO's status updates. (I'm also acting completely English right now so you know.)

As long as it doesn't absolutely piss everyone off by me talking about it, (which it does irl) then why should you honestly care, just pass me off as a jerk and keep it to yourself.

@GiR I got an sfw one, a visual novel with really good art.

Refer to what I said to paths.
I don't think you know what a visual novel is, BLink. You should really look up terminology so you don't keep misusing it.

Hint: Visual novels normally come on CDs or are downloaded digitally.
I meant graphic novel. (oops)

Also I want to apoligize for acting like a weeb and I don't want to be considered one anymore.
Just someone interested in anime and good clean quality entertainment.
okay i will admit gir has doujinshi or whatever the fuck
however i did not know until literally 10-20 minutes ago so i was rightfully wrong

in truth you are still 100% weeaboo all the time (prime examples are your location and member title) and you haven't really...stopped.
you still put japanese signatures or whatever in your art and it absolutely disgusts me because it is so unnecessary to have it there and i hate unnecessary things
and i WOULD "pass [you] off as a jerk and keep it to [myself]", but it concerns me to a point where i have to speak up about it
plus you're not being a jerk, just a weeb
there's a prime difference between the two, just like doujinshi and visual novels
so take that! into thought
I wouldn't worry about Paths too much, I think he just needs some time to cool off.
Okay Blink assuming you know what the general definition of a weeaboo is you check like 9 out of 10 requirements
What further cements you as a weeaboo is that you draw attention to your almost obsessive interest in Japanese culture, not to mention all your personal achievements and goals all center around the central theme of general "Japanese-ness", if that's even a thing. Speaking Japanese or trying to participate in discussions about the language without a certain amount of knowledge in it also driving the point further.
Your extremely limited views on anime and other aspects of Japanese culture reflect the ignorance that many weeaboos have which is precisely what defines them.
You might not be intending it, but whether it be including the occasional Japanese phrase in your posts or comments or the fact that almost all your interests all are somehow rooted in Japan (sonic is debatable but that's a separate case altogether) you have been and are still a weeaboo, not just by our viewpoints, but by the written definition.
@PathsAabout my art. I keep being lazy and forgetting to edit out my name and stuff when I post it here.

My member title? how does "AW YEA" have anything to do with japan It's the opening line to Sonic's story to Sonic adventure. (and it suits my userpic)

My location is a self note that I have been procrastinating learning my kanji.

Are you saying that you are actually doing this out of the goodness of your heart and not to just tick me off. (and to be affirmative, that was a serious question.)


This week has been rough without my own PC and other stuff I don't want to talk about. I'll think about what I've said and stuff.
the final step to being a full weeaboo is trying to argue that you're not a weeaboo
i'm a huge fucking weeb and it is OK to be a weeaboo it's just hilarious when you constantly do the japanese for no reason thing
also just because you erase your name in jap doesn't mean it didn't happen? i dont understand your point there

also also please tell me you're not trying to learn KANJI before you learn kana, that sounds like eternal suffering (i might be wrong tho? i assume life is easier if you learn kana first but i'm not jap)
It's perfectly fine to be a weeaboo? I though it was derogatory, especially since you guys always say "fucking weeb" to me. (I'm not fond of being looked on by peers as an "fucking idiot" a lot.)

It really doesn't matter what one you study first early on if you just want to learn the English names of the kanji. (though it is good to get your kana base down fast) It's a huge chore to learn kanji so I started early on.
And I can all but write all the kana characters from memory at this point so yeah.
ok first off we didn't call you a fucking idiot now did we we called you a fucking weeb
and see blink the difference is that yeah i watch a lot of anime, draw in anime style, read doujinshis and i'm even trying to study japanese, but i'm not trying to force it into my english vocabulary or talk about it 24/7 (not that you were doing that, i havent really been paying attention but that's obvs a big weeaboo thing to do) basically i dont let it define me

and oh ok, i didnt realize you did learn kana first :V
Um, I'm very sorry to be interrupting here, but I'd just like to say that, as far as my observations go (which probably doesn't mean much), in modern language, quite a bit of profanity is also used to intensify adjectives. Describing something as '*** X' probably just means 'very very much X', it isn't necessarily meant to be derogatory. Also, even if it were derogatory, just take it with a smile, the worst thing you can do to enemies is forgive them. (Fortunately, that's probably not the case here.)
Just thought I'd put in my two cents here, and also, pretty please, don't argue. It isn't nice to see people making the same mistake I did. Yes, it is a bit weird for someone to sometimes just use a different language, but please be a bit more polite about pointing it out and taking advice/criticism, and it isn't really a big deal. I apologize if what I have said is annoying or dumb, and thank you very much for hearing me out.
Oh, and I also apologize for not spoilering the long text properly. Sorry.
P sure he meant the weeb part not the fucking part

I don't know why you all have such a phobia of arguments, how do you expect to develop proper opinions towards subjects without input from other people
That is literally what arguments are for
Oh, I'm sorry. I just thought it was a little bit unpeaceful, but if it's beneficial, then by all means, carry on. Again, sorry to have interrupted.
I do understand if it was an aggressive argument, but it really isn't
The only real aggression here has been from paths but it looks like he's done now
Yeah baka, this is completely normal for us. It /looks/ like it attempts to escalate but it really doesn't. Were just rough around the edges sometimes.

And I'll take those words to mind Doors, Thanks.
Oh. So, um, where did you get this doujinshi from? I'm a bit curious. And what's the title?
From Otaku republic (only place I could find that ships internationally) It's a graphic novel continuation of Madoka magica, it's titled <em class='bbc'>You can't catch me</em>.

The art looked really good so I decided why not.

<a href='https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=31479' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>https://www.melonboo...roduct_id=31479</a>